
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Questions for fun


from Saturday 9 questions

1) Their lyrics compare a relationship to a house, saying that despite superficial problems like peeling paint or broken glass, the foundation can still be solid and strong. What home improvement project is next on your list?
A) I'm afraid it's going to be a new dryer which has been broken for half the quarantine... and new kitchen which we would not like to do but...

2) Maren Morris sings that she knows she and her lover can face any storm. Are you afraid of thunder and lightening? A) I respect lightening. I used to date a guy who was struck with lightening while he was a beach lifeguard... cute but not very smart... I was young... thunder is startling

3) The video for this song shows Maren and her husband, singer/songwriter Ryan Hurd, on the beach in Maui. Would you rather go for a long walk along a beach or a hike in the woods?
A) beach. And yes please, soon. The feel of the soft wet sand under my toes, the tickle of cochinas scurrying away, the gentle waves of the west coast Florida beaches are all just good sensory memories. 
4) "The Bones" won Morris and her collaborators (Jimmy Robbins and Laura Veltz) the 2020 CMA "Song of the Year" Award. Here's your chance to pat yourself on the back. What's something you have done well lately? (Go ahead. We want to hear about it!) 
A) I've been painting and sewing, and like all the projects so far, especially liked learning by making and the process of making.

5) The song was also nominated for a Grammy for Best Country Song. For the awards show last month, Maren put a lot of work into her look, including lightening her hair and lipstick and reshaping her brows. She was surprised when saw on social media that people confused her with reality star Khloe Kardashian. How long does it take you to prepare to face the world (on an average day, not for an internationally telecast awards show)?
A) ha! get out of soft pjs into soft home clothes for the day. I don't brush hair, which is thinning from the stress of the last few years, and no make-up. I figure women my age are basically invisible anyway
6) Experimenting with hair and makeup comes naturally to Maren. Her parents have owned the same hair salon for decades. She and her sister played there as children and took turns working the reception desk when they were in high school. Do you have a hair appointment scheduled?
A) I've cut my own  for years...I've only had one good haircut in the last 15 years then the cutter couldn't ever do it again... now I cut the husband's hair too. He says it's as good as the professionals. I groom our poodle so I can make it the way I like it. Saves a lot of money. 
7) Mom and Dad do not go out of their way to play Maren's songs in their salon. They don't want to "bombard" clients with her music, just because she's their daughter. But, if one of Maren's songs happens to come on, they are naturally very proud. Where were you the last time you had to listen to someone else's choice of music? (Bank, doctor's office, friend's car, etc.) Did you enjoy it, or did you wish you could change the station?
A) my fave drawing person just recommended a bossa nova station on youtube and it's wonderful. I listened to 3 minutes of the song you gave us... not a big fan of country style though
8) Maren says her favorite foods are tacos and tortillas. When did you most recently eat Mexican food?
A) We made chicken fajitas last week... so good homemade! and made sure there was enough for two more lunches. Made the extra fajita tortillas and stored in the fridge to be warmed and they were even great the third lunch. I have food allergies so it's actually better for me to choose products without soybean oil, corn syrup, or msg....

9) Random question: What do you call that thing in your living room? Is it a sofa, couch, or a davenport?
A) sofa  even the poodle knows, "go get on the sofa" 
I know that's a chair, we have sofas too!




  1. Funny that you didn't like this song because it was too country. Another Sat 9er said she was surprised it was nominated for country awards because it sounded so pop.

    Anyway, it sounds like you have really let your creative juices flow this past year. Brava!

  2. We call it a couch. I know you've been very busy with your many projects. You make very good use of your time.

  3. Poodles are so beautiful! I love the picture. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  4. HMMM - I had Mexican food about 3 hours ago, because my twin grandkids requested that for their birthday supper. It was delicious and my daughter is an excellent cook. She didn’t get that from me. LOL. It takes me about 5 minutes to get ready most mornings. I don’t do makeup but do put on moisturizer. And my hair is about 2 inches long so it doesn’t take long to wash and comb in the mornings. And I would choose a walk on the beach any day.

  5. So you made your own tortillas? You have to share your recipe. We went out today and they gave us freshly made tortillas with butter. Yum! Chicken fajitas sounds good. I can't eat peppers or onions. Love the picture of your cute poodle!

  6. Chicken fajitas, I haven't had that in ages, it is time to make it again.
    My washer, dryer, and refrigerator are 30 years old and time to think about replacing them before they break.
