Thursday, June 27, 2019

I Like Thursday #147.... plants paints flamingos and a doodle

Welcome to this week's list of likes! It's all about the little things that make up our days isn't it?

I love our fountain brought from MD. DH fixed the leak it developed somewhere between MD and CO, so it's burbling away like a songbird. I put a tiny petunia in the top, now it looks just like we live in Italy, heh heh
Our neighborhood had a casino night, where they gave us each $500 play money, provided snacks, and we could enjoy meeting other neighbors. We went thinking we'd stay an hour but ended up spending the whole time having fun.
Here's Mr Not Afraid of color (in the green hat provided by the organizers)  playing roulette and even sometimes winning. We could trade in tickets for chances at prizes, I won a Khols gift certificate. Perfect!
I mostly played blackjack because my friends were there, and I loved the dealer. We laughed so much at that table, he could have been laughing at us...

We visited a farmer's Market in Southlands for the first time, and tasted really good....and really bad stuff, met other doggies, chatted with people. It poured rain that morning but this was during a lull in the rain.
The home made Greek items are about gone already
but the wine and cherry balsamic is still with us.
I'm still drawing or painting each morning... this was a tutorial by Shayda Campbell on drawing herbs.
I love watching youtube and then seeing my own work improve with the lessons! I like my steadtler pen in gray too. I've had this sketchbook for years but it's now filling up with beauty.

I remembered DH got me a paint box one year, full of different kinds of paint, inks, crayons, pencils. I dug it out and tried the watercolors and they are still good. I think it will be fun to try the acrylics sometime too.

I like being a part of the Paint Party Friday group now that I paint more often. I'm posting my latest paintings Fridays, please come visit!

I've been sewing, I like to sew little pieces to each other and make stuff with it lol. I made more chandelier blocks after trying out a red white and blue arrangement of my blocks last week. I may not use all the colors in one quilt, I may make an entire quilt out of the green, blue and aqua blocks. But I made more blue and red blocks and turned them into a 4th of July table runner. It's not quilted but the top is done and I used old R.W.& B. fabrics, so that was great. (the box is still full)

I like the book on CD playing in the studio right now... The Lake House by Morton

The Lake House by Kate Morton - Used (Very Good) - 1451649320 by Atria Books |
It's complex but intriguing to quilt to.

I like all my pretty flowers and vegetables that are flowering right now. I have flowers on the zucchini and beans, peppers and tomatoes. No fruit yet but flowers are the sign of hope!

I liked this group of 10 flamingo cakes that Sally at craftscaviescontras sent me

Milo's Moments
Hi Y'all! I like playing... I'm a player! I love my friend Gracie, a doodle, who moved in 10 months ago.

I can see her from my backyard, and if I didn't notice she barks hello so I can get my Mama to call for a play date. She's crazy about toys, and will pick up three at once!
I just like to run next to her, holding her tail in my mouth. She doesn't mind, and it's kind of like holding her paw. I also play hard with my friend Murphy who is little but mighty. He jumps up on my Daddy's lap which drives me crazy so I bark my head off, but he's the best for sheer running mates.
I like running into friends on walks, like last night I saw Parker my corgi friend. We didn't run but we still hung out, til I saw my human friend Otie. I can play with her like a dog! Ain't that grand? She makes me happy. Oh and I finally got Durango to understand I want to play, so he now doesn't try to bite me. I love his kids... maybe more than him!

This week's flamingo

Please visit these "I Like" Thursday posts:


Scrapatches said...

Good Morning, Lee Anna, I like your list of likes today. Your drawings are looking wonderful. You should consider becoming a fabric designer. Seriously. I would love to buy your fabrics. I mean it. I am like a doodle wanting to play with a new toy. I am not going to let this idea go. I will be barking over the fence for you to put your designs on fabric so I and make a quilt. You flamingo> I have a quilty friend from Canada, who is not a blogger, that "flamingos" for fun everyday. I am not really a flamingo person (too much pink) but I enjoy seeing the lawn whimsies that started here in Massachusetts. I love that planter. Where did you find it? Have a happy Thursday and please give Milo a scratch behind the ears from me ... :) Pat

Julierose said...

Loving your flamingos--that cake is amazing!! And Milo's antics are so funny...thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

Michele McLaughlin said...

Great likes! Your fountain looks great and your drawings are wonderful! I know our dogs love us but I swear they love their friends almost as dearly! Have a great week!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Glad you had lots of fun at your neighborhood casino event! Your red, white, and blue chandelier blocks made a great tablerunner, too! I really like those blocks - I'm going to have to try them, I think. Looks like Milo is having a lot of fun with friends!

Roseanne said...

Hi LeeAnna! I love that last flamingo pot. So very cute and it looks quite stunning with flowers in it. I'm glad you are able to enjoy your fountain again. How is it that it stops working once moved? It worked in MD but not in CO. Odd. ~smile~ Roseanne

LA Paylor said...

Lots of jostling along the miles... it was leaking once here, so dh found some cracks and caulked them. LA said...

Great likes. Love your fountain, and your drawings are lovely. Oh the chandelier blocks are fabulous! I have been cutting some out of charity fabrics for my next charity quilt.....

Brian's Home Blog said...

That fountain sure is nice and your art is wonderful! Hey Milo, have fun with your gal pal!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

easyweimaraner said...

oh what a fab friend milo found! ...are that dried bananas? yes? I'm onnthe way to you LOL

Sara said...

I wish our community had a bigger farmer's market. Our happens once a week but is so small. And this year the good veggies will be very late because winter hung around so long.

Duke said...

Having a friend is the bestest, isn't it, Milo☺ Love the flamingo cake!

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

What a fun post. Nice fountain. That is such a cute photo of the two of you. I like your herbs. I loved the movie of The Lake House. I need to try those chandelier blocks. Take care. mary

Shannon said...

Such a fun list for this week! It looks like you guys had a blast at the casino night- really sounds fun. I remember doing one of those at church for shrove tuesday when I was a kid, I was more excited about the Mardi Gras side than the casino side, but it was fun all the same. I'm glad your zucchini are growing so well! Soon I bet you will have squash coming out of your ears! When in doubt grate them and freeze them.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Happy that your fountain is burbling away again - love the sound of water! Your doodles are looking better and better and how grand to see you having FUN in CO.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

A wonderful post chockablock with good things. How great to get to know the neighbours having such fun together. Everything seems to be thriving garden wise. Loved seeing your drawing efforts and those lovely chandelier colourful. Can you believe June is almost done!

PaintedThread said...

Looks like casino night was fun - what a great way to hang out with the neighbors. I enjoyed The Lake House. Love all your creative works, too!

Sandra Walker said...

Always enjoy the peeks into your life. That fountain is beautiful! I need to get another. I brought the smaller one from Alberta to Ontario, but it's developed a crack... Those chandelier blocks are wonderful! Great idea to turn some into a table runner. We need to find some play dates with lots of friends for Rufus... I've written one for June ;-)

Azka Kamil said...

nice article my friend..
please visit my blog too

MissPat said...

Some great likes this week. Your fountain is refreshing. So glad Drew was able to repair it. I noticed that my bird bath now has a crack across the bowl. It's not leaking so I'll ignore it for now. I'm not sure what I'll do with my Chandelier blocks, but I really liked the blue/green/aqua version you showed earlier and it never occurred to me to make a table runner with some of them.And those flamingo cakes are a hoot (well, I guess that would be owl cakes that would be a hoot). Milo is certainly making lots of friends.


Rosemary Dickinson said...

Casino night for the neighborhood is such a fun idea! I love seeing your artwork. I wish I could draw! So glad to see Milo having fun! Love the flamingo planter!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love to read your "I Like Thursday" posts. It's great to check all the good things that happened instead of thinking about bads one. Thank you!

Lisa said...

Congrats on your success at Casino Night. Entrepreneur and I went to Vegas but since we're not gamblers, we didn't win anything! I love your magnolia sketch; it's lovely! I'm happy you like The Lake House. I really like Kate Morton and her stories. The flamingo is adorable and, as always, so is Milo. Cabo has his summer "do" and we're walking more now so he can show off to the ladies.

Miaismine said...

CO seems to have a ton going on - Casino Night and Farmer's Market! Good times! I've been enjoying following your progress on your chandelier quilt. To be honest, I was happy to read that you may keep your blue, green and agua blocks together. They are really pretty. Thank you for hosting and sharing.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

Your fountain is a lovely site from which to ponder the complexities of life. LOVE those flamingo cakes!

Jennifer Walsh said...

Such a delightful mix of creativity and fun! Don't forget to explore "scheels cyber Monday" deals for art supplies and more creative inspiration. Keep up the fantastic work!