Tuesday, February 2, 2021

t is for tuesday

 Welcome to Tuesday, T is for Tuesday, T is for chooseday...

morning coffee
the mug on the left belongs to dh and that is mine on the right... do you see who we are?   

The baby has an ear affliction this week we are trying to handle on our own. He's napping more...
Milo takes a winter nap
My word for this year is recover but I have step by step continued worrying over my country and worrying for our health. That worry is well placed but not allowing me to recover. I won't likely stop worrying ...because I think... therefore I think of what is dangerous. But there must be balance

To balance that awareness I searched youtube today for mindful drawing and found this person

this is lesson two but lesson one taught me to not just drag a pen across paper, but to purposefully know where my lines start and finish. She taught me to hold my fineliner pens upright to draw unlike cursive writing holds. The tiny nibs are square and you can damage them by pressing them at an angle, as well as get less ink flow. 

She taught me another lesson sideways. Her intro was long and self marketing. I get it, these lessons are free and she wrote books...yet when I finally make it to being open to learning, it would be better for me to hear the sales push at the end. 

That said, I liked what she said in the middle of the lesson (above)... when drawing straight lines, be aware of not only your starts and stops, but intersections. Stop at an existing line, and restart if you want on the other side. She said this makes one more aware in life of boundaries between people. 

doodled word
 Respect of boundaries. That made me think of all the people who push their desires onto others as if we all think the same way. Especially on social media where you don't have face to face communication, there are people who feel the right to say any hurtful thing they think with no regard for others (or truth)

so, I will consider her words on drawing, and being mindful instead of rushing through life today. Even in the mundane practice of survival, being aware of boundaries is a good thing. 

My friend Diann shared a lemon blueberry recipe (dessertfortwo). She made 4 muffins but it's my opinion that if you don't have left overs (planned overs?) you've wasted your time so I multiplied it by three to make 12 delicious dessert muffins for the week.

recipe is Here


I also loved finding this woman's videos... gentle respectful way of living that is like a piece of art of itself. I've now seen about 15 of her videos and it is calming.

 FairyCottage videos... soft, gentle, full of art making, and tea... here's one to start you off


and this week, I liked Meditations in motion, a blog of life and movement, beautifully written

I loved the modern parable here: https://meditationsinmotion.wordpress.com/

so if you need me, I'll be here trying to live in the moment, drawing and sewing, walking and trying to find peace 


T stands for Tuesday... like a "drink' post


Sara said...

YUMMM - lemon and blueberry make such a good pairing. I sometimes add grated lemon peel to blueberry muffins and almost always add grated orange peel to cranberry muffins. I used the peel when I don't always have a fresh fruit to zest.

Good lessons on boundaries. I've been unfollowing any of my friends and family who post anything nasty or mean. It fits my Word of the Year - SIMPLIFY. My Facebook feed is gradually becoming much less crowded and definitely more positive.

LA Paylor said...

awesome on boundaries! I love anything orange

Tails Around the Ranch said...

So sorry Milo has an ear infection. Norman seems somewhat prone to minor ones too but I've been successfully treating them with essential oils and he's a very good patient. Good luck!

Mae Travels said...

I hope the “baby” is soon feeling better! Your mugs are very nice and I take it that they reflect your personalities!

be safe... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Ann said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Milo. You always have some fun artwork, LeeAnna. It's great to see what you're up to.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those muffins sure sound good and I sure hope Milo feels all better soon.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You made the muffins! So smart to make a bigger batch. I think yours turned out prettier than mine. 😉 I hope Milo is getting better - no fun to have an earache - pup or human.

Rebecca Jo said...

The mugs - LOL I totally see who you both are.
I am the same way - I overthink so many things that only causes me to lay with eyes open at night. Its tough right now in this world

My name is Erika. said...

I hope Milo's ear feels better soon. Your muffins look yummy. I haven't made blueberry muffins in forever and maybe I need to put them on my list. All the teasing with yours have made me want one-smile. Hope you had a great T day and happy February Leeanna. Hugs-Erika

Dandy Duke said...

The blueberry muffins look so yummy! We hope you feel better soon, Milo♥

Divers and Sundry said...

The blueberry muffins look tasty. I love both mugs for different reasons :) You've drawn a great lesson from the video. I don't mind boundary-pushing online, but it bothers me in person.

Living in the moment is helpful in so many ways :) Happy T Day!

Lisca said...

I'm sorry to hear Milo is not feeling well. I hope he gets better soon and we can enjoy some more of his antics.
Your muffins sound really yummy. I happen to have some blueberries in the freezer (we don't get fresh here), so I might just give that a go. Thanks for the recipe. It seems to have a lot of butter.(I might substitute half of that with veg oil) It does make sense to make more than 4 muffins. I have 12 muffin molds. I can always freeze the rest.
Happy belated T-Day,
Stay safe,

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Thank you for the links, I will go and visit them. Enjoy drawing, sewing, and walking. And I hope you will find peace.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I’m so sorry that I’m late visiting. I felt better on Tuesday than I do today. I can only sit and read for so long, then get a headache and have to stop.

I love, love, love your mugs. You know I collect trees for Christmas, right? They are both so fun to see.

I was saddened to learn Milo isn't feeling well. I hope his infection clears soon.

I wish you would save me one of those muffins because I'm really hungry, but I bet they are all gone, now. Thanks for joining us for T this last Tuesday. Again, I am so sorry I'm late visiting.