
Thursday, July 11, 2024

I Like Thursday # 410 summertime drinks, books, desserts, and a poodle


Welcome to this week's list of likes starting with our new outdoor (back patio) rug . It reminds me of some of my paintings but since it was on sale at Khols, it's not as precious lol

I liked finishing this quilt last week, made with turquoise scraps, and in position on my bedside table!

13" X 21"

and one of my index card paintings from last week's post. I love the index card a day prompts

I do an art/creativity post on Saturdays with pics of the week's efforts

 Fine Dining

the first little and I DO mean little watermelon of the season. We get groceries delivered and the organic produce here is usually small but that's ridiculous!

I tried two new recipes this week. One was chocolate ice cream without a churn... turned out to taste great but leaves a sort of fatty coating on my tongue. It was easy to make though.

The next things was Cherry Gallette something like a cherry pie, or torte, made with puff pastry crust

From Dimitra's Dishes :

 we made it more rectangular, but it is gone with no pics! I adapted the recipe a bit and still so good

Water, Tea, Ginger Ale, cherry juice (nothing but cherry juice)

 the prompt this week: do you have a favorite summertime drink?

non-alcoholic:  Ice-cold is most important. No ice as it dilutes the drinks. 

I love Iced Tea.... made by the half gallon, with cinnamon or constant comment bags, plus a few green tea bags. Steep strong... dilute with filtered water to half gal. and kept in fridge. 

I like ginger ale made with sugar not corn syrup. I like cherry juice mixed with plain sparkle water.(supposed to help with inflammation) 

I keep filtered water in the fridge to entice me to drink more

Alcoholic: I love Sangria (wine plus fruit) I like lemoncello while sitting outside on the porch. I like Reislings, sweet red wine in summer, and if you're making it, a long island iced tea would be nice 

Just fun: stairs VS ramps....

 Audio book du jour,  next in the flab five series mysteries. A group of people get together to lose weight but end up solving crimes


Food for thought

 are you invested in women's rights? are you a moderate rep. woman? Joining together are Moderate, republican and democratic women,   we need to stand together or the next thing to go could be our right to vote... don't say this is overreacting.

We now have less rights than a generation or two ago, and it's getting worse. Watch this smart woman as she describes how women (and supportive men) will save the country if we work together... 

Seneca Project:

More food for thought

 on forgiveness.... I've had to learn a lot of forgiveness lessons and this ties up a lot of wisdom:

Milo's Moments

Milo Here.... 

well, somehow I survived the week! It was a poodle miracle! There was so much booming around our house. I knew it was NOT normal so I barked the alert! 

Can you believe it, my pawrents said "it's going to be okay, quiet down"

QUIET? are you kidding me? My barks  are no where near as loud as the booms! And for about the whole week it happened every night and even when the sun is still out! 

Mama: sigh.... I hate this too. One night it went on after 2 AM ! I miss the days when there was one display, in some park or common area and ended by 10 PM, one day only. Now every tom dick and harry fires them off right outside our doors with no controls on them. 

Illegally by the way, but true to the laws these days, they are not enforced. 


Milo: it's about me Mama! I hate this behavior by humans. What's so nice about making loud disturbing noise? I got extremely upset and nervous and it smelled bad outside but I hope it's safe again...  d

please visit these fine folk to read their lists of likes this week

taking a break: 

               friday smiles


  1. Ooooo, that cherry galette looks good! I like making galettes, both sweet and savoury. I may give that one a try too!

  2. Sorry to read you are plagued by tye fireworks Milo. Our Mr T used to like them so much I had to keep him shut indoors because there are some really bad people out there who think it is funny to torment animals with fireworks. I let him watch fireworks and lightning from the big windows in the bedroom. Tell you Mum I like your turquoise patchwork.

  3. Your cherry gallette sounds delicious! And ginger ale, too - I haven't had that in a long time. Love the video of the dogs on the ramp - so cute! Happy Thursday!

  4. I'm reading/enjoying the Flab Five books too - currently in book #3. Your cherry galette sounds delicious. I made an apple galette last fall that was tasty, but may have to do cherry/almond next time I host the card group.

    Summer drinks - I drink a lot of ice water and iced tea, but mostly I don't like sweet drinks. And especially don't care for flavors in my coffee or tea. Except I do like sweeter wines - moscato and riesling are my favorites.

  5. Poor pups and other animals, including humans, this time of year. Once and done would be nice. We have an island near us, people rent it for weddings (expensive!!!!) and the really ostentatious do fireworks, so annoying!

    I love something cold, ice tea with a little mint is lovely. Or a great seltzer water or water with lemon. I do like ice...and am ok with it diluting it. I love limoncello - will imagine us sharing one later today!

  6. Your little turquoise quilt is so pretty, love the little adds of red/pinks! That cherry recipe looks good, I have to keep that one in mind. We had very few fireworks around here, due to the flooding and rains.

  7. Thank you for this post! You address our private lives and likes, but then also tired to what's going on and how important it is for moderate people everywhere to get together and stop letting both extremes fight each other over our heads.

  8. Pretty patio rug! There were tons of fireworks here too! I hate them in the neighborhood. I’m going to check out the cherry recipe. Suddenly I need cherry pie ot something cherry! 😉

  9. What a cute door mat. I just have a charcoal gray, textured one that everything sticks to. That's great for keeping stuff out of the house, but very hard to clean off. I've heard of galottes, but have not ever made one. I don't do any baking any more.

  10. I've been curious about that no-churn ice cream recipe. The dogs on that ramp are a hoot!

  11. So sorry to hear about the fireworks….our little Milly hates them and gets very distressed. I hope they stop soon….what are they to celebrate at this time of year?
    Annie x

  12. Both my cats were distressed by the fireworks. I understand how Milo feels because my two experienced the same devastating effects.

  13. I love sangria too! I always order that when we go out to dinner. My cats hide under the couch when they hear fireworks. Loud noises always scare them. Your cherry galette sounds delicious!

  14. Poor Milo, he must have had a terrible few days/nights and I hope things get better for him. Alfie and Daisy send hugs. I absolute the quilt, gorgeous colour. Wishing you a quiet weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  15. Cherry juice with sparkling water... That sounds worth a try.

  16. My favorite drink right now is a large mason jar of filtered water with plenty of ice cubes and a slice of frozen lemon. Too hot to drink much else lately! I like to slice lemons and freeze them on a tray and bag them up. Also, I love the turquoise quilt. Stay cool and thanks for linking up.

  17. Ooooh, that cherry galette sounds incredibly delish. Thanks for sharing the link!

    We're finally over the boom-booms Milo and hope you're feeling less upset. It was too much for all 3 of us too. Digital ear rubs to you and a big hug to your mom.
