
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Giveaway Kitsch

A definition of Kitsch is:
art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way.

Welcome to my giveaway!
To my friends here, I present...

The Crab Pen!
from as the natives say it, "Bawl'more"
You could read about that excursion in the
 post here (LINK)

Anyway, around Christmas we took a little trip to the harbor and I went into a tourist shop full of fun stuff and asked the clerk to direct me to the tackiest tourist stuff he had.

He was flummoxed because well, let's just say it, the whole shop qualified.

Little crab fridge magnets, change purses with claws, Old Bay flavored chips.
I chose this little gem for you, just in case you can't make it to Baltimore to visit with me, you can say your friend LeeAnna went to Baltimore and sent this to me!

Instructions for use:
move the little lever, the crab claws pinch something and the nib pops out. 

To enter, leave a comment (make sure I have your email addy) and tell me the tackiest trinket souvenir  you ever bought or received.
I am having the time of my life meeting you all online, thanks for visiting. LeeAnna

UPDATE the winner has been chosen by Mr. Notafraidofcolor and it's quiltshopgirl! I wish I had one for each of you cause those stories were priceless. There is another giveaway coming up. Good luck! LeeAnna


  1. I didn't buy the tackiest trinket but my husband did. Years ago when our kids were in high school and middle school, he went to San Antonio for a business trip. And bought 3 coon skin caps for the girls and I. It was so tacky - and I wore mine frequently at school when we had a crazy hat day for some events. It was hilarious looking.

  2. This is really fabulous! I know that over the years I've received many kitschy presents, and I can't remember the "worst" but one stands out in my mind. It was one of those generic baskets full of brown Easter grass piled with fancy seashells (but of course not the kind you'd ever find on the beach near which such a thing was purchased), and shrink-wrapped in plastic. It stands out because for many years my mom (who is generally not a kitsch type person) displayed it on the back of the toilet, still in its shrink wrap.

  3. Oh my, I'm cracking up, but I truly absolutely love your crab pen. We love things like this. I have had a collection of fish and shark pens, but have never seen a crab pen. Too cute.

    As I really liked our fish and shark pens, I'm not sure I can think of the "tackiest" trinket ever. Maybe our salt & pepper shakers that are dolphins (they make noise), or our plastic sharks that can hang from the side of a glass. But then we did get a little hula doll that dances. She was meant for a car, but was so tacky we never removed her from the plastic box she came in. Guess we are just tacky people. LOL!


  4. Love the crab claw pen! I'm definitely a unique pen hoarder!!
    I think the tackiest souvenir I ever received was a piggybank monkey made from a coconut... The thing was cute but the eyes were so scary , to the point it was creepy!

  5. When we took Carrie and 3 of her friends (age 12) to Disney World, we flew out from New Orleans to Orlando. It was a riot with the girls, one of which broke her leg the day before we left. (It is not true you get to go first in line.) We came home with an alien that was the size of a 5 year old. Getting it through the airport was interesting, we almost had to buy it a seat on the plane.

    I tossed it last year when cleaned out my quilt room closet. Carrie is 30 this year.

  6. Love the pen! Just enough tackiness to be ultra cool :-) I remember an alligator purse that was made from a real alligator and still had the feet from the alligator on it! All shriveled and pretty gross actually. This was back in the 70's. It probablly would be illegal now but I did get a lot of comments on my alligator purse. Fashionista that I was - lol!

  7. When I was living in FL may quilting secret sister gave me an ugly purple trinket box covered with seashells and gold stitching. Leanne,,I also live in Bel Air and I love your blog ..just discovered it.

  8. My comment above showed up as "unknown" I'm not sure why I'm "unknown"
