
Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Like Thursday 108 flowers, trader joe's, little red wagons, and a poodle

Welcome to this week's list of likes! I love the free wagon the table owners gave me. I move the plants around, and enjoy the view from my computer perch at the kitchen table. Look at that little squash DH's workmate gave him! Adorable.

We made a trip to Trader Joe's last weekend, I love TJ's and it's a long trek from our house now, so we stock up
I haven't installed pull outs in the pantry yet but for now am using turntables to help reach things.

I wanted some pumpkin cookies but they had soybean oil (allergic) and cornstarch (again, allergic) so I got some ginger snaps and some of those really thin meyer lemon cookies I love.

We stocked up on sauces so we don't have to go back for a bit. I also got cut flowers, and they are just so happy! They came in the most adorable bee cellophane wrapping!

I couldn't bear to throw it away!
so cheerful. I haven't had cut flowers for a while

I liked finding Sierra Trading Company near the TJ's and getting some toys for Milo, some birks half price for cooler temps, and some great athletic socks on deep discount. Love surprise deals don't you?

I went to the Quilt-a-Fair with my friend Mary, now in Boulder.

Lots of vendors to peruse. I said I would not buy more fabric...
so I got a little star beading kit, a felt cookie kit for Christmas, a pattern, won a free pattern at a spinner, and the only fabric I got that day was a half yard of batik striped fabric at the "country store" (done by donations). And a book for $2.
 I do not need more supplies, I want more supplies!
I wanted all these embroidery kits, but held my ground. Maybe next time.
I wanted this little pin cushion but it was filled with some stiff stuff
Wanted all this hand dyed wool but have no real purpose for it right now.
Okay, to be truthful, I had remorse at not purchasing a Fall colors hand dyed bundle so I ordered it online after I got home!
It was a fun day. I overcame my reluctance to drive in the Denver area,  with the unmarked roads and construction and sudden off ramps, and am glad I did. Mary and I had a great time chatting and looking together, and talking each other into and out of purchases!

I loved that dh put together my IKEA shelves this weekend
with some help from the snooper-visor
"show me where it says that comes next, Dad"
"I'm not sure Dad is doing it right Mama"
"oh, on second look, he may be doing it right after all"
"oh my dog! Putting together IKEA stuff is EXhausting!"

I put this unit in the small space in the sewing-studio closet but it was still outgassing after three days open in the garage (and wiping down with water) so it's back in the garage to think about what it's done.
Soon it will behave better and be back in the closet to help organize supplies.

Speaking of which, I liked opening the last of the Big Brown Boxes in the studio, but was disappointed not to find all my stuff. I hope it's here somewhere, maybe misplaced in the basement or garage. Now I have a pile of loose stuff to arrange.

I like the new link party on Mondays, and wrote my third post from a prompt at Happy Homemaker this week HERE !

I loved finding all these books at the library this week

I wondered how someone would peg me from the books I checked out, crafting, writing novels, history, afterlife, organization
novels like the latest Her Royal Spyness, and a magazine with a small Halloween quilt I want to make
from QuiltMaker magazine
I sorted through Cole's medical files this week, deciding whether to keep them or not. I kept some of them and put a pile for shredding
I was happy to use my new table and chairs for this task. It is in a large open area, and kept clean of stuff so it's always available to use. I was sad to look back on all the procedures Cole needed, but interested in his statistics like weight over the years. Milo isn't as much smaller than Cole at this age as I remembered.
Cole was around 65 lbs grown but at Milo's age he was only 5 lbs heavier. I found the "baby book" with info about Cole and Chelsea, and added in some Milo stats.
He's 29" from floor to top of shoulder, 25" from base of tail to base of neck, and 54 lbs.
He's a tall rectangle. When Cole passed, my friend Bonnie gave me a plant in his name. I kept it alive in MD, brought it along in the car to CO, and had it inside where it developed some kind of rust. I took it outside, cut away the rusty leaves, and gave it some air
and although it's not thriving, it's holding on. I'm sentimental like that... it means a lot to be given this from a friend, it's a sort of long distance hand holding, a reminder of my poodle son who's in Heaven.

I went along on some errands this week, and played with the usual suspects as well as meeting some new doggies. I liked the Bernese Mt dog I met but he thought it would be fun to jump on my back, and Mama stepped in and said, "oh no you dont" so I didn't have to growl. I've spent a lot of time playing my new game. 
Mama calls it "nuisance" but I love it. It can be played two ways, and is a communication game. 
First you can just sniff. 
It's impawtant to sniff EVERY tree, and bush, and pole. Don't miss one. It might take a few minutes to sniff some of them and decide who'd been there and how they felt. 

You get extra points for stopping dead in your tracks and pulling the pawrents off their feet. Then more points for not moving despite their yanking on the leash, do not even look at them, just continue to sniff as if they aren't there. 

Mama's and Daddys just do not get this part, as they refuse to come sniff.  

The second part of the game is peeing on the right tree/bush/pole. You have a limited supply of pee, so make your decisions well, it's how you win. 
I am now able to squeeze out a few drops even near the end of a walk. 
This part really annoys the pawrents, so be prepared for the yelling. I mean I've never seen either one of them pee on ANY tree in all of my year of life! 

You can't win if you don't play people! 

Now please go visit Mama's friends and see their list of likes this week!

Minou's Minute

Do you tango? We have taken some lessons. It's the most romantic dance ever.
Watch this flash mob tango video...

We visited the Argentine Embassy in DC during the embassy hop one year. In the most glorious elaborate upstairs ball room a tango quartet began to play.

Magically people began dancing... not like TV or competition but real. Very real. Very hot and romantic. It was not planned where they both know the next step, it was like life where you do NOT know what's coming but make something beautiful with what shows up.

The woman follows the man. He is responsible to lead. And protect her. She must relax and let him. There must be trust. watch the clip from Scent of a woman shows a blind al Pacino teaching a young woman to dance. She is fearful of making a mistake. He says in Tango there is no mistake, you dance out of it.

ruby tuesdays
 Free motion by the River Tuesdays    
Our World Tuesday
 keepingitrreal Awe Mondays
sundays in the city
shadow Sundays
Pink Saturday!
sewcanshe Saturdays
off the wall Fridays
can I get a whoop whoop Fridays  
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
myquiltinfatuation Thursdays


  1. Love the video. The wagon with flowers is sweet. You have so much self control. I would have came home with a car load of stuff from the quilt a fair. Nice to see Milo and his adventures.

  2. So much to love here! And I loved all that you did at the quilt fair. I also like that small quilt design. You are surrounded by inspiration including that very adorable dog.

  3. What likes! All those quilts. And supplies! My guinea pigs get tired like that when helping out cage cleaning. lol. And tango... we took lessons for a while. SO hard to be the guy - there's so much to think about! I'd love to learn more tango.

  4. Oh, I love Trader Joe's (ours is a haul away from us as well so I don't go very often) and fresh cut flowers :) Must be hard to be allergic to those two items as their in so much stuff. You've had a busy week. Hope you have a nice weekend as well!

  5. Wow- maybe I'll stop at Trader Joe' today-you brought back good memories. My local store is in a really heavy traffic area so I avoid it. Your red wagon is just so cute, I'm likin that Halloween quilt too. Your Happy Homemaker posts are fun too.

  6. Not being sensitive to out-gassing, I wasn't even aware that it could last that long. Your little wagon full of flowers made me smile. Such a nice little view to enjoy.

  7. You are busy! I love TJs. Wish I had a little wagon ... cute and functional too! I love quilt shows. I'm always in awe at the talent. So tempting to buy buy buy! always love seeing Milo's adventure. My kitties also belong the to supervisor union!

  8. I have not been to TJ's in years...need to stop by one again soon. I love your sweet Milo! You showed great personal restrain from not purchasing everything at the Quilt Fest. I would have not been able to resist so much fiber goodness.

  9. The ginger cookies from Trader Joe's are THE Best! They don't last long around here. I haven't tried the lemon ones, but will have to. I love Milo's long legs, and how you described him as a rectangle!

  10. Hi LeeAnna! I love that tango video. How fun that must have been. And Milo has it right - you have to play to win. Happy Thursday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  11. LA, you sure get around and showed great strength at the many temptations offered at the quilt fest!! Oh, Milo reminds me of my Aunt Hattie that had a standard poo when i was young er.
    Oh,do you think adding a bit of white vinegar to the water to wipe down the new shelves would help with clearing out the caustic fumes??Thanks for your comment on Ruby in the sink requesting water...on my fallish blog post... Turning.
    Have fine weekend!

  12. All good things to love and be thankful for. Especially Milo.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  13. Oh love those hat ladies nostalgic...hugs, Julierose

  14. Love Trader Joe's, but don't get there often. Lucky you for a stock up trip! Thanks for linking up today. Have a great weekend!

  15. Really enjoyed your post. Such restraint at the fair and the video of dancing was just smile worthy! Thanks.

  16. Oh, I really like that little red wagon! Milo, you sure were a good helper! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  17. OOOh I would have loved to have attended the Quilt-a-Fair! Loved the dog with the IKEA build...too cute!

  18. Dogs have to read all the pee-mail! How else will they keep up with their distant friends? lol

  19. Milo could put IKEA shelves together better than I could that's for sure. I love red wagons as well, have yet to get a good photo of one. You are one busy bee my friend.

  20. Oh, how I wish we had a Trader Joe's near (even an hour or two drive would be near in Montana terms). I could not have resisted the embroidery, especially the ones with the ladies in the floppy hats. Divine! I hope you have a joyful week ahead!

  21. My neighbor keeps swearing I would love Trader Joe's. How the heck did you not buy those embroidery kits? They are adorable! Milo is looking handsome as ever!

  22. LOL! You shop like I do! Except you're probably more crafty with fabric and yarns than I am. Or, just have more patience! I love Autumn arrangements. It's my favorite hime of year. Cabo and I are walking again and he does the exact same thing Milo does! He wants to stop and checks out the pee-mail at every mailbox. And, leaves his own postcard. :-) Your Milo Moment made me giggle. Hope your week goes well. xoxox

  23. You've certainly been busy. I love the wagon with the flowers, it's so pretty.
    Thank you for joining The Really Crafty Link Party this week!

  24. That "snooper-visor" is adorable. You cracked me up with that.

  25. Looks like you had a great time and I had to laugh at you not buying the wool and then going home and ordering some. I bought several wool kits last fall when we went to visit Bob's mom and gulp.....I haven't touched them yet!
