
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

ch ch ch changes....

Listen, I'm not a techie, I'm just trying to live a creative life! I do not understand what this means from blogger and google, or even the difference between them, but if you follow me on google plus... it seems to be going away.

If you don't want to lose track of the goings on here at Not Afraid of Color and you follow somehow on google plus like it says I have 272 followers... well.... you'll apparently want to find a new way to remember to visit... so sorry I can't explain it. I don't even know if I have to change anything.

Hope you continue to visit... I enjoy so much the companionship we have formed.

Life it keeps a changing doesn't it? Oy vey.

the  notice as I received it:

Following the announcement of Google+ API deprecation scheduled for March 2019, a number of changes will be made to Blogger’s Google+ integration on 4 February 2019.

Google+ widgets: Support for the “+1 Button”, “Google+ Followers” and “Google+ Badge” widgets in Layout will no longer be available. All instances of these widgets will be removed from your blog.

+1 buttons: The +1/G+ buttons and Google+ share links below blog posts and in the navigation bar will be removed.

Please note that if you have a custom template that includes Google+ features, you may need to update your template. Please contact your template supplier for advice.

Google+ Comments: Support for Google+ comments will be turned down, and all blogs using Google+ comments will be reverted back to using Blogger comments. Unfortunately, comments posted as Google+ comments cannot be migrated to Blogger and will no longer appear on your blog.


  1. So confusing, isn't it? I'll follow by email. xx Karen

  2. It is confusing, but I think most of your followers either use an app like Bloglovin or just go directly to your site using the URL. I don't think you will need to do anything on your end unless you are using some aspect of Google+ to post.

  3. Oh, my, the best of "geek talk". All I know is I think they are getting rid of google plus so whatever it was some people were using it for, it won't be available. That's why I like to follow by email (so dependable, not confusing!) Hope your day is off to a good start otherwise.

  4. It is confusing, I get your email and click on over ... as a back up I have this page bookmarked!

  5. Your are in my reader so not to worry. When you post new content I will know. Like this post.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to Milo. ♥

  6. I don't understand it either. But I follow by email so I don't think there will be a problem. At least that is what I hope! LOL

  7. LOL! I think you are voicing what many of us are thinking. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I don't loose followers....and all that I follow.

  8. And so back again to blogger--where we should have stayed to begin with!! I have no idea what is going on--I am getting pretty fed up with it all...I have no idea about how or what to do with this announcement. Can't we comment anymore--I mean then what's the point? I guess I'll have to go and follow by email?
    H E L P>>>>Julierose

  9. Well, a lot of us have gotten the same message, and even a direct email with similar info, but it's all Greek to us 70-something bloggers! I guess if my blog disappears in early April I'll just start another one - never thought I was doing anything on google+ anyway.

  10. The cyber gods do make it confusing, don't they. I just put your blog site address in my Feedly listings and see every new posting you have. Also, I see you in the blog hops. So, I'm not going anywhere!

  11. I dropped Google+ a long time ago because it screwed things up (I just don't remember how).

  12. Yeah, I have no idea what it means. I think I don't use google+ (my blog is in WordPress.) But where do my comments come from when I comment on blogspot??? I have no idea. Just hoping everything still works when they're done messing with it. Good luck.

  13. Out of all the blogs I follow only one is published using Google+, although I've visited a few others on blog hops. I deleted my Google+ acct a few months ago when the data breaches on Google+ were announced. It meant I could no longer comment on Jocelyn's blog. I never did figure out how to follow blogs on Google+ so I always use the email option. I think the people most affected are those who used Google+ to publish their blogs. It seems likely the people you might lose will be those who followed by Google+, but hopefully they will come looking for you and sign up using another method. Keeping up with all the changes is very frustrating.

  14. google.... I hope it will work and I can find a way to comment...

  15. Thanks Lee Anna. This is all so confusing and out of my control so I'll hope for the best. I don't use Google plus but I think Jocelyn does so I hope she will be able to still be with us.

  16. Just google PLUS is going away. No great loss. It was underutilized as a facebook-type app. Won't affect your blog. My IT guy said don't worry unless you had really vitally important chats with someone special on Google Plus.

  17. Everyone who uses Blogger is going to have issues of some kind. Hopefully things aren't so twisted up our blogs won't be too affected. But I'll tell you, Google screwed up more than a few things from sucking up Blogger. I've had problem with comments and I bet others have too. What's going to really cause issues are those people who are only linking through Google+ in their comments which was always a pain anyway. I wonder what's going to happen with all the blogs we've signed in with using Google+ because I hate Facebook even more and refuse to sign in that way. For some reason the sites I'm forced to use Google+ signing in with email doesn't work. Going to stop for noon tea now, hope all is well with you guys.

  18. Never did understand that whole Google Plus thing. Just knew that Google stalks me like a jilted lover wherever I go on the 'Net. 😬
