Thursday, January 30, 2020

I Like Thursday #178

Welcome to this week's list of likes!
Let's start with the orchid workshop given at the garden center (Tagawa) last Saturday.
> Milo was not interested in orchids and demanded I take him to the dog toy area to find another SQUEAKY kong ball
>I decided there was a bit too much needed for this lovely blossom to thrive here (and they cost way too much)
> we met and chatted with a lovely woman who also had a S.poo. who moved here from Seattle

mailbox on old building in Cheyenne Wyoming
I like looking at old stuff so we went to a wonderful antique festival last weekend. Want to see some pics?
just a small view
that's what I say about my fabric stash!
can't you just hear lampchop now?
this little piano is just sized for a 6 year old!
I loved talking to so many really cool people there, the display areas were so beautifully decorated, and we had a grand time looking at all the stuff. Such a good time I forgot to take many pictures!
There were some magnificent old quilts, I love a double wedding ring, hand quilted and beautifully bound.
click on any picture to enlarge them
painted on a chair seat
My friend Mary, who moved to Colorado a couple years before us, arranged for us to meet at a quilt store halfway between us. It was a great store, with lovely spaces, and I was tempted to join a group that sews together weekly. I so liked the women but
>it is $80 a month
>it takes 45 min to get there and nearly $20 in tolls each time
>the weather is so erratic here I might not be safe to drive on meeting days (the last snow last year was in June)
so it seems a lot to pay to have a friend

I enjoyed watching the Bachelor this week although DH threatened to throw out the tv because of my yelling at it!  As always I like This is Us, New Amsterdam, The good doctor, Donna Reed Show, and youtube. I found out you can watch very early videos made by Edison thru Library of Congress there. One example to get you started watching how people dressed and moved:

Yum! like an adult sweet tart!

I like the pickled green beans we found at a craft show

I like this cereal from Trader Joes... lots of nuts and seeds in it and I have it with yogurt on top
I hung last year's V-Day quilt on the stairs so I see it when I enter the house
Milo is so bored
Milo's Moment
 Please explain my Mama's obsession with baths? I mean it's like...every month!
Mama: well our blanket was almost at dirty as the bath water Milo. You run and play outside a lot
Milo: and????

anyway..... I got lots of hairs cut, and had my feet touched but truth be told, I like to look good. It gets me lots of petting. One neighbor grabbed my noggin and sniffed me!!! He seemed pleased! 
I like my new squeaky ball and am taking it on walks so it learns the neighborhood. 
now sit! Stay! and visit Mama's friends to see what they liked this week


joining us this week:


Joanne said...

Hi LeeAnna,
Lambchop! I remember him! Shari Lewis..had to look it up just now :)

Home Sewn By Us said...

Good Morning LeeAnna and Milo! Sweet shares this week. I just adore pickled green beans! I should try to make some this year . . . thanks for the idea. ~smile~ Roseanne

Julierose said...

I like your "likes" this do get out and about finding such interesting things;))) thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

Kathy said...

I was unhappily shocked by the idea of paying $80 a month to be part of a sewing group! Quilt guild memberships are less than that for a YEAR! You probably just need to start a group that comes to your home so you can chit chat and not have to drive! You have great conversations with people, so set a day and invite everyone you really like to come on over and talk and play! Art groups are fun!

Sara said...

I'm amazed at the cost of toll roads. Wow! Luckily we don't have any here. I would be tempted to do the $80 per month for the sewing even though it's pretty high, but those tolls - yikes!! My Sew Vintage group that meets monthly is only about $60 per year, plus whatever pattern book we are working out of.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a beautiful Double Wedding Ring quilt! I've never tried that design, but it always fascinates me. Love the view of your Valentine quilt hanging from the railing, too. That cereal looks delicious!

Angie said...

LA - so much to like in this post! I adore going to antique shows, and vintage stores in general. You chose a superb place for your heart quilt. THINK LOVE! Thanks for hosting I Like Thursday!

piecefulwendy said...

I have no idea why, but my comments and my blog posts are not reaching you. So we'll see if this one goes through. You had some fun likes - I think I would've wanted that quilt to come home with me :-)

MissPat said...

Think how much fabric (or art supplies) you could buy for $80.00 (plus tolls) a month. You find such neat things on your travel. And orchids like the ones you showed aren't that hard to grow. I have 8 of them and they have all re-bloomed for me and they survive the thermostat being set at 55 degrees for two months. Look in the garden section of the big box stores where the prices should be more moderate. It's crazy, because it Florida you can buy them really cheap.

Dandy Duke said...

I get a bath once a month and it's almost that time again, Milo. The orchids are sooooooo beautiful! Love the spot where you hung your heart quilt.

Tanya Breese said...

I love this is us and can't wait to find out what is happening between teenage Kate and her boyfriend.
My Ozzy doesn't care for bathsuch either Milo but he is due one!

Shannon said...

Those orchids are so fantastic! This is the second time orchids have popped up in my blogs this week, and I keep being tempted to try growing one, but I hear so many horror stories about struggling to keep them blooming. I love seeing your V-Day quilt hanging from the stairs, what a great place to put a quilt! Snuggles to Milo!! said...

I received an orchid as a gift. It is alive, but my daughter seems to have much better luck with them than I do. Yikes tolls are insane. Love your Valentine quilt. The double wedding ring and that green are awesome.

PaintedThread said...

Pretty flowers. Love that old quilt. Yay for a clean Milo. :-)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

As always, wonderful array of things to enjoy. I wish we had a Trader Joe's and access to so many artisan type fairs. I had to give up my stitching group, Knotty Girls, for the very same reasons you stated when I moved in with Hubby. I wish there was one nearby. Your Valentine quilt is in a perfect spot to enjoy and BTW, what a pretty foyer you have. Clean is good, Milo.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Tolls? Wow- I was surprised. I love your entryway with the Valentine quilt. So many likes at the old store. Lamb chop, even. I’ve had several orchids and just put an ice cube in the pot about once a week. I haven’t had one in years, so maybe I’ll get one at Safeway-I think they’re about $10 but last a long time and they are so beautiful. BTW-I can’t believe my Amaryllis is still blooming-4th time. Love this post- makes me feel good.

Michelle said...

I love Orchids and am always tempted to get one. I am afraid I would kill it...*sigh* Thanks for linking up and have a great weekend.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Not sure what Scout would do if a person smelled her besides me :) I think it would startle her. I don't do well with Orchids in the house, our house is too dry and dark to grow anything in here.
Have a wonderful week!

Lea said...

An interesting bunch of photos!
Love the quilt!

Rain said...

Awww Milo! :) And LAMBCHOP!!! That is a blast from the past lol!! The flowers are so pretty! I can't wait for spring!! :)

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Love that Valentine quilt! It looks so pretty hanging from our stairs. I love orchids and have bought a few but never seem to keep them alive for long. My kids loved Lambchop! Have a great week!

R's Rue said...


Su-sieee! Mac said...

You got yourself one handsome of a haircut, Milo. The style shows off your elegant, sophisticated self. Big hugs to you and your Mama.

Tails Around the Ranch said...

You always find such interesting things whenever you go out and about.