
Monday, April 27, 2015

Poodle Peepers

it's c

We were on the porch, enjoying a fine day, Momma on her chair, Cole on his perch.

This time he was facing Mom so there would be no chance of going into the kitchen without his knowing.
This meant his back was to the bird feeder.
Along came the brightest yellow bird who had a bird bite of suet then flew to the plant holder just outside Cole's bed area. 

(A Poodle Peeper...couldn't get a  picture fast enough so this is borrowed from the web)


Then the bird flew to the actual screen just over Cole's head but Cole was looking the other way.
So Much Closer!!
Peep! Peep peep!

Cole looked up, around and right at the bird inches from the jaws of death with only a screen for protection!
I couldn't see the birds eyes but apparently the two locked in on each other and with a swoosh all that was left was the memory of the rare yellow- Poodle Peeper.


  1. Seamus only ever wants to smell things, not eat them. Would Cole have eaten the bird? Our Teddy would have... Anyway, can't help but notice the blanket on Cole in the photograph. Does he get cold? I swear Seamus is cold this morning. He doesn't even want to go out. Unfortunately, he also won't leave a blanket on himself. Have a great day and I'll look out for Poodle Peepers!

  2. Oh i don't know what my Jou-Jou would have ever done if she actually caught a bird--she really like to chase them--away from HER HOUS (lol) hugs, I do miss her.still.....hugs, Julierose P.S. Cole is just adorable..I love poodles!!

  3. So far the only flying object Jax seems interested in has been Doodle Dad's kite. He ran after it the other day with his head in the air and BAM hit the fence. Silly Doodle

  4. My dogs chase fighter jets as they fly low over the house. I really don't know what ghey would do with them if they ever caught one!

  5. Hi LeeAnna,
    You have such a great place for bird watching!

  6. Hi LeeAnna,
    You have such a great place for bird watching!

  7. My dogs chase fighter jets as they fly low over the house. I really don't know what ghey would do with them if they ever caught one!

  8. Sam isn't the brightest poodle on the block; birds and squirrels always get a pass. Cats and foxes on the other hand...:)

  9. Poodle Peepers are rare birds indeed.
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  10. (Looks like my previous comment disappeared.) Very cool to see a Poodle Peeper up close! Rita hates birds so they have to sneak up at our house too!

  11. Wow! Lucky to spot that beautiful bird! What a start to the day!

  12. Maybe a goldfinch.... Beautiful birds!

  13. I'm thinking that bird knew he was safe! Love Dolly

  14. What a beautiful close up of the bird.

  15. Looks like a perfect day. The bird is beautiful!
