
Saturday, July 17, 2021

sewing saturday from trash to treasure


Here we are at Saturday again and that means, let's talk SEWING! I LOVE to sew, handle fabric, buy fabric, choose fabrics to use and see color next to color. It's like hands on painting! 

 This month the color of the month at RSC is darker blues, urging us to use our scraps. I'm lucky enough to have a stash of scraps in many colors and organize them into bins. This is my blue bin. I made two projects from blues this week, plus made another cool usable object from my painted piece from two weeks ago! Let's dive in!

This year I am making these big hexies each month, and I added in the two in dark blue... they are looking striking! 
I've listened to two books on audio while sewing, both funny enough, with Paris in the title, both VERY entertaining. Notice what's next to the ipad on my sewing table???

book by Jenn MacKinlay and hilariously read on audio

The stamped, then colored in with ink couple you see below, quilted and finished into a cute pin cushion.
6" wide X 4" long

I used some Mary Engelbreit fabric on the sides, and after seeing how cute this was decided not to put it on the top and bottom too... I LOVE the size and shape. I put batting on the back, quilted it, then backed it and did an envelope turn. 

This tiny project helped me to finally face the BIG BAG of walnut shells I bought at the pet store long ago. It was so heavy I never opened it.  DH toted it downstairs, where I divided it up into 4 ziplock bags to make using it easier.  I admit I made this for my friend Pat in NY (Miss Pat) who said she would love to have the painting. I also admit to being slightly attached to this which is why it's still sitting on my table... and I just cannot risk going to the post office yet because of the doubled infection rate. 

It is for you Pat and will be sent later. 

While going thru my blues bin, I spied some cut off curvy pieces from making a flowering snowball one year... looks like flowers! 


I sewed the halves together, and then started adding in green around them...

oooo promising... 

then because the colors were so close in value the growing whole artwork began to look messy, with no distinct feel of flower field like in my mind. 

when that happens with an abstract work, I start moving sections around on the design wall. The sections are all raw, odd shaped, so there is overlap, or open areas to be be fitted together eventually. 

Finally I settled on sort of a spiral setting with one applique flower shape in the center, and the true work began of fitting and seaming the sections together one by one, changing the layout slightly as they were combined. 

It's a fun puzzle to me!

this is the plan... add in some great greens to showcase the petals and give me a finished edge. I don't have to even up the outside but I want to as it will give order to a chaotic piece with so many fabrics in it. I will admit working abstracts is still challenging for me but made for a change after finishing the pattern used in last week's cabana quilt. 

So if you need me, likely I'll be in the studio working on this, and hopefully go right into quilting and finishing it this time. 

Lessons learned

1. value plays the largest part when using a lot of fabrics, so even color change isn't enough to create strong lines

2. pieces look different when under the needle than on the wall in one larger piece

3. keep a vision in mind but allow for right turns during the creation

4. too many patterns can blend or become distracting... figure out what's going on in your work

5. don't throw away little scraps as good art from little scraps grows...

the first book I mentioned was Lost in Paris  by Elizabeth Thompson a story of relationships, mysteries about your great grandmothers, Paris, Food, love and life.

patchwork Sunday                    
oh Scrap Sundays 

 scrap happy Saturdays


  1. LOVE how the petal piece evolved, LeeAnna!! You've got some good lessons in that list, too. Thanks for sharing what you learned!

  2. Paris is truly *always* a good idea, like your book says. Love the giant hexies!

  3. Aw, the pincushion is so sweet, but I think you should keep that one since you are attached to it, and make me another pincushion with flowers, since I love the ones you paint. No rush, I know you don't go out these days. I can wait.

  4. The pin cushion is too cute! The more hexies you add in new colors the more fun that piece looks.

  5. Always fun to read and see where your creative play is taking you! That little pin cushion is too cute!

  6. your petals are so creative and I love the addition of the dark blue to your hexes!

  7. Loving your hexis, the darker blue adds a real interest. Your lessons list is great, I'm constantly 'turning' with my projects!

  8. Brave! Curvy pieces I would have thrown away! Or more honestly, put away never to use! Thanks for the list! Maybe, just maybe…I’ll get brave!

  9. Those hexies are brilliant and I liked getting an insight into your process with the flower petal parts. Paris is good at any time as far as I'm concerned!! :)

  10. I always enjoy seeing someone playing in their scraps. I look forward to seeing where you go with your project. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  11. Nice use of your blue scraps, the hexagons are a great idea. Gorgeous pincushion. xx

  12. Your blue hexagons add depth. The flowers are a clever way to use tiny scraps. Lots of lessons here. I read Paris is Always a Good Idea and remember it was entertaining. It would bug me if any of my family wanted to marry on two weeks aquaintance.

  13. I like your RSC project. I look forward to seeing how you assemble them.

  14. That pin cushion is so pretty! No wonder you haven't let it go just yet. In the meantime, be careful with the COVID out there. The improv garden is lovely and free! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  15. Pretty blues. The pincushion is adorable. The piece made with the curvy blues is intriguing. Looking forward to how you finish this. All good observations which I could take to heart. I have to beware of using too many colors in too many prints of similar values. I am inclined to blur the lines in quilt blocks. I do look at grayscale photos sometimes to see what I am sewing. Thanks for sharing and linking up this week ... :) Pat

  16. You got busy!!! LOVE those big hexies and seeing all the colors together! and thanks for the book recommendation!
