
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Working out a challenge part two Text

I am working on a challenge piece for my guild. The challenge is to interpret a book, story, or poem.

I do a lot of thinking on walks, and one day I composed the poem...
Each day I must overcome my pain issues to be creative. I am not alone in that, many people must overcome obstacles to their creativity daily. It's an obstacle not a brick wall. We each decide how to best cope with them and making art can transport me.
I chose the  font "papyrus", centered the text and printed the poem onto June Tailor Colorfast prepared sheets.
 It went from stark white to what you see above by way of these...
Sea sponge and Seta shimmer paints in gold, bronze and black.
It is transformed from ordinary to mystical looking in my opinion, perfect for the feel of this quilt.
I am using my own snow dyed fabrics as the large sky background, to give the feel of sun dappled forests.
Note the little hexies going in at the forest floor.

I fussed all day yesterday with proportion, shadow, and size of fabric cuts. It is due Monday night.

I will share more later but for now, here is a shot of the side border...

I bought this fabric, which is intensely more vibrant than this picture reveals from a dyer at the Houston Quilt show. It was expensive to me, $20 a yard. I bought a yard and have not allowed myself to use it yet.

Special fabrics need a special use.

I do need to use them however, not just keep them.

It was hard to cut into it, but I did. I'm glad I did.
There is such color and movement here, and it gives me joy to see it.

The quilt will be better for using it. The quilt is so personal, I think it will become one left up all year.

Of course I feel that way about most of my quilts since so many of them tell my story.

The fabric I will add along the trunk is from a Renaissance vest I made for Mr. color. This is the last of the remnants. I'll miss it. I've used it as a binding, as shadows, and now a trunk. Certain fabrics are just special!

Like my style? There are lots more posts like this one under the labels at the side ==>
Thank you for visiting!  LeeAnna

Monday, April 27, 2015

Poodle Peepers

it's c

We were on the porch, enjoying a fine day, Momma on her chair, Cole on his perch.

This time he was facing Mom so there would be no chance of going into the kitchen without his knowing.
This meant his back was to the bird feeder.
Along came the brightest yellow bird who had a bird bite of suet then flew to the plant holder just outside Cole's bed area. 

(A Poodle Peeper...couldn't get a  picture fast enough so this is borrowed from the web)


Then the bird flew to the actual screen just over Cole's head but Cole was looking the other way.
So Much Closer!!
Peep! Peep peep!

Cole looked up, around and right at the bird inches from the jaws of death with only a screen for protection!
I couldn't see the birds eyes but apparently the two locked in on each other and with a swoosh all that was left was the memory of the rare yellow- Poodle Peeper.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Fabric Frenzy for April

It pays to have good friends! With good fabric! With good fabric they want to give you!
A great big thank you to quiltswissy for cleaning out her studio and gifting me with this Precious Poodle Piece.

It is joining it's canine peeps in the pet fabric drawer.

In the interest of Karma, she has a love of Swiss mountain dogs and basset hounds, so if any of you have those fabrics to repurpose...

Now on to my lack of resolve, my accidental fabric purchases.

There is "no room at the Inn" (or fabric drawers)  and yet, when Craftsy sent me notice of clearance I went, "just to look"      And this is what arrived in my mailbox last week...
Hee hee! Look at this mailing pouch! I can't throw it away! So cute it's like another gift.
It held this:
and this:
A honeycomb of hexies, and a little pack of gorgeous textures fabric, and a not shown packet for my friend Mary's birthday. I don't know if I can wait til August to send it to her.
I don't usually buy precuts. First of all, if they are all from one line of fabric, they are likely too matchy for me. Second of all, they are difficult (not impossible) to prewash.

At this point, let me make a plea for prewashing. It's not about running colors although that's valid.
It is ALL about the CHEMICALS in fabric manufacturing. You may not smell them like I do, you may not have skin irritation like my friend Robin does, but sew and press those unwashed pieces and all the chemicals are now flowing up to your brain. After a lifetime of that, you might find yourself sensitive too.

Anyway, there are some fabric lines I can't resist, and I have been eyeing hexie precuts for a year now. The low clearnce  prices at Craftsy pushed me over the edge! I am pretty excited about all my purchases!!

All the possibilities!
Love these fabrics and it will be tons of fun to mindlessly sew these together! Maybe with white ones, maybe with a floral border even. Happy, fresh, and what more can you ask of cotton??
linking to Mollie Sparkles Sunday Stash

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The theory of relativity in the color spectrum

It's still purple month over at so scrappy but I am working on my guild challenge piece.
It expresses a poem I wrote about my connection with trees... so I thought I'd discuss the
Theory of Relativity. It applies to artists using color, how one color relates to another, can change them, how the blending of three colors is so much more satisfying than using one. Right?

In the picture above, which is mother nature playing with her paintbrush, how many shades of purple are there? Or is it blue? Maybe pink?

how about this flox??
Lavender? Purple? Blue??

The first picture would probably be purple til you saw the next one, and is it purple or pink?

Whatever it is, it really stands out in the Spring against the brown and green ground cover.

That's a lesson for quilting and painting as well.

Many shades of purple here and note how they look against the gray rocks.
Also make note of the splash of fuchia in the foreground.
Adding a splash of unexpected color into artwork makes it more exciting doesn't it?
I took this picture for the comparison of blue and deep purple. The white and browns set it off as do the greens. How would you change the composition in your artwork? The color balance? Would you remove the white? The white gives you the third value, light light, the blue-purple is medium, the dark purple the dark dark.
These are violets. Are they violet colored? They are easily missed in a yard, and in fact the blossoms are very short lived but the leaves stay all summer like weeds. Violets sound very romantic but they are actually weed like most of the time. Is life all in how you look at it??

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Working out a challenge

It's Spring, and despite the yellow pollen a creative soul's mind turns to paint.
Because of chemical sensitivities I must paint outside on the porch, you see. 
Please take my word for it as I hope to write and article about the experiment so I won't share it today, but it's pretty cool.

The above scrap was stamped with permanent fabric ink (scribbles)
The next scrap had fusible on it already...
and I wanted to test the stamps before using on my painted work from today.

This scrap is about 4 inches square and ready to use on a project. The fabric is celadon green, one of my fave colors but it didn't show well here.

These are stamps from four different collections. The cityscape didn't print well on the rough weave of the scrap but you can tell what it is in person. I went back with prisma-color pencils and ink pens to enhance the ones on the painted pieces (not shown).

I am making progress on my guild challenge due in less than two weeks. My body is not functioning well today so I can't sew.

 Instead I chose a font and size for my original poem to go on the front. I painted the face of my woman. I chose a precious hand dye for the border.

It is lovely in my mind's eye... 

And I painted. Discovering a new technique is exciting,  as is seeing color grow on fabric.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tiny little cake...

You won't believe this!
Hit the play button on the picture to watch

 ( In case it won't play from my site, try this )

 is of a Japanese man making edible food in a teensy tiny kitchen, Barbie sized!!! I LOVE it!

This is in honor of my friend Joann .teatimegardening. who loves to bake
my friend Mary daybyday who also likes to bake and shares her cakes on her blog
and my friend Nancy  pugmomquilts.who enjoys sugar but then, who doesn't??!

I just like miniature things and creativity!  Enjoy!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Must you?

Mommy: Cole! Must you stop, sniff, and pee on something every three feet?

Cole:  Yes.
          You have your little blog, I have my way of keeping up with my peeps. AND I have to do it for
          the whole family too, since you and Daddy won't.

 And, you're welcome.

linking to pepismartdog. 
and Fractured Friday 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Did someone order a Purple Cow??

Did someone order a purple cow shake?
Only three ingredients, ice cream, milk and grape juice (eeewwww!)

 Reminds me of an old commercial for a drive-in diner: waitress asks customer "you want that with a shake?" Customer, "no you can just walk it over here"

The RSC2015  is still going on with purple this month's chosen color.
I present this month's cow!
Straight from the scrap bin, with possible heart tucked behind one ear, wearing a four-leaf clover fascinator and chewing down on another piece of clover. yummmmm
Without the heart, which I think I prefer. The appliques are not ironed on yet, hence the little pin holding her clover. I think I love the clover and little hat, so I might just stick them on for good.

The appliques came from the fusible scrap box, and the greens were too bright so I added shading with prismacolor pencils and marking pens.

The teensy 9 patches in purple and white were also hiding in the scrap bin. It gave me an idea for a setting when the herd is finished in all colors. Do you like the 9 patch fence??
Since I am head over hooves in love with a cow, I think there's a good chance of finishing this one!

I encourage each of you to find your special inspiration, ex: squirrels, cats, houses, or whatever and do one in each color. Colors aren't just for cows you know... see what other people are doing with color today over at so scrappy.
The herd so far, small but mighty, a Ranch-ette....
pattern source found here!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Giveaway Kitsch

A definition of Kitsch is:
art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way.

Welcome to my giveaway!
To my friends here, I present...

The Crab Pen!
from as the natives say it, "Bawl'more"
You could read about that excursion in the
 post here (LINK)

Anyway, around Christmas we took a little trip to the harbor and I went into a tourist shop full of fun stuff and asked the clerk to direct me to the tackiest tourist stuff he had.

He was flummoxed because well, let's just say it, the whole shop qualified.

Little crab fridge magnets, change purses with claws, Old Bay flavored chips.
I chose this little gem for you, just in case you can't make it to Baltimore to visit with me, you can say your friend LeeAnna went to Baltimore and sent this to me!

Instructions for use:
move the little lever, the crab claws pinch something and the nib pops out. 

To enter, leave a comment (make sure I have your email addy) and tell me the tackiest trinket souvenir  you ever bought or received.
I am having the time of my life meeting you all online, thanks for visiting. LeeAnna

UPDATE the winner has been chosen by Mr. Notafraidofcolor and it's quiltshopgirl! I wish I had one for each of you cause those stories were priceless. There is another giveaway coming up. Good luck! LeeAnna

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Coping with life... prescription:sewing

My calendar: the words say,"I'm officially declaring this Mimosas and kites month"

A friend of mine came to my latest lecture. She commented later that what I talked about resonated with her and she is still thinking about it all! What a compliment, Judy. Truly the kind of connection I seek when I speak to a group.

She shared with me, that she basically  just likes to sew, nothing earth shattering, nothing original or artsy. She defined herself while listening to me. She is also a morning person (I can't relate) She makes donation quilts, which makes her tops in my book. I admire her generosity and loving spirit.
She just wants to sew.

Another friend is going through some hard life changes and dealing with loss. She says she can't seem to  think creatively at the moment, can't deal with the studio and it's "care and feeding" or focus on creating art.

It brought home the fact that so many of us cope with life by sewing. I express myself with my artwork, and these days my artwork involves fabric, but there are times I just want to sew.

 I need to sew. I feel unsettled if I don't sew each day.

I mostly do original work, and find it has become almost hard to follow a pattern . I have so much I want to express, that there are just not enough hours in the day to "make". And I'm a fast sew-er. But I also have times, and am kind of going through one now, where it's hard to go sew. However...

Even if I must drag a machine out to the family room where there is more room  to sew, or do hand sewing with hexies, I need to handle fabric. It soothes me and using color revives me.
The problem is the studio...

After months of careening from one deadline to the next, one project to another, through fabric acquisition (I'm part of  FAT =  Fabric Acquisition Team) etc, the studio is now a heap. It's in a state of disrepair. It's become an archeological dig in the making. It could be dangerous as piles may tumble over, or a person might step on a ruler or worse. My files are all over the place, ideas and hand-drawn patterns to complete. I would have started on my guild challenge today but can't locate the fabric.

A fat quarter can hide easily in a stash like mine.
Let's see... it should be near the surface... wasn't long ago it got washed...

Anyway it can be overwhelming to look at a mess even if it's your mess. And it takes space to drag stuff out in order to sort and put it away, like with like. I know how to organize and  it usually is organized. But...

 Life got in the way.

For months I have coped by pushing a stack to the side, so I could make something, Tomorrow I will do that because the leash caddy I designed and made is worn out and needs replacing. I don't remember where I filed the self-made pattern. I'll have to design it again. The eye drops and alcohol wipes are falling out of the old one so I must enter the studio, push the stacks to the left and make a new caddy. Tomorrow.

"Walks" stop for no man, and no woman with a messy studio.
Can you relate?
At least I'll be sewing.

For other Creativity Roadblocks see the link over there ==>

Monday, April 13, 2015

Someone's been eating in my bed...

Mommy:  "Cole! What are you doing over on my side of the bed, I could have tripped or stepped on you!"

Cole: "My bed is all Crumb-y. Someone's been eating in my bed."

The story:

Early on in Cole's career, dh's parents came to visit with their dog, and Cole wouldn't eat.
 We took some water and food up to the bedroom for him in case he wanted peace and quiet to eat in the night.
That quickly became etched in stone and has continued for years now.
He likes his bed next to Daddy's side so he can make sure Dad wakes up at the first light, and so he can wake Dad if he (Cole)  has a nightmare or is cold or wants to go out. (Mommy is okay with this arrangement)

When Mommy comes up for the night, she brings Cole a bedtime snack.
This started to get him to stop pacing and lay down.

It has evolved into kibble, tiny cheese biscuits, a glucosamine square, and most lately dried cranberries.

Trail mix!

Do something once okay, do it twice and now it's a ritual and must be continued for life.
Lately there has been a need for a handful when Mom comes up at night, and another one when she comes out of the shower.
If for some reason Cole doesn't feel the kibble is kosher that night, he carefully picks out the good stuff, and leaves the kibble. That's usually when I trip over him coming out of the shower, because he can't be expected to lay in a crumby bed. He's a poodle for Pete's sake!!

Cole:  It's so hard to find good help these days

Find other poodle puppy ponderings under that label over there  ==>
Linking to Monday Mischief

Saturday, April 11, 2015

And this little piggy had coffee

Pattern source   Sew Precise software
And THIS little piggy had coffee.
Apparently even the thought of coffee sends her into dance mode. Spring! Coffee! Whee!

Give me a BIG cuppa!!!
And a big plate of something good to eat!!
I'll have to show you the four teapots all together later... so cute. Blue cherub, pink Betty Boop, Yellow chicken baking.... 
I like to have fun dishes to use in real life too. I've never seen any this fun though. 
 How about you?  Are your dishes fun? 

(Check out the other fun purple scrap blocks this week at RSC 2015 link party as well as my other link parties listed on the links page! )

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

busy bee and tree

pattern source   quiltartdesigns.
I'm still here... still creating but busy at the moment. Wanted to say hi, and show one little paper pieced tree.
There are three, and being transformed into a quilt...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

But you only asked me twice!! Monday Mischief

Seems like every day when it's time for a walk, I say something like,
 "Hey Cole,  you want to go for a walk?" Most times I have to ask many times before he agrees.

He tips his head, thinking it over.   Waiting for a an engraved invitation possibly. Sometimes like today he doesn't even move, just watches me. Inscrutable.
He often just sits watching me pull on my shoes, getting my hat, finding my keys, all the while, basically begging him to come with me. There are times I walk over and put on his collar while he's still on his perch.

This day I wanted to get moving so I asked, repeated myself once then said, okay I'll be back in a minute.

And left.

I had a very relaxing walk, didn't stop once to sniff or pee or argue with a squirrel.
When I got back Cole was not only off his perch but pretty ticked off.
  I can only imagine what he was thinking....

Cole: " Okay,  wait for the third or fourth invitation, just to let her beg me as she should since I am the life of this party... (slam)


Hey.... wait just a poodle pickin' minute!!!  
She left.   
She left me!

She's walking without me! Everyone knows she has no sense of direction and left without a leash! OMG!
(Stew, stew, stew)  Feels like she's been gone for hours. She must be lost.
 What's that?: Momma coming back finally? Well she can just take me on my walk now.
That's right, I'm right here at the door, waiting... if I could have put on my own leash I would have, now lets go for the REAL walk, Come on momma! Come!
And none of that stupid walk around-the-corner-and-back stuff... oh no....a for reals walk!. I am going to smell it all and pee on it twice.  Now lets go!    ( she is so unpredictable)

She only asked twice!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Happy Spring!

what am I supposed to do with this? I know I said I wanted a bunny....
Happy Easter y'all!  Happy Spring! Bunnies for everyone!
love,   Cole and the humans at chez Paylor

Friday, April 3, 2015

A Pair of Purple Flamingos

The color of the month over at so scrappy  is purple! I love purple! Easy peasy... purple cows, purple cups and saucers, purple flamingos....
I paper pieced them from the scrap bins, fussy little tiny shards of fabric! Something from nothing, something beautiful from a scrap another person might have thrown away!
cute little fabrics. I inked in the beaks and eyes.
and here they are with their pink friends. How expected. Pink flamingos! Really!
When you've looked around here, please enjoy the other color purple blocks over at superscrappy RSC2015  on Saturday's link party! Also enjoy other paper pieced blocks at quiltartdesigns party Friday

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Nearly Wordless--- Create and have fun

I'm busy gathering supplies and making step-outs for my two upcoming workshops.

Words on quilts and Bindings 12 ways

I'll do more posts soon,
                  when I surface!
I have been creating and making stuff...
"your visit is important to us, please leave a message at the tone..."