
Saturday, March 14, 2020

sewing saturday turquoise improv cabins

The color to use this month on rainbow scrap challenge is teal.
I choose to interpret that as turquoise since I have culled out turquoise scraps from the green, and blue scrap boxes
so I make a pile of strips and starter chunks, of both neutral and the month's color.
then I sew sew sew adding color on one side, neutral on the other. Stop after a while and see what's happening
and press them
start putting them on the wall to see how much to add to each block
add some more strips, press and realign til it looks fun
I didn't feel like pulling the last two month's colors out and moving them all around the wall but I bet they'll look cool.
There are lots of cute fabrics to work with here, and it's a study in color relationship.
For instance putting bright blue next to green will cause the eye to mix them for you. Make sure to mix in dark shades for sparkle against the mostly medium shades.

This video explains how to make color choices that sing not just go together

(wonder where my color palette went in our move???)
Side story: we lived not too far from Ginny's store in VA so she and I knew each other. We shared life's stories, dogs, moving, family, balance. We cried and laughed together and I greatly enjoy her as a person. Her husband just passed away, and I wish I could hold her hand a moment.
When she lectured at our guild once, she asked who would use all "these colors together"?
100 pairs of eyes turned to look at me.

I did make Milo a coat, and a sleepshirt out of some fun fleece, story and pics HERE

Look at this UFO I found recently. Larger tumbling blocks to look like a forest floor. How pretty! I think I might try to finish this one!

I also am tired of being scared, and of snow, and am thinking of just using this pattern to make a Spring quilt with pretty colors
no it's not new. I just re-found it in the sorting process.
I don't often use a pattern but I got all jazzed seeing patterns as I sorted. It will be growth of a kind to follow someone's directions!!! (I usually form my own path, where no one but a judge can tell you it's not right)


  1. Your projects are---YUMMY! Love them! Cyber hugs!

  2. Super fun design. I really like the odd shapes and improve stuff going on in your log cabin blocks.

  3. Spring is in the Air has some really cute elements, but you can always change it up to suit yourself. Loving those TEAL Improv blocks for the RSC, LeeAnna!!

  4. Beautiful quilting, love the colours you hose. Have a great week, Valerie

  5. Hi LeeAnna,
    A new pattern is just a guide a recipe...use what you like, change it up make it yours! Have fun in the process!
    Great stuff on your blog this weekend! Yesterday's Ted was good :)

  6. Your teal log cabins are fabulous, and I love the tumbling blocks too!

  7. beautiful quilts!!! Wonderful the colours!
    Greetings Elke

  8. I love making improv blocks - yours are so great - and the teal is perfect for them!

  9. Lucky you to know Jinny. Thanks for sharing her video. I have her hand quilting book, and it is the best. Sorry about her loss. Forest Floor is definitely worth a finish. Very earthy!

  10. I think you should finish your UFO, it is lovely. Interesting video.

  11. I love your improv log cabins!

  12. I am really enjoying your improv log cabins. I think they make a great RSC project. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. Your log cabins are so fun! I bet they are very enjoyable and relaxing to sew together - we all need that right now!

  14. Very cool teal blocks! I've been gravitating to teal and turquoise lately (Lately? says Missy Molly.) and wouldn't you know it I no longer have any scraps in those colors. Just as well, I've got several other projects to move on too.

  15. Very fun tumbling blocks!
    Enjoy your hand stitching today!

  16. Those large tumbling blocks are pretty. Love, too your teal log cabin blocks.

  17. Your turquoise log cabins look good but mixing them with green and brown like your tumbling blocks really makes them all shine. Thanks for sharing the video with Jinny. You are fortunate to have known her.

  18. I think I remember those tumbling blocks because I'd like to make a quilt some day with them. Those turquoises are so pretty. Loved Jinny's video, definitely an area I need help with. How special that you knew her! Loved the 100 pair of eyes turning to you, Miss Not Afraid of Color.

  19. I too was sad to hear of Jinny's husband passing away recently. She is such a nice person and gives so much to our quilting community. Your log cabin blocks look interesting and I really love your tumbling blocks.

  20. You're finding some great projects to work on - I think I would do the same

  21. Great projects! I have a new found love for improv! maybe next up will be log cabins? I've always wanted to do a tumbling block now the time?

  22. Pretty teal blocks, and these tumbling blocks are beautiful!

  23. Thanks for the Jenny Byers video! I look forward to seeing where your turquoise log cabins end up and the tumbling blocks.

  24. Loving the colors in your improv log cabin blocks. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  25. Great improv log cabin blocks. Love the colors! Stay well xo Melanie

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