
Monday, October 29, 2018

The week ahead #8 going around in circles

Going around in circles
Welcome to my version of Happy Homemaker

the weather in Aurora today
Changeable. Mercurial. Hot and cold. The weather can't make up it's mind. It was a  hot week with the sun beating down making the feels like temps in the 80's with nights in the 40's. It would be nearly perfect if I hadn't overreacted to the quick change to 19F a couple weeks ago and traded my closet for all winter clothes!

On the walk yesterday, Milo just plopped down in shade and panted, refusing to walk one more step!
He was upset to be wearing his black fur coat in the sun. He is concerned about the increasingly hot days and hopes humans can fix the problems before it's too late for poodles to survive.

On the to do list
OMG, isn't it annoying when you have plans and life drives up and hits you sideways?
I wanted to finish this year's halloween quilt, go to be aligned, and watch dancing with the stars.
My husband broke his car yesterday when someone turned in front of him causing him to swerve and hit the curb.
Just like that his car is at the car-spital for who knows how long, he's catching rides and my week is derailed too.

I need to decide whether to go for my own body work, because I might have to drive dh downtown to the Denver car repair , which stresses me.
We checked some things off the list this weekend though... putting out some of my Halloween decorations,

 buying candy, vacuuming.

Today I have the usual daily maintenance things to do, (empty the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, water the plants, breathe in and out)  and still need to sort the paper piles that accumulated on my kitchen desk so we can use the table again. I still want to baste the quilt and start the quilting at least.
Oh and I should get dressed.
And drink more water as I started getting that dehydrated bladder pain this weekend. Cranberry juice in it's natural form is torture.

In the craft basket 

I wouldn't call it craft, as it's a big part of my life not just a hobby, but on Friday last I started cutting precious Halloween fabrics for this year's art quilt, and am ready to get it done so I can start on my latest challenge.
Interpret a painting by Vermeer in fiber.

On writing fiction
I love doing weekly prompts and wrote the next installment of my novel in this post (sunday-stories.)

Tips and Tricks

someone online suggested using tie backs (that I never used) for iron cords. Perfecto! Those unruly cords are tied to the handle with pretty fabric, with a button hole that I'd not try these days.

Lessons learned
Maybe not spiritual, but realistic.
If you're going to follow a pattern, then invest. Go ahead and read it before you start. I don't often follow patterns or recipes as I am old and have been to the rodeo before and pretty much get the idea of how to sew and cook, plus I want to do my own thing.
This week I learned some sewing lessons from mistakes I made, and learning from doing is usually fine for me. I'll include those in my post on the Halloween quilt

I suppose the other lesson came from dh's car caper. Be patient while driving, and be alert to other people who aren't alert.And when a spouse messes up the car, be patient as it can happen to any of us. And be alert to the details of handling the problems.

I also jumpstarted an online quilting group discussion as the group had become too quiet. Now I have interesting discussions to read and connections to make. Yea! Win win. Others said they had missed hearing from the members but I risked ridicule by starting a new discussion. brave...

I'm trying to stay awake long enough to finish my tea shop mystery as it's overdue. I also checked out this book on returning to art school in your 60's. I would like to get a master's degree but probably in sociology mixed with art... if I can stand to have a young thing critique my work, maybe writing.

boohoo we finished Brokenwood season, and I finished the Prime show Forever which was so much fun. So thought provoking funny, clever and weird. I'll miss it.

I spent some time this week listening to music new to me, from YoYoMa's two groups, Goat Rodeo and Silkroad. I discovered a female singer I liked named Aiofe O Donovan (prounounced eva)

enjoy the week!

Linking to

design wall Mondays at smallquiltsanddollquilts


  1. Phenny did the same things as the sun gave us a no_fall weather ;o) I always plan to read the book I got for my birthday, but I'm always too tired... but it made it to my bedroom and is on my night stand now... one step forwards ;O)

  2. Our weather is a bit bi-polar as well, and that seems to be the trend as I read some of the posts this week! I'm glad you are getting some time to craft though! I think about going back to school often, and it scares me but its something that I've considered more than once! Hope you have an amazing week!

  3. Okay - I know it's just me, but that photo of your iron looks like it's bug-eyed shocked at something the spray bottle must have done. LOL

  4. Oh, that Sally, I had to go back and look at the iron. She is SO right! We have been a one-vehicle family for several months now which hasn't been too bad since we're both retired. DH has ordered a new vehicle now that House 1 is sold.

  5. Lovely quilt. Nice to discover new artists. Have a great week

  6. I always keep one summer/winter/fall outfit (at least) out through out the seasons when I change out clothes precisely for the crazy mixed up weather days. Hope you get your cars all in working order soon, car troubles of any kind are no fun. Such fun Halloween decorations. Hope you have a great week and a very happy Halloween!

  7. Enjoyed reading your post! Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  8. Hope you have a good week. It's always difficult when you have a vehicle in the shop.

    My reading - I just started book #12 in the series Her Royal Spyness. Definitely an enjoyable series.

  9. Sally really honed in on that iron-well done! LOL! Love your blue pumpkin and your quilt. Vermeer? Can't wait to see that project. Love his paintings. I feel your pain with car repairs. EW!! I laughed out loud at your"get dressed". Have a great week. mary

  10. Enjoyed your post, and I listened to the music - beautiful! Thanks for linking with Design Wall Monday, Judy

  11. I like that cord tie solution. Very clever! I just wrap mine up like when it was in the box as soon as it's cooled enough. May try to make one of my copious spare time.

  12. I am running so late this week! LOVE that quilt square. I enjoyed reading your post. Hope you had a GREAT week.
