Thursday, September 12, 2019

I Like Thursday #158

Welcome to this week's list of likes...
Let's start with the slightly cooler weather... whew! It's a relief to see 80's and 60s at night!
Most of my flowers are hanging in there, but something is happening to my vegetables...

vege pic of the week
 sunburn? uneven watering? The poor white eggplant is covering the blossom end rot on the pepper

I like the book I am reading at night by Jodi Thomas, (The little teashop on Main) it reminds me a bit of my style of fiction writing and I only wish I could read faster as there are so many books to read.
I've been looking through my library books, and will include them in Monday's Happy Homemaker post where I talk about books, movies, tv, food, crafts I am doing.

The book on disc playing in the studio is so engrossing it keeps me sewing!
I like catching up on my color challenge blocks this week, more on that Saturday.
view from panera bread
I liked the almond and chocolate croissants we got at Panera last weekend. Heated for a few seconds, and the filling is so good!
even at panera the food never changes for me

I liked painting this week. I found a great tutorial and got to do some sketches as well as a really pretty whimsical forest scene. Love paint.

I like Milo coming to stand next to me at the computer, to snuggle or guard, who knows?
My buddy... I can pet while I type or paint with my other hand!
I liked getting Milo bathed and trimmed this weekend. Oh he didn't like it, he snuggled up to me and growled at Daddy when he came down to get him for the bath. Then he saw there was no hope, that it was indeed the end of his world, and he hung his head, and marched right into the shower. He let me shave him, even feet, with much less push-back than normal too. He looks really fine, y'all!

I like a poodle who doesn't smell like the yard!

art installation with a flamingo in it
Last weekend we went to a new-to-us French market that was wonderful but very hot...

the market was quite large and varied!
Milo did very well with dogs barking at him and the hot pavement, and was the little ambassador walking in the shade and greeting business owners! I love this kind of flea market, and bought three small egg cups that looked like Faberge style on legs. Going to do something special with those...
I liked the pumpkin haunted house for sale
 Milo loved shopping too...

get me one, Mama!
We also went to a new-to-us market place in an old airplane hangar, Stanley Market. They had a lovely 90 tent art show, and there was astounding work being shown. About 5 booths I've never seen the type of art... this goes on our list for next year for sure.

I learned a lot from a pastel artist, no pics sorry but that's the way it is. We talked about my recent attempt using pastels... he solved my problem... use better materials and keep trying. I don't like the feel of using them though... but when I asked how he lets go of his work to sell, he said when he signs a piece, it's no longer his, it's waiting to go to a person who'll love it.
Something for me to work towards.
We heard flaminco music and came outside to see this artist. Apparently he squeezes paint onto a canvas and then dances on it. We watched long enough to see it's surprisingly vibrant and beautiful after all the heal stamping, and tapping and sliding. He ignored us all pretty much.

MILO'S Moments

make sure to get my good side...
Hi Y'all! I like dining outside sometimes, especially if Mama holds my bowl for me. It's bad enough I have to stick my head in it like an animal! I like the cooler days, and being out back with my mom.
I loved that my friend Gracie came back from two weeks in the camper with her Daddy. Bet she's got some stories for me. She has been pulling him to come to my house but he must be tired 'cause he tells her to stop when she barks at me from across the neighbor's yard. 
I liked looking around the craft show and being petted by lots of people. I liked my play date with Moosie, the weimeraner girl but she wore me out. First we ran across two yards back and forth like a car race for 20 times. Then we played in the back yard til Mama came out with cookies. After a little break I decided it was time for her to go home but she still wanted to play. Hey! You're nearly naked! I'm wearing a black fur coat! See ya' later gator. 

Now sit! Stay! and visit Mama's friends keeping a list of likes too!   

Linking to these fine parties!!
rosie and the boys nature pics


easyweimaraner said...

I like this way to dance a painting.. we noticed that in our bad idea catalog for the next diy project...

PaintedThread said...

Almond chocolate croissants are yummy. Neat craft fair! Looks like a lot of fun. Yay for a clean and pretty Milo.

Ann said...

I would be tricky to paint by stamping my feet but perhaps my results would be better. I always enjoy seeing the different markets. I guess I need to hunt some out, too.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Great likes! I can never get over how well behaved Milo is in public--especially with dogs barking at him! Lots of fun and thanks! said...

Awesome likes. Flamenco dancing huh? My dad worked in the printing industry. He set up a board near a bucket where they used to throw ink rags. He ended up with some pretty cool pictures. One of them looked like a ship on the ocean, a client came through and liked it so much the owner gave it to them. Milo is such a good boy in public. Bobbin is kind of hit and miss.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Oh no-your veggies look so sad. Is it the cool nights? That art in plants is very cute. How well behaved Milo is for a trim. I like Panera, too.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Pretty view from your Panera and yummy sounding treats, too! Does Milo get a shower? That sounds like a great way to get him cleaned up! Like everyone else, I fascinated by the guy dancing his way to a painting!

Roseanne said...

Hi LeeAnna! It looks like there are so many art fairs each weekend. It must be hard to pick which ones to attend. Milo had so great moments, and looks so handsome with his haircut. ~smile~ Roseanne

Sandee said...

If you have Milo in a post then I'm all in. He's a handsome one.

Have a fabulous Thursday. ♥

Michelle said...

I like the dancing painter. That is new to me. We have been boiling hot here lately. I am so ready for fall. Milo is so handsome. Thanks for linking up

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

A French market...that even sounds more wonderful! Wish I was there! Hugs!

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Sounds like you both had good times.

Duke said...

Your bowl has food in it that hasn't been eaten, Milo! Are you a boy that takes his time and doesn't woof it down? I never waste any time downing mine!

Tamar SB said...

You always find such fun things!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

You guys make good use of your weekend time and there seems to be no end to the great events to visit where you are living. So much to see, take in and interesting folks to chat with. I never could master pastels...always found them messy. Chocolate croissants are one of my favourite things. I've never known a dog that liked baths.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun week! Milo is adorable.

QuiltGranma said...

I would love to come and hug Milo! I love poodles, and standard poodles are just SO smart! When clean the smell lovely!

Jeanne said...

Glad it's cooled off a bit for you! Yum, croissants :)