Saturday, September 14, 2019

sewing saturday purple's and purchases

The studio was alive with color this week! Since the design wall is covered with lattice blocks, even more lattice blocks stacking up in the little black bins holding it up, I filled the portable design wall with my purple flowering snowball blocks.
These are slower to make than some blocks, cutting is challenging even with the rotating mat and acrylic templates. as always it was fun to go through my box of purple scraps to find the right sizes to cut pieces from. I don't like to cut into usable larger pieces, so I try to match the sizes. I also needed to catch up with the light blue month I missed so they are mixed in.
I cut all the components and got organized. Then sewed block units together and pressed, and stacked them on the sewing table ready to finish all at once. There is a lot of matching and pinning on curves as well as slowing down and taking care to keep a good quarter inch seam allowance.
they are all crumply before you press carefully. I press to the snowball (white here) and it lays flat.
Look at that special scrap with the sleeping kittens! The pretty Asian scraps, butterflies, and stars!
sometimes it's hard to cut into even a 10" square, virtually wasting some of the fabric but I'm trying to force myself to use fun pieces too.
I didn't do as many as other colorway months, because I got tired. I usually do 12 of each color, this time there are 11 purple and 8 blue. My back got tired cutting them all. I might go back later and do a few more...
I LOVE the mix of light blue and purple. I'm beginning to wonder if some of these block quilts should be put together in analogous groupings instead of rainbows of color.
I like green and blues together, pink and orange, yellow and blue.

I thought I'd show you some recent purchases too...
a 2 lb scrap bag for $6, some cool alphabet black and white fabric and the cute little leaf pattern I hope to start on soon.

I really like dresden plates and saw this tool being used to press the points, so...
nothing like the right tool for the job, right?
How I spied this little lonely fat quarter I don't know. I have an eye for the unusual and whimsical, and it was the last little bit of that fabric left in the shop so come on home with me! I would have purchased a yard or more to have enough motifs to play with but I'm happy to have this!

I also sewed the light blue chandelier blocks but that's for next week.

can I get a whoop whoop Fridays  
Esther's blog Wednesdays 
Midweek makers wednesdays
design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts
oh Scrap Sundays 
 scrap happy Saturdays


Quilter Kathy said...

I love the mix of the blue and purple blocks together too... what a great scrappy project!

Deb A said...

Purple and blue go so well together! Those flowering snowball blocks look so difficult to make... but they sure are beautiful.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Blues and purples are my favorite colors. So rich looking and I automatically feel cozy.

Libby in TN said...

I think you have a good idea to group the RSC colors (or pairs of colors) from multiple years into a single quilt. I'll definitely think on that one! The prairie pointer tool is nice because you can press right on it. You should get her Dresden wedge, too, if you don't already have it.

piecefulwendy said...

Oh how I would love to have a design wall the size that those beautiful lattice blocks are on. I like your new blocks, with all the purples and blues. Will be fun to see this one progress!

Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
That's living creatively!
I saw that dresden plate pressing tool just the other day on youtube or on Internet anyway! Looks like a great tool. one warning..the metal gets hot! looking forward to seeing your results!

Duke said...

Love your work and that whimsical fabric is so sweet!

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Love your RSC projects. Want to see a cool effect with your Flowering Snowball blocks? Offset them by 1/3 and pop in a square to fill the gaps.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

The blue and purple look so pretty together. Nice fabric choices to bring home.

Jeanne said...

I'm dividing some of my RSC blocks this year into a cool set and a warm set, instead of using all of them together to make a complete rainbow array.

Duke said...

Mom is laughing at herself when you told her that you were named for Milo Ventimiglia, Milo. She's wondering what he looks like so she googled and realized that's the "This is Us" dad! She loves that show! Maybe mom needs to learn the actor's names!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your purple snowballs are so pretty! I love that block. And your last photo of that interesting fat quarter - what fun to have to use in something unique!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I agree, those blue and purple blocks look great together. So peaceful. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Wow!! Those design walls look AWESOME dressed in PURPLE (and in Lattice blocks, too!)

Rebecca Grace said...

You know, there is a depth or something extra that comes from mixing in those blues. Overall the block collection reads purple from a distance, but it’s just richer and so much more interesting for the bits of blue that you mixed in. Nothing in nature is really all one color, if you take the time to look carefully.

Susie H said...

Your stash enhancement pieces are beautiful and I'm sure you'll have a great time using them up. The purple blocks are very pretty and I'm still loving the lattice quilt behind them.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Oooh, I would've picked up that fat quarter, too. And, a $6 bag of scraps. Lots of fun to be had there. I like that design. Looks challenging, right up my alley. Something to think about trying one day.

Susan said...

Love, love, love all the color with those lattice blocks - that's going to be one beautiful quilt!

Glenda said...

A lovely blog as usual LeeAnna. Such a long time since I dropped in, and its my loss. Love the lattice blocks??? Those curved blocks are so lovely when complete but boy they are a challenge to make LOL That last piece of fabric is a steal, Isn't that teapot face gorgeous? Hugs Glenda