
Thursday, November 2, 2023

I Like Thursday # 374 hay rides, snow, and a bossy poodle


welcome to this week's list of likes... I like cold weather and we had a pop-up storm leaving us with 5-6" of show this weekend! We covered the mums best we could

they seem alive just need to snip off the browner ones. The pumpkin took the brunt of it, pic below, and got baked from weeks of heat, then frozen with cold (15 degF) but is still there. 

Our Prompt

Would you rather go on a hayride or visit a corn maze?
have you ever done either one? do you have stories to tell? 
I'd rather go on a hayride.
 I remember many fun times going slowly, sitting in soft hay. Once was when I went to college for a year in Tenn. I even had a date, a lovely man from Chile also at our school, he and I lay back in the softly moving flatbed with all the others, our heads together, talking softly and holding hands. I had never seen so many stars! We were away from city lights, and the sky was magical. I had not dated someone from another country at that point of my naive life. I can almost see his kind eyes now. Feel the slight rocking of the trailer, the soft murmuring of others around us. 
I've never been tempted by corn mazes... I don't think it sounds fun to be lost with a bunch of strangers around you. We used to walk by one when we walked down the mountain pass in Stowe VT each year. 

 Fine Dining

no pics, but I tried a recipe to bake fennel bulbs... good but it turned into fennel "jerky" and was tough... it's dry here but sheesh! We also roasted a butternut squash to turn into soup but instead I made "lots of vegetables soup" with the aging leek. We three ate the squash with a bit of butter and salt, yum!

absolutely the best hummus I've ever tasted! We got it at Pine Melon grocers
I finished this little beaded quilt last week, post HERE

a bit of aggravation

I will not be posting videos from a well known site that has tube in it's name from now on, it's a loss but part of the growing greed seen in double the number of ads on TV now, in computer games, and now on this video site. It's altogether too much.  

In fighting my y--t--- addiction this week, I sought something to listen to online and found that spotify has a section called Book exploder    an author is interviewed about their process in writing, research, goals, and the writer reads sections of their book under consideration, and they discuss it . Fascinating to me, a person would would like to be considered a writer:

just made me giggle

I noticed movement on the back porch the other day, I turned to see and a squirrel had both little star hands up on the sliding glass door, and was peering in. 

At what I thought? Then Milo, head of security, came running to the door and the squirrel must have screamed and ran thinking "that's where that monster lives!"

which way did he go???
Maybe the squirrel will leave the pumpkin on our porch alone for a
first it baked in the near 90 F heat/broiling sun for weeks. Now it froze in 15 F for a few days

I did throw out carrot and potato peels under the trees yesterday for it. I hope he doesn't blow up from all the butternut squash seeds !


Reading on audio books


when I finished the last book, and felt lonely for the characters, I noticed I had checked out another Jenny Colgan book, and ahhhhh   slow starters but once I get into the characters, I am reluctant to stop listening and leave my studio. I've been dragging this one from room to room as I do chores. 


Milo's Moment

Milo: DAD! stop pushing that table around! Barkbarkbarkbark! It is there, and doesn't move or shouldn't! And just because you can push it around, don't think you can push me around! (Milo runs off, grabs a toy, and starts a game of chase with his dad)

Milo: Mph (mouth around what's left of the octopus... a ball with no legs) see, you can't even catch me!

now, please visit these fine folks to see what they liked this week!

 chasing my stories


               friday smiles at a stitch in time



  1. Good morning, LeeAnna! Six inches of powdery snow. It looks so pretty but it's too early, although I guess we don't get to choose. Milo doesn't care for the furniture to be rearranged? Good thing he doesn't live here as I rearrange often. I was just contemplating the future to make room for the Christmas tree last night. Happy Thursday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Milo looks like a cute dog - I have never taken a hay ride, I have been in a maze before but not corn. It was a 18th century style in a garden in Williamsburg VA my sister and I become kind of lost in it LOL and we saw where others had gotten down and crawled through one end that was on the outer edge to get out of the darn thing and even though we were both in our late 60's at the time we got down and crawled out of the darn thing and said never again LOL we had just been going in circles or so it seemed.

  3. One of the reasons that I love to read book series is because I enjoy the continuation with characters I'm enjoying. I went on some hayrides in high school with our church youth group. They were such fun! I've never been in a corn maze, but have done some other mazes. I'm not very clever with getting out of a maze.

  4. "I especially liked your story about the squirrel with its little paws on the window. I'm a fan of squirrels in general. Your blog is so cozy. I kept reading till the end. Beautiful bead quilt. You've got the golden touch.

    Visiting via Michelle's Thankful Thursday

  5. Oh sweet Milo, you make my Mom smile. that storm was something, wasn't it? We received about 6 inches of snow and 87 inches of fallen leaves. Oye.
    Your fur-iend,
    Elsa 🐾

  6. Your hayride date sounds lovely! And the hummus - yummy! I'll have to go look for that. Have you ever listened to the Quilt Fiction podcasts? They tell the story of a group of quilters in the 1930s. Very enjoyable! I bet you would like them.

  7. Wow, that's a lot of snow for early in the season. I have to admit I'm glad it doesn't snow here in the greater Sacramento Valley. Brrr
    I have been on a hayride as well as corn maze..hayride wins Hands down..I don't like getting lost either.
    Hate all the ads invading everything too. Makes me crazy.
    Aww Milo is your great protector... love it.

  8. We have a curious squirrel like that too but no dog to scare it away. I always wonder what it's thinking as it looks in at us. I have enjoyed both hay rides and corn mazes (though I thankfully have never gotten lost in one; most have a series of clues to follow or scavenger hunts so you have an idea of which way to go).

  9. Sorry you had that much snow so soon. I know snow in October is not unusual for CO, though. We had our first hard freeze on Tues. night and flurries in the air on Wed.
    That brand (Ithaca) od hummus is sold in several stores around here. I'll have to look at the carton and see if it's made in Ithaca, NY. Wegman's has a store brand, Carmelized Onion hummus, that I really like. The ads on Instagram are very annoying, too.

  10. Yikes on the snow! That's about 8 times our annual snowfall. I used to enjoy hay rides when I was young, they were fun. Milo, keep tabs on that crazy squirrel, it's taunting you. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. Lee Anna - thanks for hosting I Like Thursday!!! I also fancy myself a writer, and have occasionally toyed with the idea of writing a book. While we were in Asheville, I picked up a book on storytelling. Of course, I haven't gotten past the introduction, which I read in the bookstore! Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Your little quilt is adorable. I think it's better to turn to my own projects and away from the "outside". I really question what is shown. I'd rather see myself through my eyes, think about it and check with my heart. Maybe we could learn from dogs and cats ...

    Have a nice weekend.


  13. I've been on several hayrides over the years, particularly when I was young and lived in a rural area. I'd take a hayride over a corn maze any day! I find corn mazes quite dull. But hayrides have horses! That's always a good time!

  14. Oh Wow! snow! Ilike it but not if I have to go out and drive in it. I'Ve never had a Hayride or been in a Maze, maybe that's something I need to do sometime. Squirrels are cheeky little creatures, we have loads in the park and they drive the dogs mad. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  15. Snow! I woke up Friday and we had light blanket of snow. Now it gone.
    Coffee is on.

  16. That snow was something! Happy squirrel.

  17. Brrrr that looks cold…..rather you than me. I’m not a lover of snow…too cold, too wet and too slippery. My favourite season is Spring, when all the snows gone 😀 You asked what I was making?….I’m making 9 memory cats for a blogging friend and 3 memory bears that will end up going to live in Australia 😀😀😀😀😀 ( they may feature on my Wednesday blog if you want to see).
    Hugs, Annie x

  18. Unlike you, I am not a fan of cold wather. Snow makes everywhere look clean and pretty, as long as I don't have to go out in it. Quick thinking to cover the crysanthemums, and they seem to have just about survived.I prefer our warm weather at this time of year, though the extreme heat of mid-summer it going too far the other way.
    To me pumpkin and squash are very similar, and both are a great started for veggie soup. I make a lot of that, with added chicken stock if I have roasted a whole one and have a carcas to to make stock with.
    I like to see the squirrels though they can be a nuisance and cause a lot of damage at times.
    I have to say I rely on Y--t-- for video tutorials for many of my crochet projects, but the adverts are annoying.
    I am an avid reader through the summer when it is too hot to do anything, andin mid-winter when I can curl up in front of the fire - the sitting room is the only place with a fire in it so we spend a lot of time in there! - but right now I am happy to get some long term 'things to do' done.
    I love seeing Milo and the way he is so integrated into your family life. Kate x
