Friday, October 25, 2019

watching paint dry

It's paint party Friday! I've painted and sketched a bit this week.
Inspired by zentangle, I painted a quick fall colored scene and then used the pigma pen in black to ink over it. I love the way the sections intersect and the whole of the piece. Of course it's too small!
at Denver Botanic Gardens
Even the enormous two story glass sculpture by dale chilhuly at the denver botanic gardens nighttime ghost walk inspired this week's color choices!
Seems I can't get enough pumpkin color. This used KOI paint, with tombow marker in bright blue around the motifs, then dragged outward with wet brush. White gel pen, and gray fineliner add details.
I watched a cool video on painting mushrooms, but she used masking which I don't have. I made do with white paint which worked fine. It's a study in my sketch book, so very little paint as paper is too thin to support much. The tallest mushroom came after watching the video but the others are all mine.
I learned a tiny pale amount of color is very effective, with gray fine liner on top for details. I need to figure out the perspective of the larger mushroom too, it's too regular and odd angle...
I liked the mushrooms from my imagination best this time...
and the angles pleased me

I'm working daily on my halloween quilt which is going to be about 35" X 52" long. More on Sewing Saturdays tomorrow
for now, here's my weekly favorite, and the video I watched... happy painting!

in case the video doesn't work...

linking to:


Rain said...

Hi Leeanna :) I like your zentangle inspired piece (I actually had to look that up!) The acorns catch my eye. :) I'm very envious that you went on a ghost walk! I live way up in a small mountain village and there is nothing like that around here - well, I guess I could walk in the woods after midnight for the same feeling lol! That glass sculpture is so beautiful, no wonder the colours inspired you! Your pumpkin painting is really nice and I too like the mushrooms you created from your imagination too! The brush of colours works so well! I can't wait to see your quilt finished!!

Valerie-Jael said...

You have made lots of beautiful art this week, and love the Chilhuly glass sculpture for inspiration. Love the Halloween quilt, too. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Always love seeing the Chilhuly sculpture whether it's day or night. Beautiful image!

easyweimaraner said...

you are super talented... and you have the gift to bring sunshine and good feelings in your work...fabulous!!!

Sara said...

I know I've said it before - but your botanicals are my favorite thing you paint. You have a great touch with them.

Beth Niquette said...

I adore your shrooms. They fill my eyes. What a talented artist you are!

sirkkis said...

My favourite is also the beautiful zentagel in autumn colours.
Happy PPF and weekend 🌺

Julierose said...

Beautiful watercolor mushrooms...I have been using pictures of them in my journal --cute little umbrellas...I like your Halloween piece...hugs, Julierose

Linda Kunsman said...

You're always showing such wonderful creations, and your watercolor and drawings are coming along beautifully. Love your pumpkin painting especially. Happy PPF!

Duke said...

Love the pumpkin and mushroom painting! Your quilt is coming along beautifully. Love the fabrics!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
so much colour in the Fall! Great creative moments!
Thanks for sharing! You do so many things!
Hope you take time to enjoy slow/empty/recharge moments.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Love the fall colors in your paintings and the pumpkin is nicely done. That Halloween quilt looks colorful! Cool.

Christine said...

Beautiful work!

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Nadya said...

Your pieces are a great way to welcome in fall - congrats on being the PPF winner!