
Thursday, June 2, 2022

I Like Thursday # 299

Top 27 Favorite Gratitude Quotes - Susan Gabriel, Author of Southern Novels  and More

 welcome to this week's short list of likes....

Dog Shaming – Eugene Weekly 

reading the same books as last week... listening to a terrific story of a woman botanist, yep, it's good


reading on ebook til the library takes it back, oy , 14th in series


not so much to watch on tv... master chef is starting again, and So You Think You Can Dance is on. Still watching this season of Murdoch Mysteries.

Thankful that we had 3 days of cool weather while it rained just a bit. I cooked as much as I could, 

banana oat flour cake, whole wheat bread,  coconut white chocolate cookies

um.... did you know there were goodies right up there? 
Milo got a new batch of pumpkin oat almond butter cookies as his got moldy when it was hotter

I came up with an absolutely delish pasta dish... basically I cooked the bag of shell pasta then drained, next sauteed mushrooms, onion and bell peppers and added in a bag of frozen mixed vege,

mixed all that together with a  small jar of spaghetti sauce, some fiesta grated cheese, a container of cottage cheese, spices (basil, garlic, oregano, parsley) and poured into a casserole dish. Topped with a little grated cheddar cheese and some parmesan covered and baked at 350 for an hour. 

SO good... and enough so that we can freeze two servings for when we want a quick meal and it's too hot to bake.

thankful for zoom with friends, and phone calls. Thankful for wine delivery and groceries despite the costs... we can eat still. 

I'm completely addicted now to the games on  including this week the strategy game of minesweeper. Yep, that minesweeper. And word scramble because as letters drop down I make great words and it flosses my bwains.

planted the wildflower seeds in patio pots this past weekend, and about to plant some beans saved from last years meager plants. 

signed up for VIP pass for the upcoming drawing/painting course and made an order to eureka beads 

Milo's Moments

Milo: I like dining al fresco and having my daddy hold my bowl at the right height. Mama and Daddy stay busy watching nature and talking while I can eat in peace

sometimes I take a rest from eating and sit on mama's knee

Heyyy my bowl is empty

 then I lie down on the other side of the outside table and roll my ball to the pawrents, and they roll it back at me under the table! But when it gets stuck, I gotta figure out what to do


so anyway... it's summer and I got things to do...these feet were made for running!

now please go see what mama's friends found to like this week...

we  have a new I Like post by Angela this week,  

here is her link at princess bubbles creates

                                                                  LINKING WITH 
friday bliss


  1. Hi LeeAnna,
    post 299 ! Wow !
    That pasta dish sounds soooo gooood !
    All that baking ! good for you :)
    hugs and take care,

  2. We've had a very cool week here too. Actually I'm ready for hot weather to stay. It has even been too chilly to sit outside for long without warm coats. But who am I kidding - I've been under the weather for a few days, so haven't wanted to spend time outside anyway. LOL

  3. The pasta dish you came up with sounds yummy! We've gotten addicted to Quordle - like Wordle, only 4 words at a time. It's a daily "have to!" It is nice to be looking forward to more dining outside!

  4. The bowl that you use for your dog's food is special! Why didn't I think of that!

  5. Ahhh, the benefits of cooler weather. The baking looks delicious. I like the sound of your pasta dish too. Eating good in your neighborhood! Ha!

  6. Have you read "The Last Garden in England" by Julia Kelly? It was a good read!

  7. Love the food and love seeing Milo.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  8. Those are nice thankfuls and that pasta dish does sound really good. Hey Milo, that's some service ya got there dude, good for you! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Wine delivery?! Sign me up! Those coconut cookies look amazing, too. Hope the cool weather continues for you. We are about to get more rain! But maybe that means it will cool down for us as well.

  10. Hi LeeAnna! You know, if you don't want the library to take back your book until you're finished with it you can turn off your internet on your device. That way, it will stay available until you're finished with the book. I guess that only works if you don't need to use the internet on it for a bit?! I have been enjoying the games, too. Thanks for sharing that link! Don't run to fast on those cute feet, Milo! When it's too hot be happy with a quick walk. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. Piglet is perfect on gratitude! Love seeing Milo eating al fresco....Percy likes to also. It is so funny. Glad you are cooking and baking and enjoy it. I kind of miss it, but think I need to plan to get back to it soon. Hope you finish your book before it is called back by the library!

  12. Your pasta sounds yummy. Back when I was a struggling single parent, pasta, a can of rotel, and some shredded cheese was a meal. Your baking looks yummy. I love all the different recipes you try.

  13. Your pasta dish sounds great! I love seeing Milo every week. It's been cold and rainy here the last few days. I've been staying inside and sewing!

  14. Your baking looks delicious. Pasta and mushrooms - always a great combination! Minesweeper - I used to be so hooked on that! Haven't played it in years.

  15. Milo is enjoying the summer and loves to fetch balls! Great. I have got exhausted with all garden work: planted a few more thujas and annuals in planters. After many hours in the garden I can’t even read in the evenings 😃

  16. Your three days of cooler temps are at our house now. I'm so thankful that you decided to share them with me! :o))

  17. I love your photo of Piglet’s heart…
    Sometimes that what I want to do to the news as well – tear it up!
    I’ve heard Ellie Alexander is a fabulous cozy mystery writer. Your post reminded me to add her to my TBR!
    You share such great recipes and yummies on your blog. I have to ask; did you take cooking classes at one point in your life?
    Love the Milo stories!
