
Thursday, July 5, 2018

I Like Thursdays # 96

Welcome to this week's list of likes. You know I am partial to a cow... and am in the mess of unpacking boxes. Did you realize when you unpack a box you now have to find a place for all that stuff in the new house?  My friend Diane in Texas put it so well, she said, it's tiring to make all the decisions necessary after you've moved. So true.
come on in and sit a spell, y'all. While I show you a few pictures. I've found things that might not fit in the new space, what to do??! We got this entertainment center (set your clocks back to the 80's) at a yard sale and hope it will work for our old stereo (plays 5 discs on random, so we keep it) and TV. The previous owner had a 70" at least TV on the wall which would hurt my neck to look up to view. I like the current set up. The family room is sparse, and that's just fine with me at the moment! Four chairs, three glass tables, and two dining room furniture items.

Maybe I need a little angel on my shoulder to help... or one on granny's china cabinet.
I haven't had the heart to see if the glass shelves survived two moves. Truth be told I am enjoying the sparseness from clutter right now. My life feels chaotic with all the things that must be done immediately so a clean cabinet is nice. Know what I mean? I refinished this when I was about 20, and cherished every piece of furniture granny gave me. This was painted a green color. I just love it and the lines of it. It was stuffed full in MD and if I have to get rid of everything I will not do that here.
We have a lot of fruit in the house right now... cherries, grapes, blueberries, watermelon. It's blistering hot, so fruit is just the perfect snack and desert. We also made the long trek to Trader Joes last weekend and got muffins! yum. I found the Christmas Flamingos sent to me after we moved, had been packed up without me seeing it! (flamingos... love...)

I just love the lines and swirls of this baker's rack which used to live in the dining room in MD and held our microwave.

It doesn't fit in the kitchen here, so it's living in the living room. The formal living/dining room inside the front door. It's repurposed at the moment to hold our entry stuff, leash, hats, purse, poop bags, you know and all the swirls are perfect to drape it on!

Win! At the moment that room is full of big boxes, so we'll see how it changes at time goes by.

I liked this little pen drawing of Milo, done in one minute as a creative boost... he just loves to yank my arm off to chase all the bunnies here. Especially the bite size ones that just sit like rocks as he approaches. He never misses spotting them.

We went to a craft show in Colorado Springs last weekend and it was small but glorious. It deserves it's own post with artist interviews and pretty pics but to note it, I'll show you one now... I loved it!
It was so much fun, worth the hour and half to get there thru traffic jams! All the color, the views, the nice artists, people setting up chairs and picnics while listening to cool live music. I found many items I wanted to purchase, and will share that in the special post.

Milo's Moments
I loved being at the art show with the peeps!!! I met SO many people and dogs, felt the spray in my hair from the fountain, ate stuff I found on the ground (don't tell Mama)
 I could have taken this little girl home with me! She was so full of fun! 
I have no idea what this is... 
but it smelled like some critter
Mama here, it was a drum from an African artisan who also sold baskets I liked
Hey! This is Milo's moment not Mama's moment!
I had a grand time dragging my peeps from dog to dog, from kid to kid, and petting all the people there. There were dogs in artist's booths too, heh heh little surprises for me to find, and I did. Mama should do that, have a booth and take me! I'd sell out all her stuff!

That's it for now y'all, don't fur-get to visit the other people keeping it pawsitive this week!

If you want to see how I celebrated the Fourth of July, click here! ( happy-birthday-america)


linking to some of these Awe Mondays
Our World Tuesday
Travel_Tuesday  Our World Tuesday

  http://sky watch Fridays
Thankful Thursdays pet parade
willy nilly Friday (random images)
habbyartboutique fridays



  1. So glad you are getting settled in. I hear you about how exhausting it is to unpack your stuff and decide what to do with it in a new space.

  2. I love bakers shelves. I have two in the living room, to hold plants and stuff. Yay for unpacking!

  3. Unpacking and settling in is hard work, but can have some fun surprises. I have a similar baker's rack in my kitchen right next to the back door onto the deck. I love it and it had dog leashes hanging from the curly places this weekend when my kids were here with 3 dogs.

  4. Those baskets are so colorful! I love that cabinet from your grandma. You could stack small quilts in there! When we moved here 3 years ago I got rid of my entertainment center just likes yours. I regret doing that cause I need shelves! Keep it! Thanks for including me. Enjoy your new home. mary

  5. Unpacking is hard work. And finding treasures and wondering where to put everything. Hard! You'll have it all set perfect in no time. Is your studio set up yet? Love the craft show sights and those baskets! I'll take 4 please. ;)

  6. Great bakers rack! We use them here outside, to hold collections...pots, plants, things!

  7. Ugh, I hope this will be all the unpacking and sorting for you for a while!
    There is an American Flamingo in the slideshow I posted today about birds with "American" in their name. I thought of you when I saw it and I also thought of you at the cottage...there were some gorgeous flamingos on pillows in the gathering room. They really translate well in cloth.
    So happy for your July 4th good times!

  8. Hi LeeAnna,
    I love to see that you are starting to unpack and find all your treasures. I love the look of a sparse room - I'm not too in to knickknacks although we have a TON of pictures that I really enjoy having around. That craft fair looks fabulous from a distance - I can't wait to read all about it. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Getting things unpacked and placed where they need to be is tiring and wonderful at the same time.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  10. I would have moved already except the concept of packing and unpacking stymies us. Is this another rental? I liked your likes. Mine are at

  11. The sparseness is refreshing, but as you unpack you'll keep finding things you love. Maybe there will be things you don't love too that will be easy to get rid of, but every time I try to embrace minimalism, I realize I really love lots of my things! So many are handmade or from people I love that I can't get rid of them. Then I feel weird guilt for having too much. It's a strange cycle. Glad you had fun at the craft show!

  12. That picture of the mountains is so impressive. I remember when we drove to Denver four years ago. We were approaching Denver near the airport and the hotel we were staying at and I'm thinking "Denver is the mile high city, where are the mountains?". The next day as we got on the expressway headed downtown, oh yeah, there were the mountains.
    Beautiful country.

  13. Yes, I really know what it is like to have items that just don't seem to fit in the new house. I have kept most of them and hope that at some time they will find a place … but for right now they live in the utility room! I also think that it is a good idea to 'rotate' items - rather than have lots of clutter all the time, I will have a few different sparse items. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. it just me or did watermelons taste sweeter when they had seeds? Stay cool this summer, it won't last forever. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. the last two we got while here in Aurora are tasteless. We got seedless in MD that were wonderful so I don't know what magic it takes to grow them!
      Remember pinching slippery seeds between your fingers shooting them across the room?

  15. It takes a while to get settled into a new home. We still need to hang pictures and things in our new place. It takes me a long time to decide what I want and where I want it. Do you have that problem too? ☺

  16. I'd rather take a beating than move. I also hate clutter and letting stuff go feels so good.
    Enjoy your new home, and have a great weekend.

  17. Those baskets are fabulous! I could have used one to pick cherries this morning. 😉

  18. Love those baskets!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. I ove all the fruit that is around at this time of year

