
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

end of year, start of year, and being real with you... not easy to feel, or read... but real goals


  about this time of year I pick a word focus for the next year... 

not this year. I'm tired.  I'm worried.  I am lonely and not my best self. 

there... that's pretty honest, and I am honest.

So I go into 2022 appreciating what I still have, but with less hope and excitement than I've ever had. Only thing I can do is keep going best I can. It's not enough but it is... what it is....These feelings remind me of a time when...

... long ago, I lost hope at finding love and a family. I acknowledged abuses from childhood and it rocked my world. I prayed to  escape the loneliness, from feeling unwanted, from lack of hope. I went to work daily, I cared for my dog, and from the outside I looked normal. Inside it was like looking in a shattered mirror. 
When out walking one day, I crossed a busy street, tears running down my face, and heard an unmistakable voice in my head. I actually stopped for a moment causing some horns to honk. I looked around me for a person,  startled. The voice had said clearly,
 "stop asking me how to die and ask me how to live". 

I am a spiritual woman, I believe there is more under heaven and earth than can be seen, and I believe we as humans come to this world to experience, learn and grow. I instinctively knew that was God's words. I asked, how do I live?

 A therapist told me, during a particularly difficult time of learning to deal with past abuses, that the only thing to do was deal with the pain. There is no easy way out or around it,   just through it to strength. I soldiered on eventually learning how to format my childhood. Miraculously I did meet my soul mate a few years later. However...

 Life continued to send me obstacles this time by way of physical injuries

I continued to learn how to forgive and move forward, this time with support of a husband.

Too much for a blog? Don't want to hear this? All I can say is I betcha I'm not alone in dealing with pain of various kinds and there is support in sharing life with others. We can support each other, and everyone needs support at some time in their lives.  

This is me sharing... at the start of a new year

My goal is to balance the loneliness, hopelessness at instability in my beloved country, and the hate spewed online toward other humans, with creativity, learning and experiencing what I can from the safety of home. I have much and if I can keep my eyes on what is good, then a balance is achievable.

some people say look at the bright side, and there is a bright side. That doesn't negate the other side of uncertainty, lack of security, pain and fear. People are complex and denying the pain doesn't make it go away.Acceptance of both sides of the coin is a tool to power through the darkness.

goals this year for me:

get a new phone and learn to use it (replacing the extinct "barbie" sized one that has failed to keep up, study another language (Italian) sew and paint a lot, trying new techniques and sharing results with you here, talking to friends via zoom or phone to reduce isolation, reading good books and returning those that don't interest me with no guilt, reducing the recordings on my dvr, clearing off the kitchen table, being patient with my good husband and our poodle son. Possibly actually turning in an ancestry test finally. Putting the dust ruffle on our bed that I've meant to do for three years now. Learning to make new recipes, and opening the piano keyboard I've owned for years and maybe taking some lessons. I used to play piano.  Allow myself to find fun where I can online or by resting, or being outside. Pray for goodness to overcome evil, and that our democracy holds with respect for all citizens

Now...a friend of mine recently wrote on her blog, this statement. It stunned me with it's honesty and beauty. ( from SewPreeti quilts)

 I join you, Preeti in choosing to be honest and promote goodness.

"It has been a difficult year beginning with a deadly attack on the very heart of our democracy.  While many Americans resist vaccines, masks and distancing guidelines, the virus continues to evolve with strains that are deadlier and more contagious, resulting in an increasing number of breakthrough infections. The assault on our democracy, our voting rights and our bodies continues. It seems like a helpless situation and I don't have any answers. But we do have choices.

In every situation we have a choice - to speak the truth and do what is right. I promise to do both.

As I put 2021 in the rear view mirror and the road ahead seems unclear, I pray for goodness to overcome evil, wherever it may be.  I hope you will join me." Preeti's quote

 I saw the mask meme on

My view: We are in a world wide health crisis that has changed all our lives. 

Denying it is real is unproductive.

people seem to think they have the absolute right to do anything they want as if they are still 2 years old. Noone can do anything they want without consequences. Just my opinion... go about your day if you disagree.

To those who listen and care, thank you, a goodness is never wasted. As my friend Nancy says, it's a Mitzvah.


  1. Well said! I'm hoping as well for a much better new year, with less hatred in our world.

  2. I'm with you. Very well said with so many feelings. Praying for less hatred in our world as well.

  3. Thank you for writing this post. Everything you wrote can be helpful to someone else who feels these same things but doesn't write about them. I hope 2022 brings more opportunities to find joy and contentment and peace to all of us.

  4. Hoping you find peace and joy in the New Year. ❤️

  5. Well said, I am with you and praying for a better year for us all :)

  6. I appreciate your honesty Leeanna. You're so right about how complex we humans are. Those who are not like "us" don't understand how we feel. Comments like "look on the bright side" or "think about something else" show they don't have a clue. It's not like we really "think" about the things that bring us down, those things have created a weight that sometimes appears out of nowhere, and sometimes is brought on by present circumstances. Being real about where you are in this journey and setting goals are definitely good ways to move onward!

  7. Today I had the possibility to sit down and read your entire blog post. I so agree with you Leeanna. It's hard to be a human being, and we all have to do our best. Quilting helps me a lot. As for the pandemi, here in Norway we struggle with people not wanting the vaccines. Norway is closed, and the hospitals are filled up with those people.

  8. I enjoyed your honest post today. I also added you to my reads. Your font is a bit small for me so I had to computer setting to read it. My husband and I are both vaccinated. My daughter is too and still got it. Her son has been with us for over a week and probably has it too. He and his sister are not vaccinated. We are fine so far. I do use mask for the most part. We are staying positive. I like to Bible journal and do crafty things. I belong to a FB group called Fussy Cutting Cuties. It is strictly a crafting group. Not politics, just a love of crafting. Ny word for the new year is Healthy. Physically, spiritually and emotionally.

  9. Promoting goodness is a fabulous way to live. I love your calendar drawing for December 29. Sending you wishes for peace and contentment, even if these feelings are short lived. We can hang on to these moments and this helps to move through other bad times.

  10. Don't give up and don't give in, what you want is out there, it just hasn't found you yet.

  11. I hope the new year will be a better one for you and all of us.

  12. I totally relate, agree, cheer you on, had an abusive childhood, had to let my birth family go completely because the abuse lived on, struggle every day with what is going on in our country and in this world and feel confused, sad and hopeless sometimes. But, I am trying to focus on all the good things in this world - the good people, the kind people, the simple everyday goodness and look at it like it is maybe not my fault (I was conditioned to believe everything was my fault) and that maybe there are more good people than bad. I'm sorry for your pain and I hope you can find good things, peace and joy to make up for some of the bad. You are brave and kind and a kindred spirit. Hugs xo Karen

  13. LeeAnna - you have always impressed me with your bravery in sharing your history and your challenges. Few people (myself included) are so willing to "put it all out there". And you are right, that people need to hear it, because we are all hurting in different ways. Thank you for being honest, and I hope 2022 brings you much of your hopes and dreams! Happy New Year!

  14. I'm here to cheer you on as you struggle to find balance in and add joy to your life. I know this coming year will be a struggle for me as I adjust to living alone and find peace. We are not alone.

  15. I hope it helps to know that “we” are here . To listen, to join in your quest for balance and calm! I, too, have decided to make BALANCE my word for 2022. I’ll be struggling to keep it in my thinking and my feelings. I wish you peace and acceptance and new happiness found in color and fabric and creativity in the new year!

  16. 2021 has been a tough year and I hope 2022 is much better both on the personal front and nationally/culturally. I hope your blogging friends and real world friends can sustain you and lift your spirits in 2022. Meanwhile, know we're out here pulling for you.

  17. Hi LeeAnna,
    Well said/written !
    So good that you still use your blog as a voice to the world !
    Keep it up through good and bad.
    Keep creating ! You inspire so many !
    oh one more item, Netflix 14 peaks " project possible " is inspiring

  18. LeeAnna I can only say that this post has touched me more than words can say. Childhood abuses will always leave scars (as I, too, know) but with the grace and caring you express through your words , art and creativity it has put a light out there to give us hope. I’m heartbroken over the past few years trauma in your country and can only hope that common sense will prevail. Here in Canada we also have our share of “Trumpsters” espousing their views of politics, masks and vaccines loudly to my shame. As you, and several of our quilty friends have said, we can only hope and believe that old fashioned values and caring can have a positive effect. Please keep on taking care of yourself. Hugs 🤗

  19. As you can see, we, your readers, are here for you and with you. Be encouraged that we love and care about you as you face each day. Creativity is so i.portant to calming us in times of stress. Just keep keeping on.

  20. Thank you for your honesty. Life is hard and the struggles are real - and you have had more than many. You are so giving with your work, your creativity and your love. I am so glad you found your soul mate, find joy in your creativity and in your doggie companions. I am with you, praying for goodness to overcome evil and also for peace for all those who struggle with pain.

  21. Wishing you all the best for 2022. Seeking the good will always win out. You goals sound very achievable an sewing and music are very therapeutic. I can speak for sewing anyway. How lovely to be able to play the piano.

  22. During the past 18 months I have lost several people close to me to COVID. My darling father-in-law, my cousin, several friends. I find it hard to tolerate the anti-maskers and the anti-vaxers. The pandemic has been hard on all of us. I tend to be optimistic, and I’m feeling pessimistic. I can only imagine how low you must be. Seek the good and the positive — I think it is essential. Sew, paint (I’ve started to watercolor and collage - it makes me happy), and play the piano. Creativity always helps.

  23. This is the first post of the day, first post of the new year that I've read,(wait, maybe second, as I read today's post and it sent me here!) It's a good one LeeAnna, spoken from your big heart. I feel much the same; in fact I said today to my husband we are never going to get out of this... we have both got our boosters (me yesterday) and will continue to mask and stay away from people as much as possible. I limit my online and news time quite intensely, and it has helped soooo much. I love reading about the plans for projects and SAHRR and WIPs - beautiful ones, and yes creating adds beauty to our world, and being honest and caring, and ever grateful for what we have in a world of such horrific corruption and greed is the way to fight it. Thank you for being an honest, grateful warrior woman! And yay for good husbands and doggies too. Much love to you.

  24. Thank you so much for sharing such an honest post. I love the idea of promoting goodness as a goal for the upcoming year. I've been struggling with how to find renewed inspiration for this new year when it feels just as insane and awful as the last one. But promoting goodness is such a wonderful idea. Not to always be good or be positive or anything that feels unachievable, but just to, in the face of a choice, promote the good. Thank you for always being here in this space as an inspiration to all of us.
