
Friday, July 6, 2018

My what lovely crafts you have!!

note the water spraying down from the arch!
I look up events each weekend, as I love an event! Last weekend there was an art show in my new city of Aurora. We drove there and... surprise, nothing. We found the library and asked and they said, we have no idea why it's not going on! The next day I said, lets try the one in Colorado Springs!
Well, it WAS going on and wonderful! It was held in the America The Beautiful park amid mountain views. People had come for the day, brought shade from the sun, picnics, blankets for lounging, food for snacking and everything one needs to enjoy a day out. There was live music to enjoy as you walked around, even people dancing in front of the band!
The big sculpture had a waterfall which was blowing in the constant wind here, so kids were stripped down to their "unner-wears" and playing in the mist!
There were high quality artists and some other booths like this one, where we were welcomed in and invited to come share the spiritual side of life. What good energy was emanating from the small tent!
I showed the drums and baskets from an African artist, on yesterday's post (  I Like post #96 ) and interviewed several artists, as I do, which makes it even better for me! I love to hear about other people's creative process, how they overcome obstacles, and how they approach making art.
We were drawn in by the huge graphic musical instruments, but stayed in to talk to the artist. She is a retired military disabled vet, used to live in Florida (as did I) used to live in MD (as did I) and loves music. She used to paint signs for businesses, then used those skills to move into making art.
Her work is textured from painting with thickened paint through oral syringes! I loved the brilliant color, the close up graphic design and the composition. While we were talking, she got a call about having to evacuate her home because the wild fires were approaching.
that's a real drum top!  Her contact info if you want memory ain't what she used to be, but I asked her the usual questions. Her only obstacle to making art was time, but now that she is retired, that's being overcome! Yea because she is one of a kind.

We were having such a nice time, visiting with dogs and people, hearing music, that I forgot to take a lot of photos.

Milo had a great time too, meeting so many nice dogs in all shapes and sizes.

He approaches with manners, slowly and tail wagging. Then picks up on their energy. Older dogs will cause him to just sniff quietly, and younger ones cause him to puppy bow and leap in the air as invitation.
Don't you wish people could be so intuitive! And open to meeting? He's not fool hardy, he stands at a respectful distance from big great danes, and tiny chihuahua's with sharp teeth, but overall he greets all of them.
I took a lot of time in this booth, talking to the artist as I really wanted several of his pieces.
The big blue birds flying spoke to me for over the mantle but I just wasn't sure it would fit well. And the walls in our home are some cross between drywall and plaster, so one doesn't just pound a nail in.
That piece is about 54" across and oh the colors!
He did such varied work, from nature, to human form, from representational to abstract. I asked which one was his favorite, and he said now it's the more abstract ones. They are the essence of shape and line, made of metal, bent, shaped like sculptures, painted like 2-d work. They create more soft lines than you'd think metal would appear. He has developed a way of applying paint so it speckles and blends. A very quiet man, he did other work which led him step by step to what he is making now.

One must do the work, in any art form. You grow by making... step by step one success or non-success leads you to the next idea. Then it's not enough to imagine it, you must make it. Enlarge the pic to get his name and info on his card. I suspect we'll contact him and commission some pieces.

We wanted to buy many pieces of art, but being in closing shock still, and not really sure what direction we want the house to take, we held back til we saw these small macrame bracelets...

The owner was kind, and had a tempting dog in his booth that took Milo in ahead of us. They would have romped!

Even my quiet, non jewelry wearing husband found a wonderful subtle wristlet that the artist fit to him.

I used to make macrame jewelry, tying small knots with long waxed linen thread and adding beads. I was enticed to get an ankle bracelet for summer that has a pearl dangle on it.

The maker said he puts his on and wears it night and day even in the shower. His had been on for weeks and showed no signs of wear.
We saw lawn ornaments I wanted, pictures for the wall, jewelry and more but we left adorned with jewels to remember the day. Milo had lots of fun and was not ready to leave but the day was drawing to a close and the drive home would be long. We bathed and trimmed the baby the day before, and isn't he pretty in his summer coat?
as we stood listening to the last song before leaving, we noticed the little painted rock under a nearby bush. I love finding these! A family of three passed by us on their way out, and the daughter who looked to be about 6, bent down and picked it up to take. I love the connection, the secret quiet connection between someone who painted it and the girl. I wondered what she would do with it, and if it would somehow change her a bit at home.

She carried home her own artwork from the show.


  1. I'm glad you searched and found what you wanted to do. How fun. We're getting ready for a peddlers fair in Benicia next month. Same kinds of things. Fun, fun and more fun.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  2. A great day out! Picking up good vibes in Colorado!

  3. I really enjoyed this post. Loved the art you showed. Most of the things hanging on my walls are original art pieces from artists we know personally, or art I’ve bought at various events. I even have an interesting piece I bought many years ago in a coffee shop that featured a local artist.

  4. Love Milo and craft shows are always fun to peruse ~ neat photos!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Hi LeeAnna,
    It sure looks like a nice festival. I'm glad you found it after your new city one was a bust. That reminds me - I have to dig out my ankle bracelet. I haven't wore it in a few years! Happy Happy Friday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Ahhh - what a wonderful day out. I'm guessing you'll return to this festival when it happens again next year.

  7. What a delightful trip! Sp many pretties, the natural view, and Milo so well mannered. I feel so bad for that artist who will have to evacuate! I also like the idea of leaving/retrieving painted rocks. Those blue birds are so delicate looking. Thanks Lee Anna for sharing since I can't get out much right now. mary

  8. What a wonderful way to get to know your surrounding area!!

  9. There seems to be lots going on around your new home; plenty of fun to be had.

  10. Thank you for sharing all the lovely pictures from the art fair. Loved the metal work and Milo looks so handsome. Sending hugs and best wishes to you.

  11. You seem to find the most interesting places to visit! I "travel" vivaciously through you! :)
