
Monday, September 24, 2018

looking to the week ahead

on bunny patrol
Welcome to my third Happy Homemaker post!
In looking to the week ahead, I'm also processing the week just done.

The Weather here
so funny that this is always the first topic... "how 'bout that weather??!" The extreme high 90s turned into a storm that nearly blew us off the map, then dropped to 88 yesterday. The promise this week is cooler temps starting tomorrow so fingers crossed that it's true.

Things that make me happy
Thanks for asking. It reminds me there are lots of things that are happy in life, to balance the other stuff that worries me. I have not slept well for over a week now. I wake from disturbing dreams, then fall back into another one, sometimes having to turn on the book light and stop the merry go round.

Last night I woke about 5 times but in between waking is sleep and sleep is restorative. I sure love deep sleep! It makes the whole next day happier.

And having my men folk put together my IKEA shelves, well, there's not much more loving than facing a pile of little white pieces and an allen wrench for the one you love.
Snooper-visor helping the Daddy
 Book I'm Reading
I am often found reading something... I just switched to the latest "royal spyness" mystery by Rhys Bowen, and it's great. I feel like it's a friend now that I've read the whole series, know what I mean?
That's at night (and throughout the night as I mentioned)

The library was relieved I finally finished the last novel, and some books on tape and returned them.
I left with more than I turned in, so typical! I imagine some statistician trying to peg me from my items... novels, felting, How to write, quilting, history, books on afterlife, touring Santa Fe, etc.
Whee! Riches! Treasure chest of fun! I can hardly wait to jump in! especially appropriate right now is this on studio organization. It's fun to peak into other artist studios...

I do interviews on people in their studios but don't know anyone here yet, stay tuned, and check out the ones I've done already.

what's on TV 
We watched  another Brokenwood (made in NZ) mystery this weekend (through ACORN) and another Murdoch Mystery out of Canada. Love them, and hate to approach the final shows of a season. Tonight is one of my faves, Dancing with the stars, except... who are those people????
Not really stars I think, but I am a dancer and just love ballroom as well as ballet, tap and Cajun Zydeco, so I'll watch.

on the menu
this morning I had scrambled egg whites (allergic to yolks) with cheese and chives, and a lovely Trader Joe's english muffin for breakfast. I don't usually have much. DH found a vietnamese sauce to try on our leftover rotisserie chicken and mixed vege and rice tonight.

Looking forward to
We started discussing exploring towns we've heard about and want to see. I've just been spent with the move, and the thought of a car trip was gross, but I'm beginning to want to explore. I think we might start with Wyoming as it's close, or Santa Fe/Taos. I was surprised to see Georgia O'Keefe's house/studio is so expensive to tour.
We're East Coasters so one of the reasons for this expensive disturbing move across country was to explore our American west.

Craft Basket
I attended Quilt A Fair with my friend Mary last Friday, and ahem, purchased a pattern, and two little kits. One is felt sugar cookies, and one is beaded stars. I can hardly wait to open them up and do something creative! I'm still trying to organize my creative world.
On the other hand I did another writing prompt yesterday, which is very creative as the whole story comes from inside me... not sure what part of my brains holds hands figuratively with my imagination to create these. The link to that short story is HERE "a sliver of hope"

Anyway, I'd rather be crafting but should be doing this

fresh flowers on the credenza again... I am not sure what it is about fresh flowers, but they make me happy every time I see them. This is a mix of baby pink, coral carnations, deep gold of sunflower, white daisies, with a green background. Imagine those colors in a quilt or a rug. Pretty.

Lesson learned this week
Many. Usually a week is full of lessons if you pay attention. I'll tell you about one... we went to the Renegade craft show in downtown Denver this weekend. The artists were ALL friendly and open. It was a small-ish affair in a parking lot in the warehouse district. It was blistering hot in the sun. They could have been dismissive or rude but they were instead welcoming and happy and talented and open.

How refreshing! We paid for one hour parking so we didn't dawdle but we enjoyed several conversations and Milo was adored by many which he took for granted! Not me, I took a mental picture of the moment to replay this week of mundane and difficult things to do.

On the way there, we drove past a homeless shelter. At first glance, I saw tarps, and trash, and lots of people crouching on the sidewalk and wondered what the heck? When I realized these disenfranchised people lived like this, I sobered up right fast.

I get tired of many things here that are not what we were told, many problems we didn't anticipate, starting with the expensive housing. We lost one house to a snafu of being owned not by the signers of the contract, but by a trust they wouldn't release. That started 4 months plus, of intense looking for a place, losing bid after bid. Anyway... we took the first one that accepted our bid and are finding out problems with the neighborhood and house that we didn't expect.

All that fell away as I made myself see the people with no place to go. I felt their collective pain just driving past and it was nearly overwhelming. I had to protect my heart from feeling the intensity, which may make me weak but it is what it is.

That moment pulled me up short, and made me realize although I may be exhausted from life right now, I have a home, and food, and a loving mate, and a poodle puppy that loves me.
I won't delay you with my long list of to do this time... I'll leave you with this quote by Mary Englebreit
Image result for life is just so daily mary engelbreit
and a picture of me and my shadow
Please visit the others sharing their real lives with us all at happy-homemaker-monday-

Linking to:
sunday selfie day for pets                                
all seasons
pet parade
pictorial-tuesday- Awe Mondays
all seasons


  1. Seeing the homeless puts things in perspective and quickly. I'm always grateful for a home, food and the love of family. Okay, having Milo helps too.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday, Milo. My best to your peeps. ❤

  2. Fresh flowers and a good night's sleep - 2 things I really appreciate too. Got that sleep last night for the first time in weeks. Maybe I'll have to pick up some flowers when I go to the grocery store tomorrow.

    It's probably good that we are reminded once in a while just how tough life is for others, like the homeless.

  3. I'm sad to hear you are not sleeping well. A good night's sleep is so helpful in how we tackle the day. Have you tried taking melatonin at night? Perhaps diffusing some lavender essential oil might help. The American West is a fascinating place. I hope you get to take many trips. And, there's nothing like seeing the flip side of our personal lifestyle to put things into perceptive. I hope things smooth out with your home and neighborhood. Lastly, I love the double ententre of the last and your "shadow." All the best for a lovely week. Our high temps are going to drop bout 20 degrees from Tuesday to Wednesday!

  4. Sounds like you're making the most of your new home area.

  5. How fun to read about your week and the lessons you learned. It's so interesting to learn about other people's lives. Moving to another place can be challenging. It's good that you can still see the things that are going well in your life, and I'm sure looking at your week like you did here can help you with that. Not being able to get a deep sleep is exhausting and frustrating, I know. I hope it gets better for you. Judging from the books from the library I'm expecting to see some creative result soon ;-) Have a great week ♥

  6. Enjoyed reading your post. I also love fresh flowers. Yours are very cheerful and pretty! A good night sleep is always a great cure-all for me. I can sure tell the difference in my moods let alone how I feel. Hope you are able to get a peaceful and full night of sleep soon. I was just reading a quote about the irony of how we can't appreciate happiness with sadness, etc (maybe Emerson?)...your words about the homeless camp reminded me of it. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. From the picture of what you took out at the library - I would say... you are a very interesting person! I love people with lots of things that interest them.
    So sad for the homeless people :(

  8. Sounds like you're keeping busy. Yes, sleep makes such a difference for so many things.

  9. So sorry you haven't been sleeping well, and your flowers are beautiful! I'm so terrible at keeping them alive, I normally don't worry too much with them, I wish I could keep them beautiful like yours! Hope you have a wonderful week!!!

  10. Cool shadow picture! Love it. And your flowers are gorgeous.

    Have a great week!

  11. Great haul at the library :) Isn't it nice to have someone to assemble IKEA for you?

  12. As my husband and I like to say - 'first world problems'. Hope the week presents you with nothing more than indomitable you can handle!

  13. Caught up with your posts,LeeAnna. I think you should look into writing for publication...smaller mags are always looking for articles. Or perhaps an independent newspaper in your area. That library would have a resource book of publications for writers looking to query them.
    Meanwhile, despite the frustrations, your area seems like a very interesting, creative place with lots happening and to explore. Your photos are always great.

  14. I love these posts! The Mary Engelbreit quote really gets me. Have you watched Luther on BBC America? Really interesting. Hope you get some sleep!

  15. It's been almost 30 years since we moved into our home and I still remember how stressful it was. We are in the mist of remodeling now, which is stressful but in a different way.

  16. Hopefully you'll sleep better as the weather cools.

  17. The headaches of moving, aarrgg. Your new place will become home soon enough. You will love the Southwest when you get to see a little more of it. There are so many interesting places to visit. I recommend Taos.

  18. So cute capture . Keep commenting on my blog because I love your comments.

  19. Thank you for joining the Pet Parade it's lovely to see your post.

    We love Ikea I just wish there was one in New Zealand!!

  20. Did you ever watch Facts of Life? Jo, the tough smart kid on scholarship was played by Nancy McKeon who is the older, dark-haired woman. It's funny to think of her being older since is younger than me. I happened to watch part of the first show.
    There are times when I go wild in the library and check out a whole lot of different books like you. Mine are mostly cookbooks, travel, local history, gardening, kids' books, and one or two novels. Sometimes books about a current ailment. Gosh, what would we do without public libraries? Have a good week, LA!

  21. Oooh, so many things going on and when you list them like that it is quite fun too. But we must be thankful for what we have and where we are, and help others where we can, and enjoy life and what we have.
    PS, Bunny patrol and observing staff make Ikea stuff is great fun (though the latter boring if I don't get to sit in or on anything at the end of it! MOL

  22. I'm glad to hear that you have so much compassion for those who have had to make difficult choices with their lives. We do not treat our fellow human beings-especially those with some form of mental illness-very well. People are born with mental illness-it isn't something they asked for. We should all be more compassionate and de-stigmatize those that are afflicted.
