Friday, May 29, 2020

paint party Friday I'd like to give you the moon and the stars and flowers

Welcome to Friday's paint post...
I started a painting class with Mary P. Murphy that is full of information and inspiration.
One exercise was to paint a really large flower engaging the borders, on small paper.
 this is 5" square paper, using round #8 brush and Kuretake paint, with white Posca pen dots.

Over paint, outline in pen, add, lift color, til content. DH said, it's so vibrant!
She also suggested 12 texturing techniques to try, one was saran wrap on very wet color
lots of water, blobs of color and let saran wrap dry on it
I used the scribble technique from last week, turned it round and round til I saw something.
Used the collage technique of cutting magazines for words and images on top.
and love it. The fountain was in an ad in Marie Claire, the words described a strong woman who works for the good of our earth's environment.

She suggested underpainting a background in hard lines

fun in itself to see where color touches, right?
Then I drew a tree with blossoms...
and for my mandala series, added in a spiral at the roots... kind of like a snail
the image is hard to see here but this is lovely in person. Soft blues and silver pen create ephemeral clothing and wings, wand and crown.

Amber Bonnici held a zoom seminar for creative women across the globe, so I went to see. They were considering play, and magic in art.
I heard her say when approaching a new skill, you can be nervous and tell yourself you can't do it, or you can see where it takes you... So for me, a curved doorway, steps up to it as one needs to take baby steps when learning, and an invitation to enter.

To cap it off this week, I saw a brilliant natural moon phenomenon this week, a smiley face of crescent moon and two stars/planets in alignment in the sky...
My point and shoot camera couldn't capture it well, so I painted it
here's to self expression.... and play


Pink Saturday!


easyweimaraner said...

I love it too... the colors can talk somehow... and they bring good mood ;O)

Sara said...

That pink flower - WOWZA! That should be printed as is on a greeting card or maybe on fabric. Beautiful.

Duke said...

Your paintings are always so beautiful. Love them all!

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful art. My faves are the moon and stars and that gorgeous flower. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

PaintedThread said...

That flower is amazing! Love it. The saran wrap colors is fun, too.

myra anderson said...


Tails Around the Ranch said...

Such pretty flowers! said...

Love the flower!

Christine said...

Lovely paintings!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

These are charming, beautiful drawings!

Linda said...

Delightful post. Have a good weekend.

Barbara said...

Love the exercises, especially the large flower and surprising Saran Wrap. I love surprises. Beautiful work!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Play and have fun! That big bold flower is super ! another painting that should be on fabric !

Fair Meadow Place said...

I love your art and the colour is wonderful.

Linda Kunsman said...

wonderful art- your flowers at the top are my favorite- just beautiful!

MissPat said...

That big pink flower is gorgeous and reminds me of the many large floral fabrics I have that I can't bear to cut up. I agree with the person who says you should make it into greeting cards. Looks like you had a lot of fun with painting this week.

DVArtist said...

Wow! This is beautiful. Just wonderful art this week. Have a great Sunday.

Soma @ said...

Lovely work of arts, Lee Anna! The flower looks amazing! Thanks for sharing your thoughts too along with the artwork.


sonja said...

lovely, lovely pinkly flower painting! have you thought about spoonflower to make a bit of yardage from your paintings?
try a light sprinkle of salt into wet watercolor, if you have not already. one gives up control for surprise.

Jo said...

Love that pink flower! So vibrant and so free. I am constantly told to loosen up my paintings. That is a goal I make small incremental progress towards but you are already there.

Crafting Queen said...

Love the flowers, beautiful painting.