
Saturday, December 25, 2021

sewing Saturday, Table Scraps and Christmas Day


Welcome to this week's sewing round up! I've actually been sewing a lot amid all the cooking laundry and other daily work. Above is my Table Scraps offering for December.

I'm listening to this audio book while sewing this week


 If you remember I've been working on a big Christmas quilt of octagons, whose blocks are done and some even sewn together

I've written other posts showcasing the prints, and forgive the pic as the sky darkened causing me to have to use a flash in the studio. I will need to quilt in sections and decided to do the 9 center blocks in one, then around the center I took the middle 3 blocks as one, leaving all corners to be quilted alone. All of it will join up invisibly on the front if all goes well. Then I'll add some quilted borders. This fabric will be the center backing... with a little strip sewn around it's going to be large enough.

I like to leave at least one side of prequilted fabric backing large enough to fold over the raw edge and hand stitch to the other side. Clear as mud? 

I quilt everything on my little Bernina 1630 and have a really challenging back injury. I make it work!

Back to the piece formed this week from scrap strips left from the octagon piecing...

I did improv log cabins and combined them with some gifted scrap blocks down the center. I love to look in a scrap bag and figure out what I can make. See the red and white borders? a strip of cool peppermint canes I cut to put in the octagon quilt but didn't use. Perfect for this. I quilted the thick solid green strips with mylar thread and a programmed snowflake, spiral and pine tree stitches

quilted with sulky halogram mylar sparkly thread

I also did more improv flying geese, so I have enough to do something cool with now.

Can you tell I love fabric? Scraps are fabric too. 

I talked to Joy yesterday and am linking up to her Table Scraps party. Wishing you all happy holidays however you celebrate them. Keep in touch, you're my family you know.

Linking to
patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays 


  1. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a nice day. I became obsessed with Milo’s new toy/treat dispenser and am trying to find one for my Pippin. Would you believe Amazon didn’t have it?! I will continue to search. It looks wonderful! I did order the treats and they have already arrived. I will give them to her today.

  2. Your work is always so creative and beautiful. Merry Christmas!

  3. I like the improv logcabin table topper,Leeanna.
    Looking forward to seeing what you will make with the improve flying geese.
    Merry Christmas!!

  4. i am charmed by your red flying geese pieces!
    how big is the ornament quilt? some quilts i have made had both machine hand guided quilting and hand quilting as that is what the quilt asked for! happy holidays to you household! be well, sonja

  5. Everything sure is pretty! Merry Christmas from all of us!!!

  6. Merry Christmas LeeAnna, Drew and Molo !

  7. Super cute TABLE SCRAPS offering, LeeAnna!! I'm looking forward to seeing you make with those sweet Christmas geese.

  8. Hi Leeanna. I’m very interested in how you quilt in sections. I, too, use my old reliable sewing machine. I have arthritis issues, back and hands, but I’m determined to keep going however I can make it work. So I’ve been interested in your comments, and would love to learn more details of your methods if you can share them. All suggestions very welcome!
    Pauline in Oz

  9. What a cute little quilt using up the scraps!

  10. Your 'table scraps' little quilt is delightful! Perfect for this time of the year! Happy Holidays.

  11. What a great way to quilt this. Every quilter finds their way, and I am glad you have a method that works for you with your back trouble.

  12. Lots of cheerful Christmas-y quilting projects. I just love those tiny little flying geese! I have sympathy with your back issues lately as I'm having bad arthritis flare up. Time to see the doctor again I guess.

  13. Beautiful scraps turned into pretty projects! Octagons blocks are lovely all together, such a wonderful effect. I love the table runner and flying geese too!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  14. Such lovely projects from scraps. Well done. Going to have to check out that cupcake bakery mystery!

  15. Such a vibrant table quilt. I really like the combination of improve and the structured red/black strip down the middle. Thanks for showing Jennifer Chiaverini's Christmas Bells book in your previous post. I was able to check it out digitally to read this past week. I've always enjoyed that carol, but didn't know it was from a Longfellow poem. It sure still speaks to today.

  16. I like your plan to quilt your Christmas octagon blocks. I quilted a long time on a 1630. . .from time to time, I still use it although having a larger harp sure makes a difference when quilting larger projects! I love the vibrant feel of your table mat! Well done!

  17. A fun sewing roundup for sure. The red * white border from candy cane fabric looks braided! Really cute.

  18. Wow - you did get a lot of stitching time in. That Table scraps entry is so pretty - like an Ornament with lots of memories in it.

    your Christmas quilt of Octagons is really cool - very unique!

  19. Happy EVERYTHING to you LeeAnna! I am loving all of this, the table scraps, the sweet little geese, and of course your pineapples too. You and your Bernina 1630 do amazing things together! Sending you a big hug and warmest, fuzziest wishes for another fabulously creative trip around the sun.

  20. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF! I love all the work you do and especially the way that Table Scraps turned out. The pineapple blocks are really delightful too!

  21. Love the scrappy octagon quilt top! And it's amazing what you can make out of scraps and tiny scrap blocks! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss. Happy New Year!
