
Thursday, July 22, 2021

I Like Thursday #254 In the good ole' summertime

Gerbera Daisies ordered from Amazon
It's time for this week's list of likes! Starting with the great farming experiment that is my life. 

Another Gerbera daisy plus some wildflower pots

Finally the daisies are flowering, yellow, white and pink. The wildflower seeds are taking, and seem to be working up to flowers

the packet of seeds said Spring/summer/fall, and we just broadcast them into 5 pots to see what's here. 

the basil leaves are basil-ing
and I used some in my 3 bean salad this week.

I wanted some kind of vegetable dish to have with lunches, so dh mentioned trying to purchase 3 bean salad. I thought, heyyyyy bet I can find a recipe 

I used what we had, 1/4 of a really big red onion not half, dried parsley not fresh, fresh basil instead of rosemary, cans of white beans (not canneloni) black eyed peas (no kidney beans) and green beans. No cider vinegar to buy here so I used the last of my champagne vinegar. 

Still, it's kind of like the recipe and it's delish. It does make an awful lot for two people (three cans of beans, duh!) but it should taste better as it ages. Better for us than chips as a side too.

speaking of quilting

I ran across this book listed on quilt books published this year... I'm in love but it is pretty expensive at $35 

 Book Cover of Annemieke Mein - Art of Annemieke Mein, The: Wildlife Artist in Textiles 

Now here is an answer to weeds and brush fires... thank God for Goats and their ability to eat

Goats for Good!


 Remember when you help others you can land a treat!

Artistically speaking:

have you heard of the ICAD challenge? Index card a day for 61 days... any art goes, anything you want to do to the card that day... list something, color or paint or ink, stencil, collage with torn magazine pages, words, fabric, anything creative. All on a small index card. 

I read about this on the alteredbooklover site, and saw a week's worth of her art. SO COOL!


Milo: Hey Mama! I hear chasing a spoo (standard poodle) around the yard is good exercise! 

Mama: well it's so hot honey, and you're pretty fast, I'm wearing sandals...

Milo: Oh. My. Dog. Just come out and chase me! It's my biggest pleasure in life! Next to my ring toy, then being chased around. Er, well I do like my chew bone each night, getting in the big bed and laying on my back between you and daddy, eating sweet potatoes, sitting in my armchair, barking at people, playing hide and seek... heh heh... I do like being chased around the yard though

Dad? pay attention, time to chase a poodle!

Please visit these fun people to read their lists this week, join us if you want!


friday bliss

rosie and the boys nature pics 


  1. Glad your wildflowers are coming up! It will be fun to see what they become. This time of year, garden take a lot of attention! Speaking of goats, did you see the news report about the goats, somewhere in Colorado Ithink, that “got loose”! It was a cute story on NEXT with Kyle Clark this week! I’m going to share your link to the index card challenge with my youngest granddaughter in Vermont! She’s the artsy crafty one in the family! Have a good week,!

  2. Those flowers are very pretty and that bicycle is super cool. Milo, I hope you get to play some chase soon pal. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Your flowers are looking good. My red geranium is finally beginning to bloom again. Hope it survives the severe heat we're getting again. Milo does probably understand that he has a pretty great life with lots of lovin' from his people.

  4. Farming is always an experiment at our house, too! If it grows, it stays! Your flowers are looking so pretty. The index card art challenge sounds like a fun one. Milo definitely has a playful nature!

  5. Hi LeeAnna,
    3 bean salad ! Your version sounds great ! Always better the next day !
    Your potted garden is lokking and i bet smelling great with that basil :)
    hugs, take care,

  6. So many great likes and many of them brought back awesome memories of Jeff. Wildflower mix in the side yard. Started growing, finally started getting day hear the mower, Jeff's perception it looked like weeds. Also the goats were an ongoing joke when Jeff complained about the seasonal workers who could not use a weed whip or mower and the city that they worked for had a lot of greenspaces to be maintained. Milo is just trying to help you get your cardio in for the day, chase the poodle.

  7. WHAT? I want to check out that challenge - that would be super fun!!!

  8. The flowers are beautiful and that video of the two pups made me laugh out loud.

    I'm always happy to see Milo.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  9. Gardening is so rewarding in more than one way! Milo looks great!

  10. What beautiful color you show us. Hi Milo

  11. Wilbs says Milo should just tear around the house and jump up on things. It's good exercise and it's fun to see the hoomans get all worked up. :-) Your garden crop is looking good! That index card idea looks fun!

  12. Yum...3 bean salad is most welcome on these hot days. Well done for making it from scratch!

  13. Homemade 3 bean salad is so much better than store bought or canned, especially if you can latch onto homegrown yellow beans. Pretty index card picture. Milo, it's too hot to chase you around.

  14. Love, love, LOVE that you improvised on that recipe, LeeAnna, and I would totally agree with Milo that one of his favorite pastimes is barking at people!! LOL! Poodle on patrol.

  15. I think I need to make 3 bean salad now. Yours looks so good! That book looks intriguing so I’m off to check it out after I tell you “I really want to play chase with Milo!”

  16. So many nice things here. That book does look good, but $35 is pricey. Hope all is well. hugs-Erika

  17. Goofy Milo. My basil is going bonkers.

  18. LA - hmm, I haven't had a three-bean salad in ages - sounds perfect for a warm summer afternoon. I have heard of the ICAD challenge before - I would love to give it a try if I didn't already have so much on my plate! Milo is a stitch - I get my exercise chasing critters around my yard! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. You have a lovely garden but fancy not chasing Milo round it 😀😀😀
    Annie x

  20. Your flowers are certainly starting to flower. And of course, your basil looks wonderful, too. I have so much of it, I can't give it away fast enough. Thanks for a recipe for the salad. Just another great one I can use with my basil. I prefer white beans, red or kidney beans, and garbanzo beans in my 3 bean salad. I've never used green beans in mine and didn't realize that was part of the real recipe.

    So sweet of you to mention the ICADs. Yes, I've participated for the past eight years. This will be my ninth. It's Tammy's 11th year hosting.

    Oh Milo. You are SO cute and adorable. Gotta love that adorable pooch! Have a super weekend and a great Friday Smiles, too, dear LeeAnna.

  21. I bet the bean salad was delicious. Milo is so sweet💕

  22. Just read your question about the ICADs. Here are the links:

    Week 1:

    Week 2:

    Week 3:

    Week 4:

    Week 5:

    Week 6:

    Week 7 are the ones you shared with the group. One more week and we will be finished.

  23. I love your gardening! Such nice plants. The bean salad looks great too! I love the idea of an index card a day. It looks like Milo is enjoying his summer!

  24. Great post! Don't let Milo talk you into running around the yard.

  25. Great to see your garden grow. The herbs are fab and they make every dish special.
    I like your version of three bean salad.
    Yes, I've heard of the ICAD challenge. Several of my blog friends are doing it.
    I love reading about Milo. Did you lose some weight running after him? (only joking)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

  26. Ha! I also feel like I have a farm experiment going on around here. Always working on what I think I can grow. Thanks for linking up and stay well.

  27. Delightful post. Love the pup. And the quilt. And pinned the salad recipe. I never make anything exactly like the recipe calls so you are my kind of cook.
