
Thursday, March 19, 2020

i like Thursday #185

a tidy shelf in Studio 2
Welcome to this week's list of likes!
I admit to having to work hard to be positive but like a fellow Renaissance  Performer said to me as we performed in the rain, "you'd better laugh or you'll cry!"
studio 2 holding lots of supplies!
I like my tidied up happy place now that I am home so much
my view into studio 1
I have books and patterns, beads and scraps in studio 1, and some of my pretties like the hula girl, and the guy up top following his star.
what do these things tell you about me?

I like catching up on old magazines
look at these stories
I like candy!

I like this yellow kitchen and tiled backsplash

I liked finding quilting arts tv on PBS but xfinity refuses to record all of them like I ask so now I kind of look for them to record. I find watching them makes me think of my own things to make, not their technique but something more unique to me! Yea!

I like that my husband's guitar teacher will do remote lessons now

I like still being allowed to go outside and walk with my pup in the neighborhood. I ricochet from side to side to avoid other people but it's important for me to walk for my back.

Oh my gosh, is this little donkey ever cute! And he survived because these people took him in and treated him like a dog... just watch!

I liked finishing this scarf with the leftover yarn found during the great sort of 2020
my model shows how short it came this was made from hat leftovers

I like the author Ellie Alexander who writes cozy mysteries about a baker in Oregon

I like having books on disc available, and I can keep them til the libraries re open...if they do...

I like doing Kakuro puzzles

It's snowing today as you read this, for the next 24 + hours we're getting snow again. It would be nice if it killed the virus wouldn't it?

I like the show Miracle Workers (watching on demand) for it's quirky story lines and funny irreverant jokes. Daniel Radcliff and R. Buscimi are both in it.

Enjoying American Idol, The Voice, Survivor, This is Us, New Amsterdam, Biggest Loser (it's not me) Murdoch Mysteries, and other tv shows.

Milo's moments
 I can't play with my friends right now but I have a big yard, walks, a toybox outside and my two best friends live here!

Other friends keeping lists of likes too... join us in trying to see the good things around us

New this week:



  1. you look fantabulous with the new scarf!!! love the color it is a little like the ocean ;o)

  2. Great post. Love your studio. I agree as I work on cleaning my spaces it is so much nicer, and when I pick up as I go it is way easier. Love the scarf, and your model is pawsome. Keep healthy my sweet.

  3. Not snowing up here quite yet, but supposed to! ;( I'm appreciating no due dates at the library right now, too, as I have many books checked out! It is pretty neat that so many people - authors, teachers, etc, are offering virtual experiences for all of us. Milo is the perfect model for that scarf!

  4. I've really been enjoying Survivor and This is Us. Even my husband has gotten interested in Survivor the past 2 weeks. We have rain today. The prediction had been for a winter storm, but now they are saying we'll only see mostly rain which is OK by me. Don't need to shovel rain. Stay safe & hang in there!! Spring will eventually arrive.

  5. Milo's such a good model! Stay safe and warm! Turn the news off for a day, I found it really helped me with an attitude adjustment! The studio looks great!

  6. It really is neat to look around and see what we have to entertain ourselves when we are home more! I love your little cubbies and pretty things! You are so organized! Would love to sit and look through your books! Hugs!

  7. Good work with keeping yourself occupied! All we need is a little self-discipline and we'll get through it. My library has digital books on audio, so I am using those. That works even when the doors are closed.

  8. YES...please add a link to my blog too! I'm joining I like Thursdays!!! YAY! I can't wait to do some more 'visitin'! Hugs and thanks!

  9. Hello, we had a rainy morning but the sun coming out now. Love Milo modeling the scarf. It is healthy to take those walks. I enjoy the cozy mysteries too, I have not read Ellie Alexander yet. The donkey video is so cute. Stay safe and well. Wishing you a great day!

  10. I wondered/wished the same thing with the snow, that it would zap the virus. We are having rain, so it is quite gloomy. I'm going to make lunch, then go sew. Keep your positive attitude going, LeeAnna! Hopefully I'll be able to post next week!

  11. Hi LeeAnna! Aww, Milo is quite the nice model of the scarf. He's really stylin'. That little donkey video is so cute - I bet Milo would enjoy playing with him until he got kicked. Good job on cleaning up the studios. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. I dislike those Peeps! Yuk! Your friend is right, we need to laugh and be positive. What else is there to do? Thanks for linking up today.

  13. Your model looks terrific with that scarf! Love that backsplash - we'll need to redo ours at some point. That little donkey is so cute. Mom always told me it's better to laugh than cry. Hang in there!

  14. What a great list and I very much like that yellow kitchen although I don’t think my hubby would go for it I’ve been writing lots of good things lists s this week.

  15. I'm planning on doing some serious cleaning during these days inside!

  16. Milo looks dapper in his scarf! I love This Is Us ❤️

  17. We've been warm here for almost two weeks, high 70s, but now it's cold again here and it's going to freeze here. I almost planted my dahlias earlier this week and I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad you're enjoying your tidied space; sometimes I feel like I spend more time cleaning up my studio than working, but it makes me feel so much better when it's tidy....

  18. Milo wears the new scarf well. Trés chic. Didn't you love Denise's move in Survivor? Maybe if Sandra hadn't said Denise was essentially a nothing player, she may not have voted Sandra off. Good for Denise! hahaha.
    This is the second video I've seen with a donkey living indoors. I think Missy Molly might like living with such a pal. I wonder how much work it would be to care for it. I also would love to keep a goat to keep weeds at bay, but then how would the goat know not to eat the other plants.
    Your neat studio reminds that I ought to put L Studio in order. Enjoy your zig-zag walks with Milo. Ciao, LA.

  19. Oh my gosh...that tiny donkey video just made my week. Adorably cute-thanks for sharing. Happy weekend-it should be 50 by tomorrow around the metro area. :)

  20. I like candy too . Too bad they don’t make it without yellow no.5 or soy. I found it but it’s 2 x normal price. UGH. It’s cool that you get to keep those library books till the library opens again. Our governor just said kids can go back to school on April 10. What an idiot. That’s a cute scarf-love the color choices-is it for Milo? That yellow kitchen is vintage. Well dear- hang in there -keep safe. Mary

  21. We got home from FL on Thurs afternoon, a few days earlier than expected, but it did give me time to shop for perishables to restock the fridge before the shelter in place goes into effect at 8 PM tonight. Unfortunately, the libraries had already closed before we got home, so I'm going to have to rely on the small collections of paperbacks I have or finally figure out how to download ebooks from the library site. Not that I don't have lots of quilting and cleaning and decluttering to keep me occupied. Cold here today, but sunny. I need to go out for a walk while I'm still allowed.

  22. It is more difficult to find the positives at this time but they're out there! Just a little harder to see! Milo looks very handsome with his scarf on! I'm reading more and cleaning more too. I guess that's good!
