Saturday, February 8, 2020

sewing Saturday improv log cabins

Welcome to this week's sewing round-up

These are some cool log cabins done in an improvisational way.

When looking through my orange scrap bin to keep with the color of the month at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, "Orange" , I noted a lot of strings.

thin small or long, strips, often ragged often fraying and uneven.


Off to the white and beige bin for similar strips, sit at the machine and piece the puzzle pieces together
don't overworry size of blocks, keep pressing between strips, let the centers vary, allow for it to be perfectly imperfect because the odd  tilts are more interesting to me than straight little soldiers.

Oh let's make a couple more blocks...
and move them around on the wall.
I think I'll go back and do this with the bright greens from last month!


Sara said...

I love log cabin blocks - wonky or straight. These look terrific!!

Joanne said...

So Cool !
Don't forget the neutral lime green !

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are such fun log cabin blocks! I love that kind of sewing - no stress or impossible directions to follow. :) They will be wonderful in all the colors!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

very nice this blocks! great work!
have a nice day, Elke

Kaja said...

These are cute - you should definitely make them in all the colours.

BEARKIS said...

Артистични и красиви съчетания, много ми допадат,поздравления!!!

Duke said...

One of my favorite patterns. Love the log cabins!

scraphappy said...

Lovely log cabin blocks. They will be great in green too. Improvisational is always a fun process.

LA Paylor said...

Artistic and beautiful combinations, I like it very much, congratulations !!!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

One of my most favorite quilt patterns!

Ann said...

Those shades of red and white are perfect for Valentines. And log cabins are always a welcome design. Have fun putting these together.

Cheryll said...

Gotta LoVe a wonky block & what a great use of scraps.
Well done...

gayle said...

Love those wonky cabins!
That last photo made me think of a cardinal in flight.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

This is the perfect blocks to make when you have lots of strings. I love them in orange!

Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

Jayne said...

Gorgeous and perfectly imperfect! What fun blocks and perfect for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

I love log cabins, so versatile and fun!

Kathe W. said...

love love love making log cabins! Great colors! Cheers!

Susie H said...

Oh what fun! Bet those green ones will play ever so nicely with the orange ones!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I love your "tilted" strips or orange. Your process encourages me to try it out one day.

Jeanna said...

You have an orange scrap bin? I bet you have a warm and inviting home, don't you? Kisses to the Milo boy. Oliver says, "Hi." Actually he says, "A wooo!" My cousin got the most hilarious clip of him on the couch howling after everyone left him on his own, I'll have to post it. Yes, my cuz was in his boy cave in the basement but that doesn't count in the little rat boy's beady eyes.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

I love log cabins. There are so many different variations and so many patterns you can make with them.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Looking forward to seeing how these string-y log cabin blocks come together, LeeAnna!!

Nann said...

I went back to see what you'd made with bright green. I think those wonky geese could work nicely with these log cabins....that is, pick a different wonky block to make using that month's color....

Judy Hansen said...

This looks so relaxing - no worries about strip size with the wonky log cabin. I must try this for those days where I just need to sew and not worry about size of anything. Thanks for sharing with Design Wall Mondays, Judy

Susan said...

Love your orange blocks for February!!