
Saturday, June 24, 2023

watching paint dry plus stitching one little fabric to another until it's done

 I did a lot of medicinal arting this week.... you know about bodies turning on you don't you? Welcome to this week's artful round up...starting with one of the index card prompts which I got quite behind on...

I usually do the day's prompt in the morning but I ended up having to catch up a bit doing four at once

she encouraged us to use printed script this week while doing the daily prompts. Generally I need to stay away from chemicals so I love watercolor, pencil, pen and ink. These can be interpreted in so many ways... xylophone for instance... could be just rainbow of colors , or what do you think of? 

I remember having one of these I could drag around as a kid, the tinkle, the way the bars bounced just a bit when hit with those tiny mallets.

 Sea Glass... I grew up near beaches and still love sea glass with it's depth of glowing color, I like sea glass jewelery...but how to paint it? I started with watercolor, mixing titanium buff + quinacridone gold for sand, lots of blues and greens, then tombow markers on top of that, and iridescent white 

I had a bit of trouble making it look 3-5 and capturing that depth but I like it. I used a kuretaki metallic gold brush pen to imply seashells. Thank you to Helen at our discussion of making something appear 3-d  I'll work on it! 

I've painted and quilted many sunflowers but never one in such a hurry... I just wanted to catch up and didn't think or plan, just dropped watercolor on this absorbent cheap index card... I wanted a van gogh like brushstroke and can't easily use acrylics that would give me that (allergies) so I used my acrylic ink pen posca in neon yellow and scratched the color over the painting. 


ahhhhh violets, natures delicate petals I mixed  purple, red violet, pink in an impressionist blur of color, used a pen and ink to imply petals, daubed on a bit of brown and that yellow posca pen. Some dashes of muted green imply stems and leaves. 

I am catching up on some of Tamara La Porte's workshop lessons this week, again sadly I can't use the supplies suggested as they cause migraines for me, but I did this one by Effie Wilde and I just love the economy of line, the tiny pen marks that together make up a face...

I sketched the lines with stabilo crayon  like using a piece of coal it's so blunt! It's highly disolvable so with just a tiny amount of water on the water pen, I can shadow the lines

Oh isn't she lovely???

Shame to possibly  mess it up with color... but... how can I resist?

She's done on a half sheet of watercolor paper, Dick Blick brand. Not great but fine for learning on

ooh my, I've carried this from painting area up to studio, back and forth this week. I love her. 

the best way to learn something is to immediately try it again, so on my latest index card, interpreting alphabet, I started with an image printed from google in color I liked. trimmed and overlapped bits onto a card, I then used the stabilo to sketch a face over the existing image, letting things fall where they would.

daubs of watercolor, gold kuretaki brush and ink... she looks like an online friend of mine... artist 


Quilt making

I worked hard to quilt, and join the sections of this quilt  too...The original blocks done for RSC last year...The hearts made this year also from repro fabric scraps

I made it work, found fabric from stash to do borders and backing pieced... I don't like to show them before they are done, but this is taking a long time to finish. I quite hurt my spine trying to finish it to this point. I used a bamboo/cotton blend batting and it's heavy and bulky.

The quilting came out so pretty, and I like how feminine it all is. Soft yellow and pinks remind me of granny's quilts all made from old clothing, by hand, hand quilted, the way she learned on a farm in Alabama as a child.

it's a mix of  even feed foot, and hand sketched free motion stitching. The final trim just before a pink binding 

left small orts finally too small to keep, but this quilt is a testament to the beauty to be found in scraps... the mix of color and texture making the whole richer. 

I'll take better pics when it's truly done, but wanted to show you I'm still sewing this summer.

Happy arting y'all. 

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts 

finished or not



  1. I love your simple lines that turned into a beautiful face - amazing! The almost-finished quilt is beautiful, too. The yellow borders are soft and sweet!

  2. Such a pretty quilt. I really like the yellow borders with it.

  3. Your Twinkle Stars quilt looks great so far. Fantastic quilting, and the hearts really add a lot. I don't know anything about painting, but I do admire those who can. Have a good week!

  4. Such happy photos to begin the day! Love the quilt!!!!

  5. Nice job on working through some ICAD catch-up and getting your RSC quilt quilted! My own Effy Wild project never got off the sketched note stuck in my Altered Book journal, but I still want to give her technique a try. Yours turned out beautifully!!

  6. I luv the violets; oh and you have some smiles.
    Sunday Smiles linky is HERE


  7. Your painted art is beautiful, I love your lady! Pretty RSC quilt also, love the yellow border.
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

  8. Your "art girl" is gorgeous, glad you're proud of her because it's GOOD! Of course I'm partial on the purple flowers since I'm a February baby and violets are my flowers! In spite of playing catch-up, looks like a great week! Hope you didn't get hit with the bad Denver weather I heard about on the news.

  9. I really really love that yellow border on your quilt. Great choice! You've had so much fun with your painting lately, and of course I love the botanicals best.

  10. The blue background behind that sunflower is just fabulous! You did such a good job with Effy's lady. I meant to do that one, but time ran out on the Kaleidoscope lessons before I got to it. I did download the image, so I might get to it yet. It looks like you really enjoyed that one.

  11. Such a pretty quilt! Way to go to finish an RSC project!

  12. Luv all of your art and quilts. Happy you dropped by today.
    Remember you are invited to link on Sundays to Sunday Smiles


  13. You have another wonderful art week. I absolutley love the faces you created. Thank you so much for joining FFO and have a great weekend.

  14. I'm a bit late getting by, but better late than never, right? Happy July LeeAnna. Oh I love the idea of a rainbow xylophone and your lady's face came out amazing. And of course your quilts are always beautiful to look at. I love seeing your "experimental art" drawings and how they compare to the more traditional style quilt you shared this week. Have a great holiday weekend. hugs-Erika

  15. For someone who started out behind, you sure caught up fast. Love the decision to the do the violets with a backwash then ink them in. Very effective.

  16. Oh this was fun and the results are delightful. I love the violets (and the technique you used to achieve them) and the ladies faces, espeically the one with the background showing through. And of course your quilting is so delicate and beautiful. I think the time you spend on your art is well worth while. Be cool and well in this hot summer ...

    Andrea @ Form the Sol

  17. Leeanna, your scrap quilt is so pretty. I love the soft colors and the secondary circles your pattern made. The hearts just set it off! Thanks so much for linking up with Monday Musings!

  18. Very pretty quilt - the yellows are just so soft and draw it all together
    Your paintings and printing is beautiful - I think you are so artistic!
