
Thursday, January 26, 2023

I Like Thursday # 334


Welcome to this week's list of likes! I like snow, good thing! It's snowed several days since the big one foot of it last week. I looked out to see these mighty icicles on my neighbor's roof and realized snow tends to evaporate before it makes icicles here. But it's remained cold while being sunny this week. Yea!


I like the new blanket we bought at khols during Christmas sales...

it feels like the softest toy... and is warm. We all love it! I admit at night to putting my arm out of the flannel sheets, thick comforter into the folds of this blanket just to feel the softness. My niece said she learned in nursing school that people calm down when they have soft things to touch. 

I like my new wool socks

DH got the ones I found on sale at REI and some other pairs. He knows I'll wear socks with holes in them so as not to waste them. I admit, having new thick wool socks, all cushy and intact... it's a good thing... and something I love. 

also Christmas gifts were these soaps. Two from L'Occitane that smell divine. One lavendar, one orange and orchid. The cetaphil pump soap was bought in an effort to find a soap that didn't contribute to our broken and bleeding hands. The nozzle sticks when you press down on that one. 


I liked the idea of taking free knitting workshops this week, 5 a day. But. It was beyond my ability at the moment, so I just took in what I could, and liked that since it was free I didn't put undue pressure on myself to succeed. I just enjoyed watching and tried a few techniques. (that's wool up there in a lovely magenta color)

Watching on TV

We are loving All Creatures on PBS and finished Annika this week. I also finished this season of Making the Cut, Tim Gunn's new design show. Glad that Good Doctor returned this week! 


finished my ebook in time, because I became obsessed with it and read it during the day as well as bedtime   it is in the Royal Spyness series which I love for many reasons. This latest book made me chuckle, and look up some older British phrases

Now I'm able to continue my previous book, since the library gave it back!

I finished my audio book by Ellery Adams and started this one by Susan Wiggs... so good. 


it's about two generations, love, character, the things that happen to us and choices we make that make lead our lives.  It flashes back to the VietNam war period in the 70's when I was in high school. It causes me to think about values. I am really enjoying it being read to me as I sew



 on my Valentine quilt for this year, on another painted flower, on an exuberant snowy scene

I liked finishing a quilt this week, another painted flower

Fine Dining 

this week I want to recommend a recipe for Eggplant Parm Greek Style

I used half the cream cheese  and added in mushrooms, and it is the creamiest easiest (in comparison of my other method) eggplant dish I've made. We all gave it thumbs/paws up. We ate it for three nights in a row, and froze the rest! 

sorry no pictures, trust me it is good

Prompt : color!

" I love color!  what are your favorite colors? Do you wear them or decorate with them? has it changed in the last few years? Is it influenced by the seasons?"

 Did your color favorites change when you moved, for instance I grew to respect earth tones after moving to Colorado. I grew up in Florida and still like saturated colors. I think the quality of sunlight affects how you perceive color.  I remember moving from Florida to the Washington DC area and feeling like a displaced peacock. More muted colors were worn in the midatlantic.

I attended a color lecture at the Houston Quilt show one year... fascinating the study of colors. They vibrate, and that vibration attracts us or repels us. I told the lecturer I was moving from purples to corals.  She sized me up and said that was a good move. Those who know how much I love flamingos are not surprised... flamingos standing in brilliant water, lime colored palm trees behind them!

My husband still thinks I like purple best, and I do like it but I often choose pink (my new phone case) or turquoise. I LOVE turquoise now and choose it in clothes, fabrics, etc.

 I like groups of colors like lime green/ turquoise/ cobalt blue   or magenta, purple, turquoise.  Rust/turquoise/black. I love red in appliances and my ipad case is red.

I see the value and excitement in most saturated colors but do not like beige generally. Ironically I enjoy calm wall colors that allow artwork to stand out.  I still like to wear brilliant colors although yesterday I wore chocolate brown turtleneck. It's cold!

I'm having trouble leaving comments on your blogs again. If you don't hear from me, I am still visiting!

 Milo's Moment

Milo: okay pups, listen up I'm going to do a tutorial on how to avoid foods. Now I know some of you don't think this makes sense, you'll eat anything doesn't even have to be food but I'm a poodle. I betcha there are some others out there with poodle ways of thinking...

Mama: ahem, what are you talking about? 

Milo: remember this week when you made the house smell really buttery and cheesy? 

Mama: when I made scrambled egg whites?

Milo: what ever... well you put some in a small baby-bear-sized bowl for me, and I was surprised to see you made a mistake. I know you didn't mean to put tomatoes in it. You can be reckless but usually make tasty things. Anyway, when your pawrent puts something in your bowl you don't want, you carefully eat around it. Easy as that really! 


Mama: I thought you liked tomatoes

Milo: not THAT day mama, sheesh! Anyway she stupidly picked up that tomato piece and handed it to me at the end. I took it, to be polite, because I'm very polite. Then she kept watching me!!! 

What about some peace and quiet around here???

so, I quietly sucked the cheesy egg off the tomato and placed it on the floor. There! now she won't pick it back up because she's always telling me, "don't eat stuff on the floor Milo!" heh heh

I only wish she could figure out what I like to eat on what days... sometimes even I don't know tho...

please visit these fine folks to see what they liked this week. Tell me what colors you like best!

back again:

musings of a menopausal melon 




  1. we love colors too.. and we miss them when everything is gray ... well done milo. we got the lesson :O) thanks....

  2. The fuchsia colored flower is so beautiful. I zoomed in (again) to make sure it was (still) a quilted fabric and not a painting.

  3. It's not surprising that someone whose blog name is Not Afraid of Color would have such rich descriptions of colors! I like purples too, especially those tending to blues. I am kind of embarrassed to admit I've never tried eggplant! Your painted flower quilt is gorgeous. I just finished my first Rhys Bowen book (loved it!) and started another. I saw the Royal Spyness series on the list and will give those a go at some point.

  4. Had to laugh at the Milo story today!

    I love color too. I lean toward bright colors in my quilting.

    My house is pretty neutral in terms of paint and furniture, but I have colorful quilts everywhere. My favorite colors to wear are red and royal blue, but also wear a lot of pink and coral. I had a color study done years ago, where the presenter draped different colored scarves around you to help determine what colors flatter you. I remember her saying that coral looks good on almost all people. I evidently looked best in saturated jewel tones.

  5. Your new blanket is pretty and sounds perfect for the winter we're having! I love Susan Wiggs, and haven't read one of her books in a long time, so just went and put that one on hold. Milo, you're a sneaky guy - eat your veggies!

  6. Big yes to the wool socks! They feel so good. Interesting to learn that soft things will calm people down. I guess I knew that intuitively though. Thinking of touching silk makes me go ahhh.

  7. Bless you three for creating such a wonderful home! Of course I'm including Milo too


  9. I enjoyed your post today. I believe my favorite color is royal blue but I also love teal and turquoise. Actually, I like a lot of colors.

  10. Hello! I enjoyed reading about your colorful life today. Beautiful painted art quilt. I am hoping this comment will post, as I also have trouble commenting on blogs these day. Milo is as adorable as ever. Please give him an ear scratch from me... and a cheese snack when he is allowed ... :) Pat

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm not sure how to link up with you, but I agree about color choices changing. For some reason, I am obsessed with jewel tones now, especially teal. I used to love all colors of red, and I still love true blue, but teals make me happy.

    And Mia agrees with Milo. Some days she will pick out all the dark brown kibble and put them on the floor and only eat the orange ones. I know when it's an orange day when her bowl is empty and there is a pile of brown kibble next to the bowl. lol

  13. Purple, in all it's variations and lime green are my favorite colors. I make all my baby and kid quilts in bright saturated colors. I love eggplant, but it sounds like that recipe makes way too much for one person. I'm struggling to cut recipes down so I don't have endless leftovers. Milo, you are too funny.

  14. That looks like a bunch of snow to us, brrrrr. Nothing good ever happens if it snows here. Love the quilt and your art too. Milo, you made us giggle a bit too pal. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. Wow! You have a ton of snow! It’s a good thing you like it! 😊
    Lovely icicle photo!
    Cozy blanket! We bought an electric one for the first time in decades…we use it to warm the bed and then turn it off.
    Pretty socks – especially that colorful one!
    Oh yes, you’ve got some great authors there!
    I love your use of color in both your art and fiber crafts! Such boldness and lovely combinations!
    Take good care!

  16. I just discovered your blog and I have to say what an awesome idea to list things you like. A great reminder of how many great things there are in the world. I won't be able to help myself but to copy your wonderful idea.

    As for color - a very fascinating topic for sure. What I decorate with is rarely what I wear. I have a thing about yellow - all shades of yellow.

    I've been looking for a new series to read so I wrote down your author to look up later and check out.

    Have an awesome week.

  17. I like that blanket! I loved that flower. Yay for saturated colors. :-) LOL - Milo! Don't you know that tomatoes go great with eggs and cheese?

  18. Cozy new blanket, cushy new sock AND a freshly finished art quilt? Sounds like an incredible week!!

  19. I pulled out my wool socks. They make my feet so warm. Hooray.
    Thanks for the tip about the newest Rhys Bowen.

  20. My fav colours are in the turquoise,blue, pink purple range...def not green as I spent 7 years in bottle green knickers at secondary school 😂😂😂 Milo you are such a character...Milly is so fussy too and make have 3/4 attempts at eating her tea....anyone would think we try to poison her with it.
    Annie x

  21. I knew you'd have strong opinions on colors! I'm not crazy about beige either. It's fine for the background but that's about it. I love thick socks too! They feel so good. That blanket looks so comfy too! Susan Wiggs is always a great read!

  22. Oh, Milo, you sweet pup.

    Soft blankets may calm the nurses and CNAs, too. They kept commenting on the cuddly throw blanket and comfy pillow that I brought when I stayed in the hospital recently. The nurse who confirmed my surgery suggested it. I’m glad she did. I managed to make my space feel more like home.

    Did I ever tell you that my initial visits to your blog woke up the colors in me? Thank you, Madame. ❤️

  23. Love that pink flower....almost in the coral family. The color story is very funny ... you picked the right color to make your favorite. I am liking that eggplant recipe; gonna add it to my collection and see if I can do it one of these days!

  24. LeeAnna - we recently changed bed coverings, moving from a heavy quilt to a lighter bed covering. So then we needed a blanket, and my husband bought this uber-soft blanket - oh my gosh - I am in love!!! And I love thick socks in the winter, but I find that I catch my toenails in the ones that have weaving inside. I liked the sound of your spaghetti squash recipe, but my hubby is not a fan. Same with the eggplant. So, I am saving those recipes for when he goes on a trip to Ohio in March! Thanks for hosting!

  25. Thank you for the book reviews. I like reading about new to me books.
    I love your flamingo quilt. It has my favorite colors: Turquoise and pink. (My phone case is pink too)
    And Milo always makes me smile.
    I'm late too (Yes, I did get your comments, thanks),
    Have a lovely week,
