
Friday, September 25, 2020

paint party Friday


Welcome to paint party Friday. 

I love watching paint move and blend, so I use watercolors. 

I cut out magazine words to lay on top above, kind of like it. I appreciate "real" in most circumstances especially friendship. Real doesn't mean say harsh things, it just s a way of having integrity.

Sometimes I paint what I see, sometimes I paint what I want to see

I really wet the paper this time and wanted to drop color on in pure hue and let it move around. 

I liked the effect but I couldn't resist pulling out the tombow markers in brown, and olive green, the staedtler black marker and what's left of my white posca ink, just for definition. 

We have been coping with smoke from the West coast fires, as well as the 4 large ones here in Colorado... for many weeks now. Our skies are not bold blue, they are gray and often block out the sun. I love Fall color, and hope we can recover from the smoke soon. 

If we do not take care of our environment we won't have clean air and water... it's true even if it's hard to hear, even if you must make some sacrifices, even if your leader pretends otherwise. 

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  1. we hope the fires will not cause more damage it is anyway so sad to see how all the things what grew for years are gone within minutes...your tree is great... it is like life...

  2. Beautiful autumn colour in trees.
    Happy PPF 💚

  3. That's sure a pretty tree, fall and smiles!

  4. Lovely work, glad you had fun with it!

  5. Beautiful colors, especially for Fall. Colorado is a long way from NJ, but we have smoke effects as well. Amen(!) to your thoughts on the environment!

  6. Such a beautiful little painting, LeeAnna! I'm glad you mentioned the brands of your favorite supplies, as I keep forgetting the ones you use. Are these the same ones you use on fabric?

  7. I love how you let the colours do their thing in the water and then added the pen detailing - it's a gorgeous autumnal tree. Happy PPF!
    Alison x

  8. Congrats on your little tree being nominated on PPF today! I missed it last week, but it malkes me so happy to look at. The colors of fall!

  9. Beautiful autumn tree dressed in lovely colours.
    Happy PPF!

  10. I love your colorful tree!
    So sorry for your Smokey skies Living in Oregon - thankfully away from the fires - we experienced those surreal orange cities and horrible air quality for the early weeks in September, and currently they're grey from California fires. As you say, we need to attend to protecting our environment!
    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  11. Beautiful autumn tree. Happy PPF


  12. such a pretty autumn painting! congrats on the PPF feature :)

  13. This is beautiful, what a great painting, Hazel x
