Wednesday, May 27, 2020

getting to know you.....

I saw this cool meme and thought... how fun! Here goes!

1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

  heh heh... that would be my poodle probably, so YEP!

2. What’s the closest thing to you that’s red?

A.My kitchen table has a bold red damask table cloth that makes me happy

3. Did you meet someone new today?

A.from a distance, I met a woman who had pretty flower boxes, and we discussed how to get flowers without viruses

4. What are you craving right now?

A. peace

5. What comes to mind when I say, “cabbage”?

A. yum... I love cabbage!

6. What does your last text say?

A. now, don't judge me... I do not text
7. Do you bite into your ice cream, or just lick it?

A. I eat ice cream in a bowl, so I spoon it up. In a cone, bite it! Heyyyy I wouldn't mind a sugar cone with chocolate right now...

8. Do you like your hair?

A. I have thin, straight, hair and always have. It's gotten pretty greyed out though. I'd love to color it again but became sensitive to hair dyes, wah! I like the cut, given by myself, right now. It is kind of flattering.  Because it's so limp, I often prefer messy bed head to brushed hair.

9. Do you like yourself?

A. I think I do... and that surprises me. As I age, I realize everyone has attributes and drawbacks, in action, looks, outlook etc. I found a wonderful podcast by
Kate Bowler who said she doesn't like optimists, I can relate,  because they act like everything is okay which it isn't. She likes hopeful people, me too, because they see things as cracked and try to make it better because that gives them hope.

I think I am okay... most people are okay too... 

10. Do you like cottage cheese?

A. I love cottage cheese. I usually put either pineapple in it, or go the other way and have in in a salad, or with a bit of italian dressing. I cook with it too, the large curd high fat version that melts well in a casserole. Organic tastes better.

11. What are you listening to right now?

A. I love bossa nova and show tunes when I hear music. And clear lovely women's voices. And 70's music I know all the words to. And I often have on a book on disc or the tv while I make art, to keep my inner critic occupied while I have a spree!

12. Is there anything sparkly in the room where you are?

A. I just painted a night sky piece, and put silver ink on the stars! Also there is a lovely group of glittery snowflakes on wire still on the mantel. I might just leave it up all year long!

13. How many countries have you visited?

A. Oh that might be difficult to remember. I have seen many of the states here, have lived in Canada for a couple years, visited Mexico as a little girl on a road trip from Florida to California, traveled to Europe by myself on a eurail pass and saw lots of northern European countries, loving Belgium and the Netherlands the best.

14. Are you sarcastic?

A. yes, and if you are too, sit by me and make me laugh!

15. Have you ever crawled through a window?

A.gosh, that sounds familiar... heh heh but I can't remember exactly when. I think I climbed through a window as an adult to sit on a roof once. 

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easyweimaraner said...

love your answers!!! and yes, to kiss a pup is the best thing ;O) said...

Awesome post. Made me smile.

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

I love this! What a cool idea for a blog hop. Where did you find it?

Dandy Duke said...

Great answers! I don't text either. Actually, I still have a flippy phone and it bugs my daughter to death☺