
Thursday, February 7, 2019

I Like Thursday #127

Welcome to this week's list of likes.
One day it was in the high 50's F with bright sun, when I captured some shadow shots.
I just love this picture with all it's lines. Almost black and white, I like the star formed by the table supports, the elongated chairs...

I loved seeing my pink quartz rock in the bright sun
It also has cool lines, and subtle colors. We moved it here from Maryland and it gives me joy.
I wrote a story about it, link here: pink-quartz-rocks

I liked finding the show Travels with my Father on netflix. It's just so funny to me! A young British comedian takes his father along on a trip to exotic places, he calls it a gap year and the two of them make me snort with laughter.

I finished the cattails abstract top, and took it off the design wall to work on a Valentine quilt.
Back out came the thin red and neutral strips...
It's been much harder than I thought it would be as I have to match widths of strips... ah well...

I like the little offshoot of the cattail piece and think it will be pretty when quilted
We got a lot of snow today, it snowed from about 5AM through to 7 PM. This makes me think of tree trunks water and sky.

I just loved this idea...heart pouch. I'm going to make one, but change it a little, so my dog walking friends can carry treats in them for their pups.

I liked this production of Bolero, my favorite classical music, done in a mall flashmob

For less serious but no less talented classical music... I laughed out loud snorted and hooted while watching these talented people having fun with life

Milo's Moment
I like snow as much as the next poodle but I just got my hairs did and now they are going all curly again... Mama seems to pet me more when it's soft so you know what that means right? More brushing. I like looking good!
I sure like my gingerbread cookies (trader joe's) and finally treats big enough to chew on... but...
Mommy is doing this new thing where she says the word WAIT a lot. It's not a fun word. It means don't just jump on food or step out in the street, it's NO FUN word. But at the end of the word, she says Okay! and...
I don't blink before grabbing it! She might change her mind! The tall food dish (kitchen table) is no match for my long legs... did you know I am up to 58 lbs and almost 2 years old??? Big! I'll always be mama's baby though, she said so, and I still like to snuggle with her when I sleep.

Please visit these peeps keeping their own lists this week!


letting go the bay leaf

Minou's Minute

Linking to these parties!!!

https://comedy-plus.wordless wednesday

sundays in the city
shadow sundays 

 Pink Saturday!
off the wall Fridays
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays  

myquiltinfatuation Thursdays 


  1. Hi LeeAnna! The weather here has been crazy too all month. Well let's not exclude January in the craziness either. Your strip heart turned out so cute! Aww Milo - you are so sweet. I can't believe you are two! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Your pink quartz is beautiful - something amazing to have in your yard. I like the beginnings of your heart quilt, too! And now I want to make a heart pouch!

  3. Such a pretty sunshine photo with all the shadows. Think it would be fun to get a piece of white paper and trace all those shadows into a picture. Pretty pink quartz, I can imagine how it might sparkle a little. Hope you have an amazing weekend!

  4. Heart in progress... LOVE!! Looking forward to seeing the changes you have planned for the heart pouch. Sad to wait for the Cattails quilt, but totally understand!

  5. I love the treat bag idea. Genius! I stuff them in my pockets and always have crumbs leftover. I'm looking outside at everything encrusted in ice and think there's no reason to go outside. at. all. Cabo learned WAIT and OKAY and it's been a lifesaver. He also knows LEAVE IT....but that's more unpredictable when there's food in sight. He'll be two years old in March and is about 53 pounds.

  6. The shadow photos are so cool! I love Milo's contribution to the post too...such a smart (and handsome) fuzzy face. Thanks for organizing this posting group.

  7. We enjoyed Travels with My Father as well and were happy when they did a second season. Got to see some places on film normally not seen too besides the fun with those two.
    That string heart is pretty and a great idea. Milo sounds like he is getting there. They say a Black Lab is not grown up till 3 or 4; is that true of poodles as well.

  8. Lovely heart quilt in progress. Milo is such a good boy and he is right, wait is not a fun word. Thanks for linking up today.

  9. What a delightful post. Cool Shadows. Great idea for your red strips. Loved the Rainier Hersch orchestra. Fantastic. Sort of reminded me of Spike Jones if you are old enough to remember them. Thanks.

  10. I really like that pink quartz rock. I don't know what the Google+ changes mean either. I never converted my blog over to a Google+ blog so I am hoping that turns out to be a good thing.

  11. Oh I am so over the bi polar weather. Hot, cold, sub zero, right now everything is muddy, mucky, lose a shoe mud. We are supposed to be back to the teens the next few days. Love your pink quartz. I have rocks (big rocks) from special places. I picked up a quartz rock where I buried Jeff.

  12. Love that flashmob. Quilting projects look cool. Good boy, Milo!

  13. LA - loved the Bolero flash mob - so cool how some of the brass were on the upper level, making the most of the acoustics. And the second video had me howling - typical British humor! Thanks for bringing the I Like crew together again this week!

  14. You find the best videos to share! Thank you!

    The other week, a contestant on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me was a woman who has something to do with managing the water resources for Aurora. I wonder if she got somebody's voice for her home or work answering machine?

  15. Great likes! We are working on "wait" too! Fun videos, thanks! Have a great week!

  16. Milo is so obedient!!! That's great!! And I love the way your heart strips are coming out; very geometrical. Really fun.

  17. I'm late again but I had an excuse. I've posted though. I was ROTFL as I watched that video. Kept expecting Victor Borge to pop in any time. Thank you so much for that. Love your heart.

  18. I can't hear Bolero without thinking of Torvel and Dean's ice dance performance.

  19. That heart pouch with the poodle fabric is beyond adorable! Love the idea of tweaking it for walkie treats. Brilliant!

  20. Milo is adorable and I'm with him. Mom needs to get rid of the 'wait' word. I agree.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a woof woof day, Milo. My best to your mom. ♥

  21. quilting is soooo much fun! Have a Happy Valentines Day!

  22. Love your Post & Milo & your musical video is a hoot!!! I loved it. I watched it from beginning to end. OMG I was laughing up a storm. I also loved your Milo's Moment & I know exactly what you mean. I have a black lab who loves cookies also. Thanks for sharing!
