
Friday, January 20, 2023

my creative week... a start and a finish with some paint and beading!


14" X 14"
This is my offering for the challenge Project Quilting. We are given a prompt, this time "PINK" and given one week to make a quilt. (apologies for my poor photography skills this is very even and flat)

the idea started with a painting. It's textile paints on white muslin, some floral stencils over the petals, dashes of glittery shimmery paint come together to resemble a pink flower. A hibiscus in my mind. But how to turn this into a quilt.... 

after auditioning ways to set it, I decided that it's a piece of art, so I'll "mat" it with very sparkly white fabric, back it with lovely pink vintage fabric, and use peltex stabilizer then quilt lots of lines of lots of threads. 

Here I am showing you one way I organize a project for quilting. I use a drawer divider to keep stuff near but contained. Mylar and metallic thread, cotton hand dyed threads, different machine feet like walking foot, free motion foot, and quarter inch. Beads in both bugle bead shape, seed beads, rocaille beads. 

tried as I might, I couldn't photo the extreme shimmer and sparkle of this. Even the tiny binding fabric to represent a little metal frame, sparkles! You can see the blending of paints here. 

These close ups give you an idea of sparkle, blending, stenciling, free motion, threads...

I tried to bead some stamens and pollen heads in the center but the peltex was extremely difficult to bead through, not flexible at all. 


here it is displayed on a little easel on my dusty desk... don't judge! lol

and on our entry table. I don't have a name for it yet... but I wonder if Georgia O'Keeffe would like it?

and on to the start of something.... my SAHRR center

I'm doing the Stay-at-home-round-robin again this year. This little spring piece will be my center... 

I don't have a lot of spring or Easter quilts and with this snow on the ground it's fun to think about some flowers! 

recently I told you I learned a machine piecing technique for making hexies without pivoting or y-seam stress. I made these three with dark blue scraps because rainbow scrap challenge is to use that color this month.

I used a pattern to make the bunny in applique with several textured browns... how I love her! It pays to have a stash of cool fabrics from which to fussy cut sections.

the pattern source

Made the butterfly, fused it on a goddess sheet so it was one unit to audition onto backgrounds. When I saw it stuck on my design wall on the hexies I said, how fun! After much auditioning of backgrounds I allowed myself to cut that glorious daisy fabric at the bottom, and picked a subtle cloudy sky fabric. 

We will be adding rows according to weekly prompts so I just folded the edges under for the photo. 

I sewed the hexie unit onto the pieced background with a button hole stitch around the set of three. I will sew bunnie  and her friend down  later so they don't get messed up with all the rows to come. 

so there you go... a satisfying week in studio!

Linking to: 

Project quilting:


design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts


  1. Wow, I LOVE that flower! The bunny piece is pretty cute, too.

  2. Wowza, LeeAnna! Both your creations. The pink flower, Georgia O’Keefe would’ve definitely love and want it.

  3. The flower has so much depth and sparkle; beautifully done!

  4. Hi LeeAnna! Oh, I'm so glad you shared a closeup of your bunny. Wow - those fabrics are so cool. I'm glad you decided to play along with the SAHRR again this year. No stress is allowed! I look forward to seeing how this project blossoms. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Amazing! Your project quilting piece is so beautiful!

  6. Beautiful hibiscus flower! Peltex seems it would be impossible to bead through. You did good! Loving your starting center for SAHRR. I’m think of joining! We’ll see!

  7. Your PQ flower quilt is really pretty! I love that you painted it on fabric and then added sparkle with beads and thread. It really does look like a framed painting! Fun beginning for your SAHRR, too!

  8. Your Hibiscus piece is truly a work of art. I look forward to seeing where the bunny/hexie project takes you.

  9. Spectacular work of art, LeeAnna! I know you will enjoy seeing your completed PQ14.2 every day. And... If you get tired to looking at it, just mail it to me!! :o))

  10. I love this pink flower on so many levels!

  11. Oh wow, your hibiscus is gorgeous! I love all the beads, threads you added. Pretty hexies too.
    Thank you for sharing these beauties, and linking up!

  12. Your flower piece is stunning, what a great entry for PQ14.2.

  13. Wow your pink ‘is it a hibiscus’ piece is just gorgeous! I totally get what you mean by trying (and mostly failing) to capture the sparkle and shimmer of the metallic threads like Sulky. Really cool starting block for the SAHRR!

  14. A very satisfying week in your creative studio! The hibiscus is a lovely piece with the vibrant paint colours, shimmer, beads and stitching. Such a sweet little bunny hopping near the hexies.

  15. Love your hibiscus and your SAHRR center! Will you tell us where to learn about sewing hexies without Y seams?

  16. OK - I am judging! That piece is amazingly beautiful. Wow!! The bunny piece is awfully cute too. But the flower is stunning!

  17. the hexie method is taught by Gyleen Fitzgerald on The Quilt Show (I just did a post on that last week)
    she is not going to be happy if I teach it again here.... sorry

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. love the pinkly hibiscus abstract quilt painted. so pretty so pinkly!!

  20. Very satisfying week indeed! Your project quilting quilt is so pretty. Love the beaded touches. That bunny in the center of your SAHRR is adorable! Thanks for sharing both on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  21. Your flower is absolutely lovely - you are a very talented artist!

  22. I am in awe of what went into creating your gorgeous flower; the outcome certainly justifies all the effort. And then the bunny, butterfly, and tree center are so different but still awesome. It should be interesting to see what happens next to it.

  23. Beautiful flower quilt with all the shimmery beading and fabric! And the bunny -hexie quilt with the butterfly is perfect for Easter. Something sweet and cheerful while waiting for spring! xx K

  24. Love that flower quilt! Gorgeous!

  25. LoVe love lOVE the "flower" & the rabbit. So well done...
    Thanks for joining in TGIFF... xox
