
Thursday, September 24, 2020

I Like Thursday #212


Welcome to this week's list of likes! 


1) The trees are beginning to turn color, but the temps continue to be very hot (hovering around 90) but the big problem is the smoke from so many forest fires. It's overcast all the time now, and the air is noxious. But there are a few things to mention in the "I LIke" list so lets get started...

2) I like this color orange for brightening up the patio! 

3)  I like that one of the wildflower seeds is turning (finally) into something... what I don't know...


4)  I like that the local nursery had their very expensive trees on sale so when we were forced to replace on on the tree lawn (between sidewalk and street) by our HOA, they were able to come out and do that for us without our having any physical contact. The guy sent pics for us to pick one. 


5) well the tomatoes seem to be on hold...

6)there were 10 beans to pick

7) I like the cape we found on Amazon

 so when I cut dh's hair I no longer have to put him in a garbage bag lol! We put an old shower curtain under the chair while cutting.


I'm slowly still reading my ebook at night about the embroiderer

8) I finished two books on audio this week... yes I dragged myself through Crawdads... and felt manipulated by the author's ending... but started a grand book called:

charming reader and fun story set in modern day small town Texas involving a woman mayor and cast of characters


 Joy invited me to come to her quilt guild's lecture by Lyric Kinard, and I did and it was fun!

the "Big flower fight" on Netflix a competition where designers make statues out of floral displays

 speaking of reading, I watched a lot of youtube videos on Ann Patchett and Anne Lamott this weekend...wonderful to hear authors talking about life and books!!!  here are some links

9) Salon author intetview with both Ann (e)s

10) anne and her son discuss their book 


11) I spent the week making sure I met my deadline for this quilt...

the link is here


12) Oy vey... I'm so tired of cooking.... this week we had chicken sauteed with lemon juice, lemon slices, garlic, olive oil, cooking sherry and artichoke hearts. 

we made a chocolate chip sour cream banana cake this week, which means we used some egg whites... and had some left to make scrambled eggs with cheese. We took english muffins, toasted them, spread on Blue Moose cheese dip (asiago) layered scrambled eggs to make breakfast sandwiches. Very good.

we also are returning to iceberg lettuce... in the time of pandemic, we feel we can shed some outer leaves, and wash the center and are liking salads as sides again, lettuce, sliced avocado and blue cheese dressing. good stuff.


13) we ordered curbside pick up at total wine, so we now have wine again for the evening chat. Reisling is my favorite, along with rose or almond champagne


Milo's Moments

Mama: Milo do you want to add any likes to this week's list? 

Milo: Yes, I'd like to say how much I love my kong ring toy! Except... when it rolls itself off the porch into the gravel that hurts my feet!
when that happens here's what I would like to happen... I stare at it til you or Daddy get the message to go pick it up for me.
sometimes I get so tired waiting, and lie down... what do you two get up to that takes you so long to notice when something as important as a lost toy is happening???

so when you get it, I love to guard it, lay it on the table to chew on it,

play, "try to get my toy from me" with you two but you do have short attention spans and don't like to play as long as I do
fuggetaboutit! I also like to nap on my blue chair.

Please visit these people with lists of likes and remember to tell me in comments if you did a Like post this week so I can include you!


  1. wow you have a pot of golden flowers!!!

  2. Hilarious because Scout is similar with her ball. She thinks we are supposed to fetch it if it goes certain places! I've adapted to this but we don't play ball much like we did with Seamus. Love your wall hanging and your flowers! I dug the vegies out of the garden this week. Love the grooming cape!!! Have a great week LeeAnna!

  3. Wow those flowers are gorgeous. Bobbin leaves her toys all over, and heaven forbid I pick them up. Her most annoying trick is when I talk to my mom on the phone.....squeaky toy, squeaka, squeaka, squeaka....or when Samantha comes by to talk. Same thing. Great likes.

  4. I'm with you - so sick of cooking. Your flowers are still very pretty. I've let mine go now, and they have quit blooming. I'll just admire my neighbor's flowers. Seeing Milo curled up in his chair - just had to smile. He is very comfy squeezed into that little chair.

  5. Hi LeeAnna and Milo! I think Milo should add one short bark to get attention back on his favorite toy, so that it is immediately rescued. That should take care of that stressful situation for Milo. We do not need a stressed out poodle! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Love the fall colors! Our Dad doesn't mind cooking but he says it would sure be nice to go out and eat again. Hey Milo, cool toy and I hope you get some tossing service soon. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Milo is fantastic! Your fall quilt is super cute. I got out my three little fall quilts this week and hung them up, it always makes me happy to see them again. I love the texture in your orange flowerpot- the orange flowers with the spikey greenery are a great combo. I really hope your air clears up soon, I have been so worried for you and our Arizona friends and everyone on the west coast. I hate to thing of all the lung problems!

  8. I liked Milo’s thoughts. Those mums are perfect for our so called Fall. How convenient to have that nursery handle the whole process on the tree. The cape is much nicer than the garbage bag. Lol.

  9. Milo is so cute about the gravel! I'm pretty sure your mystery flower is a Chinese forget-me-not. Let it go to seed and you'll have dozens next year! Hope it gets a chance to flower before winter, that cluster that looks like broccoli (to me!) will open up and lots more will form.

  10. I love big pots of mums and don't have any yet. Like the cape you found too! Enjoy your afternoon!

  11. Your flowers look so pretty! My tomatoes have done exactly the same thing - they're just stuck on green. ;( I love how Milo knows so well how to communicate with you! Happy Thursday!

  12. Your mums look so pretty. I haven’t planted any yet because my summer annuals are at their peak. I’ll wait until we get a frost.
    I always like to hear Milo’s likes. He has you well trained.

  13. Lots of wonderful colors we love those photos

  14. It's beginning to look like autumn around our hood too. Very glad about that-the light this time of year is so golden.

  15. I am with you on the Crawdads book. I thought I was the only one who wasn't a big fan. Good to know there is at least one other person! :) Quilt is beautiful! Sorry to read about the smoke. Stay safe!

  16. Love colors. You already know what I think of the Crawdads book! Not really a fan. And I am tired of cooking, too. Hope the smoke soon clears. Some of it seems to be heading our way.

  17. Almond champagne? Interesting. I wasn't that wowed by the Crawdads book either; it was okay, but not a favorite. Love that bright orange flower on your patio!

  18. A super hero hair cutting cape? I love that HOME quilt.

  19. Another post filled with bright colourful flowers, Pretty fabrics, Milo, suggested reading and a tempting dinner menu. Life is good, isn’t it? Almond champagne? That’s a new one on me. I just might have to phone my liquor store for more info. 😉

  20. I don't generally care for orange, but that flower is gorgeous! (I think it's the red/pink with it). And what a nice mound of mums!

    I'm glad to see others who weren't that enthralled with "Crawdads." I did read some reviews about how preposterous it was, but not so many about the ending. Which, I'd like to point out, is writing against itself. They said the tide took her to the tower in the short time she had, but then she'd be fighting it on the way back. So...

    Is the almond champagne Wilson Creek? That winery is just up the road from me...about a half-hour away. So almond champagne is not so novel to me. :-)

  21. Volunteers are so much fun. Wonder what yours will do! Oh, I would love a good take out. Everything is so far from us. I love Milo in his chair! Good stuff.

  22. I love the color of that geranium. Almost a salmon or coral unless the light is playing tricks. I didn't get any mums again this year. I have yellow, orange and red dwarf zinnias and they are very full and pretty so they will do for fall color. Have to move my plants inside this weekend as frost is expected next week. Takes me awhile to clean them up and check for bugs and spiders.

  23. The tree is pretty big for a transplant. I hope it takes off and loves its new home!

    THanks for sharing about what you are reading as well!

  24. Lots to smile about today especially Milo of course.
    Annie x

  25. Your "harvest" looks like mine. How nice to get a new tree and I"m sure it will do well there. I got side tracked cause I had to follow the link to how you put together your great little quilt there. What a job! Love to read about your food...always get ideas and I need them. Love Milo as always. He's so articulate! Murphy only speaks baby talk. LOL

  26. I loved the quilt you created for the fall hop! Milo reminds me so much of Rufus. He has a ring toy, 'Goughnuts' it's called, lifetime warranty, holding out so far. Our tomatoes are on hold right now too, so I picked up a basket at the farm stand across the road. Glad you've got curbside pickup for the wine - I've used it for local wineries a few times too! Kinda nice this new normal... Thanks for hosting as always, and keeping us positive and grateful. :-)

  27. Lots of things to like! The colour of your flowers is indeed beautiful and autumny. And the quilt is amazing. (I have never made a quilt and don't know anyone who does quilting. Here in Spain it is not very popular. So I am very impressed!
    Our tomatoes are also stuck on green, but I have picked them green and they have reddened on a fruit bowl on the table. Problem is, we are now getting too much to put in a bowl. ...
    I enjoyed Milo's musings. Keep them coming.
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Keep smiling,

  28. Gorgeous quilt! Have a good weekend.

  29. I wish the air quality gets better soon and the fires can be extinguished. Yet you found many things to be happy about. Autumn coloring in Finland looks wonderful too. Milo is so cute <3 Our cat Sissi is totally fed up with my painting & renovating all day long :) Pets <3

  30. I like your bright orange geraniums and your tiny tomatoes. I like that you were able to join our guild meeting via Zoom. I absolutely LOVE the fact that you enjoyed visiting with us!

  31. Yes, it’s so weird that fall is here, but the temps are still so high! Your bright flowering plants are doing so well! You do a great job of cutting hair! Awww. I’m sorry Crawdad wasn’t for you. I really liked it. The Honey Creek Café definitely sounds lighter. And that quilt! Oh my goodness! I absolutely love it! Nice job!

  32. Beautiful..It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at

  33. I agree a cape is better than a garbage bag. My son said that his barber shop just uses garbage bags so they are disposable between customers! lol Thanks for linking up and have a great week.
