
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Must you?

Mommy: Cole! Must you stop, sniff, and pee on something every three feet?

Cole:  Yes.
          You have your little blog, I have my way of keeping up with my peeps. AND I have to do it for
          the whole family too, since you and Daddy won't.

 And, you're welcome.

linking to pepismartdog. 
and Fractured Friday 


  1. It is not easy being the social media manager for all of the pooches in the neighborhood!

  2. "But Mom, there's just so much to sniff & mark" ;-)

  3. Someone once told me that walking a dog was his way of reading the newspaper. Cole must be reading each section LOL

  4. That's their favorite part of the walk, isn't it? Cole should do a report on the happenings in the neighborhood, haha!

  5. BOL. All that pee-mail to read.

  6. LOL... what a selfless pooch. You are a card!

  7. My walks are the same way! Going a single block can take 30 minutes!

  8. I wrote a haiku about reading the pee-mail. My dogs would stop at every single tree trunk, stop sign, telephone pole and fire hydrant if I let them.
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  9. Barley has been trying to pee like a boy on every tree and post we find! It's really funny to watch her try to balance on three legs only to realize that she doesn't have the same aim as the dogs that marked before her, but it's also exasperating having to stop that often when she used to be so good at trotting along with me.

  10. It's hard work to keep up with all that pee-mail! (Wonder if there's an app for that?!)

  11. This is hysterical. You do understand the poodle mentality PERFECTLY :)
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, Mickie

  12. Where is the like button! This is hilarious, and true. Thanks for sharing your sense of humor and your poodle!

  13. Lol. Everybody has their job to do.

  14. he he - good point pal.,. I've never seen my peeps do that either, and I don't walk on the street. So, I don't understand what all the fuss is about. he he - M said she does tho.

  15. Reading Pee Mail is one of our MAIN Jobs... RIGHT, Cole?

  16. PepiSmartDog: peemail is so important!
    It can never be underestimated. BOL!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop again and for your paw-up for our new logo. : )
    Hope to see you in the hop again this week too. *waves paw* :=o)
