
Thursday, January 12, 2023

I Like Thursday # 332 Keeping Track of things


kitchen desk, or art central
welcome to this week's list of likes... 

happy surprise 

I like waking up to a white snowy world, with big fat flakes covering everything. Not the usual angry Colorado snow that blows sideways and is often almost hard and tiny, this looked like the icing on a cake!

short of Fantasy Island,  there is virtually nothing of interest on broadcast tv at the moment, so I'll jump right in with other diversions.

 I have begun writing again. I create art because it makes my heart sing...and I write because I need to.

 I write because I get lost in it, and often seem surprised by the words as they show up! 

I love words

I finished this quilt in two days, story HERE

happy surprise #2

I had a grand time this week listening to youtube video after video of David Sedaris ...and laughing out loud! I smile, or chuckle at comedies but I actually guffawed listening to these videos, related to them, and was happy that someone was willing to say a lot of this out loud. Here is just one video because I can't find the one I loved the most now

Fine Dining

I made pumpkin biscuits again this week and was surprised they came out a bit dry... but good. Oh we are eating them!

and I had canned pineapple left over so I found a recipe I'd copied off youtube once, and forgot the chef, but they are really good, just not pine-apply. They have sour cream, pecans, crushed pineapple

they are quite large however!


Absolutely obsessed with the characters and story of The Path to the Sea... and the library is taking it back before I am done. Not surprising as I tend to read ebooks as I fall asleep so getting through a novel takes some time but I find I want to do little but read this book. I turned off wifi so I could keep reading for a bit at least, and am on hold . I found it by googling authors like Maeve Binchy.

On audio books I finished and loved this one

Murder in the Secret Garden - Adams, Ellery

and am currently listening to a new Jenn McKinley librarian series book

our prompt this week is calendars. What I sent out:

"do you use a calendar? What kinds of calendars do you like? Is it hard copy or digital and do you like it? Is it a wall calendar and who's do you have ? Do you get theirs every year?
 is it a diary type that sits on your desk next to the computer?

share yours and if you like it,  how did you choose that one? Do you have another system to remember things? 

personally if I make a list, I lose it unless it's all in one place. I do not like digital calendars

I made a spread sheet online of quilts made and never updated it as it was too hard to find and update

so.... in my world....  

wall calendars

the one hanging in the kitchen over my desk

1. in the kitchen, keeps track of important happenings to our lives as a family.... when Milo got a once-every-three- year vaccine, or his monthly heartworm pill and when to give it the following month. Doctor appts, or big things go here, and this is January's page studio one, Mary Englebreit, 

 for the pictures and quotes, to see where I am in the month if I'm doing challenges but mostly visual. I like looking at her artwork and quotes to rest my eyes on distance from doing close work. This is the month of January's page

3. by the computer, 


Joanna Basford coloring pages weekly diary, and this is the one I actually use the most

 there are pages at the end for tracking books to read, or wines to try, movies or tv shows to watch, 

 upcoming workshops, for quotes to be remembered, for lists to order from dick blick, 

this week in January
 and for things to do that day or week, for recipes I've run across, when allergies started for real, watercolor paint tests,


 doodles, ideas, prompts, testing a stamp and ink, reminder to bake something with  the aged bananas today....    for testing ideas in art, sketches, trying new pens, practicing zen doodle motifs, ideas for a series in quiltmaking or painting, notes on instructions,  

when I look back at the year on this calendar I wonder why there were blank pages... 

                                          where was I?

Milo's Moment

MAMA! Bark barkbarkbarkbarkbark 

"honey, what is the matter?" Milo slept in this morning so he was the last one in the big bed. He started barking like an intruder was there, we looked at each other and rushed up to see what disaster had befallen our little guy.

He was standing up in the bed barking at his reflection in the dresser mirror. Which by the way has been in the same place the whole time we've lived here. 

Milo: what the fizzy? Where WERE you two? I woke up, a big dog was staring at me, no Mama, no Daddy to help. I was ALONE! Then you two come up and get me down like nothing ever happened! 

Daddy: was it a bad dream buddy? 

Mama: hugging Milo close and petting him, Awe, whatever it is it's gone, you're safe and it's time to go out and check the yard this morning, so let's giddyup!

Milo: Well, from now on you should force me to get up when you do! 

Mama: riiiiiiiight.

Milo: but for now, I'll move this rest down to the family room where you are....

now please let me know what kind of calendars you use if any, or how you keep track of the days and visit these fine folks to see their lists of likes

Joining us this week for the first time, please welcome:






  1. Milo...hahahahaha well that happened to us too once... mirrors can be sneaky LOL

  2. That one lone tree quilt is just amazing. I love all the colors of the sky, and how you used different fabrics. It creates some nice depth. And nice books. It's too bad libraries have due dates, isn't it But if they didn't they'd never have books available. Smile. Hope 2023 is treating you well. hugs-Erika

  3. Your biscuits and muffins look delicious! LOL on Milo - he sounds like a hoot.
    Love the quilt - I'm off to read that post. Thank you for hosting!

  4. I continue to be enamored with your quilt-landscape piece of artwork. I told you I wanted to try this. I've been thinking about it, and I think I have a plan. I may have to go back to the post about it to make sure I'm understanding how to put it all together.

  5. You have some cute calendars! I sometimes have to note down where I left off in a book because it has to go back before I can finish it, and then put it back on hold. Those muffins look yummy, too. Happy Thursday!

  6. I've already put a reserve on Murder in the Secret Garden and plan on reading Library Lovers mystery books. Love all the titles! They made me laugh. I'll start with the first one "Books Can Be Deceiving". Hahahaha! I like all your calendars. Looks like we're pretty much on the same page for the first two but I should add your 3rd one. I do lose track of what I want to read, what I've already read, wines to try, etc. Hope your week goes well, Enjoy that snow!

  7. I'll have to look for the librarian murders! that sounds fun. And poor Milo! Given such a scare!!!

  8. Oh my! Poor Milo! Bad dreams can be scary! I’ve read several of Jenn McKinlay’s Cozy Mystery series. Thayer are fun! Your pumpkin biscuits sound and look yummy! I like pumpkin anything! Yup, wall calendars are the way I roll too!

  9. My girls make us family photo calendars every year for Christmas, and they have 2 printed. Dave keeps his on the wall by his desk in the office and mine hangs in my upstairs office. I love them. You and I tend to read the same authors. I'm currently reading the Sarah Booth Delany mystery series. The only new TV show that I'm excited about right now is the new season of Finding Your Roots on PBS.

  10. What a funny story about Milo although I'm sure he was upset. I love Mary Englebreit. Thanks for all the book suggestions.

  11. Hopping over from the Thankful Thursday link-up.. I admired your description of the snow. I just love the snow and am looking forward to some coming in the next week. Your calendar doodles are so creative. The calendar I use now is actually digital now called Artful Agenda. I love that I can use it on the desktop or my cell and I easily have access to it wherever I am with the click of a button. I miss the paper journal, but this has been convenient. Now books, I think I'll always be a physical page turner. Just love the cracking of the spine and the satisfaction of turning each page. Happy Thursday!

  12. That quilt of yours is sure beautiful and it sounds like you've been quite busy. Milo, bark away, you can't be too timid in sounding the alert if something doesn't see right. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. I LOVE David Seders and have watch many of his clips on YouTube. I think I have read most of his books and also saw his show in person about 20 years ago. But he makes me smile and laugh and often think. Some of his work is hilarious and some is poignant.

  14. That's such a great idea to actually write all kinds of things in the calendar and/or book to keep be able to look back. Especially when testing paints, doodles, etc. I have separate books for swatches but I should just focus on one book and keep it by me. DH keeps track of and makes lists of things we spent money on. That makes him happy. Art books make me happy! lol.
    Oh and Milo - that dog in the mirror will keep barking back at you as long as you bark at him ya know... :-)

  15. I like your calendars and that quilt is really cool.

  16. Hi LeeAnna! Aww, poor Milo. I'll bet that was a bit scary for him. And calendars - oh yes, I use them and love them. I don't mind the digital versions as the reminders come up on my phone. It seems like I record less in the digital version, though. Little events that were recorded on the paper/journal version don't make it in my phone. That's a shame. Happy Thursday! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. I love your calendars. Mine look very boring and next to your gorgeous ones! I can't believe you made that quilt so fast! I get ideas for writing but they never turn into anything. I'm hoping to write a short story one of these days.

  18. LeeAnna - love the first two calendars that you shared. I am a big fan of inspirational quotes, so these are inspiring. I was especially struck by the quote in the Engelbreit calendar!!!

    I had so many more likes to share this week, but I didn't want my post to be too long - and now I for sure have content for next week! Thanks so much for hosting!

  19. :D Can't stop laughing at Milo barking at himself in the mirror! Oh my gosh he is a pip! I love that wall hanging so much and keep looking at it! You are so creative! Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Yay for writing. It's a wonderful thing. Pumpkin biscuits look interesting. So many calendars! Yours look pretty cool.

  21. I woke up yesterday intending to get my post done (last minute) only to hear that my daughter was sick. I ended up spending the better part of the day in ER with her. Nothing serious, thankfully, but a weird GI bug going around. So no sewing or posting. Fun to read your post today, though, and all your creative projects and books (and tasty recipes). Milo - hahaha! Wilbs was looking at himself the other night too; no reaction though!

  22. I’m still chuckling at Milo....I remember well when our little Milly first saw herself in the mirror 8n my sewing room.
    I have a wall calendar but this year our eldest daughter has set up a linked calendar for me and my hubby on our mobile’s so funny when my hubbys football matches come up on my phone.
    Annie x

  23. I need to get a new planner for this year. I keep a hiking journal in just a plain notebook but I need something with dates. Love that quilt! WOW! You are GOOD! Happy weekend!

  24. PS I'm going to start doing 2 posts at week so I'll link one of them every week! Thanks for the party my friend!

  25. love the quilt and enjoyed reading Milo's struggle to wake up!
    I make my own calendars and print them out. The big one page wall one for my ofice has all my children and grandchildren on it so they smile at me whenever I look up. (see my blog post for week 1.
    The one page per month for the kitchen board features photos from that month last year, made into a small "scrapbook style" page. They keep the memories alive.
    I like to see that type of snow too but I am glad I live somewhere that I don't have to experience it. Kate.

  26. I am in LOVE with that quilt. It is amazing. Got a chuckle out of Milo. Poor baby.

    I have a calendar I keep in a notebook. It is a Day timer (brand) and my friend gives me one every year when she orders hers. Every year she also gives me a planner and I have always ignored them in the past. For me, my calendar documents what I have done that day, but this year I am going to use a planner to try to keep ahead of my art due dates.

    On TV: Sunday nights on PBS and I still love The Rookie and now The Rookie Feds. Of course, Nathan Fillion could eat crackers in my bed any day!!
