
Saturday, October 10, 2020

sewing saturday

For my sewing round-up this week I have some yellow blocks to show for RSC's color of the month. We are encouraged to use our yellow scraps so...

into the yellow bin I went and found some pretties! I remember many years ago a friend of mine gave me the face fabric scraps after she made  nurse's scrubs for her brother. 

of course there were bonus HST blocks to be used next week...I have an idea of how to use the 64 1.5" bits...

I got the idea to use hair clips to hold the Halloween quilt binding on to sew, and I did double fold binding so it would be easier to sew to the back this time

I felt very accomplished finishing the quilting, choosing binding fabric from a list of auditioners, making a sleeve and blocking it. Full shots come later.

Meanwhile the design wall looks a bit sparse.

I have now finished four red blocks from Deb's 80's pattern re-do.
I liked playing with the geese from last week next to the lozenge blocks! 

These are labor intensive, fussy cut, sewing lines must be drawn on, hand stitched stopping at each intersection. But here is one in yellow... I like it too.( Deb ) is doing them all in multi and they look great!

I'm not  sure what will come of these but for now they keep me busy and off the streets. 

Our heat wave continues with temps in the 80's and smoke choking us all

brighter than normal

and no precipitation in sight to stop the fires raging and spreading almost as fast as the virus 

They say cooler next week but also smokier, so we still can't open a window. 

I tried a new to me mask design from Joann fabrics... it fits well 

 ...then I saw this on you tube and think it might be simple and easy to make. In halloween fabric...haven't tried it yet 

I shared a painting post yesterday, but have spent most of my creative time this week in studio, listening to City of Girls on audio. It would make a fine movie! The reader is swell, in their 1940's vernacular. 

I zoomed with Joy again this week, and it is joyful to talk to her, and sewed on the yellow 80's block, and it may be virtual but I am WITH her while we zoom. It's a great thing to share your life with friends.

Fall is happening despite the weather

the question of the day at (  )is : tell us of a song you could hear every day... this is an interpretation of mine

Linking to

oh Scrap Sundays 
 slow stitching Sundays


  1. Oh, that is so fun in the yellow! You are doing great with the hand pieced blocks. That smiley face made me giggle!

  2. What an enjoyable post, from your great blocks (love all those geese!) to the song and the mask tutorial.... thanks! I hope you (and us in Utah) get some precipitation soon.

  3. Thank you for Diana!! We need rain,too. We didn’t have our monsoon this summer.
    I’m not a big fan of yellow but with black and white it looks great.

  4. Your design wall may be looking a bit sparse, but it is still SEW full of possibilities, LeeAnna!! Looking forward to hearing/seeing what you have in mind for those Bonus HST. :o))

  5. Your Deb A blocks look wonderful in all one color! Love the fun scraps in your lozenges, and looking forward to seeing what you do with those bonus HSTs this month, too.

  6. You are so talented in so many different media, LeeAnne. The art you made from fabric scraps is just beautiful. Both of my 2 oldest sons are having smoke issues from nearby wildfires (Oregon and Colorado). Take care and stay inside!

  7. I'm trying to figure out where you live (the state) because MY temps have been in the low 90s this week. No rain here for three weeks and no rain forecast for the next 10 days. The smoke reached us on Tuesday and still lingers today. The weather people are warning us to stay inside if at all possible due to the smoke. Ironic that smoke that started on the west coast is chocking me in the center of the country.

    I have NO idea what a double fold binding is, but it sounds complicated. STILL loving your Halloween quilt. I have some fabric that might be perfect for your Halloween quilts.

    I hope Milo is OK. Stay safe and well, dear.

  8. Great projects, and love the yellows! Happy stitching!

  9. All your yellow is looking so good, yes, thanks for the mask tutorial and the Diana video! She is new to me, but lovely! I keep watching for a big reveal of your new Halloween quilt! Hope the weather cooperates in CO! We had rain this morning, Sunday, clearing now here in Wyoming. Our smoke numbers are better too, hope that continues! Have a good week....I’ll post on Thursday

  10. Hi, recently discovered your blog and really enjoy the variety of topics. Fun lozenges and they look great with the flying geese! Just to save everyone some time...I’m an experienced sewist and just spent a couple hours trying to make that video mask pattern work for me. I’m giving up. The corners poke into my eyes even though I’ve reduced the depth by 1.5 inches. Also tried rounding them with no success. Big gaps on the sides. Oh well.

    1. THANK YOU Becky!!! I'd email but none listed. I sure appreciate your trying that one so I don't waste my time. I do like the JoAnn's mask but to save time, I enlarged the template by about half I think.

  11. Nice work. I have to buy masks, not savvy enough to make my own.

  12. That face fabric absolutely made me laugh out loud!!! It's so CUTE!!!

  13. Love those lozenge blocks. Sorry you are still getting the smoke. What strange times these are. So far we've been given masks, enough for us so I've not had to try to sew some. Halloween one would be cute though. Imagine autumn happening in spite of those temps.

  14. Your lozenge blocks look great in yellow. Alternating the backgrounds makes it even better. And your flying geese create a lovely border.
    How good to be able to quilt with a friend on Zoom. We are all getting so tired to staying inside. The smoke has imprisoned us even more. Praying for rain or snow soon but it doesn't look like it is coming.

  15. Your posts are always so chock-full! I could not ever do as much in a week. Especially not make masks. I gave up and ordered a couple. Love your fall photo!

  16. I'm missing yellow?? That's my favorite color! I better at least try to make some hot pads with my little yellow 4 patches.

  17. love the yellow white and black lozenges blocks!

  18. Your design wall looks so happy! Those yellow blocks are so cheerful and the red blocks are gorgeous! Congrats on finishing that Halloween quilt! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
