
Monday, June 5, 2017

The Misadventures of Milo...Monday Mischief!

We got home from three nights away in a hotel and that's a story in itself!
A poodle puppy is similar to a toddler in his desire to have his way! Anyway... we got home Friday afternoon to find out the community was having a yard sale!

I've been trying to pare down, and had some stuff for my own yard sale, but wasn't prepared... so Sat morning we quickly put out this meager pitiful array
minus our one true sale of the day... an old guitar that had been living for years in the basement.

It's just way too easy to shuffle things down to the basement, then forget about them. So here on display for all to see were our leftovers, our money spent and now discarded, our goods on the lawn for all to drive past and turn up their noses at.

Then again, I forgot we have a puppy... I'll let him tell you the rest of the story...
Milo here! (play theme song from Under Dog!! )
I woke up as usual, in my prison sleepy time crate, had breakfast and potty break and 

Look what the cat dragged out!

Daddy and mama were putting "really good stuff" out on the grass! 

I went shopping and could not believe my luck! They were giving away this really fine leather glove 

 Wow! I've never in all my 13 weeks of life, seen anything as fascinating as this thing!
 I mean it really shakes! It has five long bits to chew on, smells like some critter, has fringe, and is just my size! I cannot believe they were getting rid of it!!!

My people are confusing (shakes doggie head) but ya gotta love 'em! 
They mean well. 

So while they stood around talking with other people, I met dogs walking by, showed them my glove and were they jealous! HA! 

I visited with the girls a couple houses away, gave them a nibble just to show them I care, and after we stood out in that yard for years (two hours) we finally gave up and went back inside. 

I didn't even chew up the glove to smithereens yet. But there's always tomorrow! I'll keep it with my rock collection for now.
waving paw! Bye bye!

LeeAnna here, what is it about the allure of yard sales? 
I always think I'll sell stuff and recoup some money but as per usual we made "ones of dollars" 5 in fact. For the guitar (I still can't believe the husband sold it for that) oh and 10 cents for a basket. And we gave away a game. 

A neighbor said she remembers someone driving up, the husband getting out to point to her stuff and the wife remaining in the car saying, " NO! Too ugly!" about the stuff Steph had just brought out of her house!!! 
Will I never learn?    


  1. Yup--mostly I remember dragging all the stuff out and then....dragging most of it back into the basement again--phew!! No more for me...yard sales and I have had a parting of the ways
    ;000 Milo had fun though--I guess youth enjoys these things...after all, he only had to carry his five fingered new friend/toy hahaha hugs, Julierose

  2. LOL. I haven't done a yard sale in many years-just for your reasons. I give to Salvation Army instead. Feels good. Have a great day. mary in Az

  3. Yard sales just have not been successful for me, except the one when I sold all of the baby equipment like play pen, stroller, etc. Otherwise it has been a bust. Our little city has a spring cleanup day for large items like furniture or appliances. That one week the city garbage crew will pick up those large items along with your garbage. I had a horrible 50 year old love seat that went out to the curb this spring. So satisfying to see it loaded up and gone from my house.

  4. Oh, if I lived closer, I'd buy that wing chair! I've been looking for one. Why is it that all my stuff I try to sell is just junk and people want to pay nothing for it but their stuff is worth so much more and they won't bargain and accept any less for it???

  5. Milo, I'm shocked that your cuteness didn't bring in droves of people! I'm glad you found a bargain at the yard sale though!

  6. We went to a neighborhood yard sale Saturday where i found a round glass top table and 3 high chairs i did not know i needed.Small items like tools and 4 empty sketchbooks & journal & a Police CD & a few books rounded out my score. When we moved 3 years ago i found it best to give to the charities that pick up and resell the useful items. i even put a old serger out on the cirb. As we have no basement or attic, paring down feels real good.

  7. I took some of my already boxed items to a group sale at the tavern, and I stopped at 2 sales on my way there! I came home with 3 empty boxes, but no $ as it was a charity thing. I am so glad you got Milo, he looks fun and charming and very playful.

  8. Hey Milo, I bet you got the best deal in the neighborhood;)

  9. Milo had fun anyway. My luck with garage sales is about equal to yours so I quit doing them years ago. But friends find great treasures every week. Some people have all the luck that way.

  10. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of yard sales, but can't seem to have the patience (maybe it's stamina?) of going through everything to find that one little treasure I'm sure I can't live without. I am however in total awe of people who are good at it. Looking at the pics, me thinks Milo won't be the 'little' boy for long. Look at those paws! Too cute. 😍

  11. Sounds as if Milo had a good time at the yard sale and found a treasure to boot. Almost everything here gets re-purposed by us cats and dogs.

  12. I love the chair! It would look perfect in my front room! Too bad I'm all the way on the other side...I'd have swooped up that chair and possibly other things...I love a garage (yard) sale!

  13. Oh, the glove was a good find, Milo!

    As for yard sales... the last one we had was when we moved out of our last house. It was a big success. We made a few hundred bucks, and literally got rid of literally everything! (We were cleaning up and boxing up everything that was left, when some Mexican ladies pulled up in a van and said they'd take everything that was left if we'd give it to them for $20. Since I was just going to donate it, it saved me the trouble. It was awesome!)

  14. I can understand how gloves would look like a jackpot to a busy pup. So many smells! My pug remains fascinated with my gardening gloves. I have to put them away as soon as I'm done with them, or he'll run off with them.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  15. Milo is so cute with that glove, what an adorable puppy he is! Yard sales are a pain, usually lots more work than its worth.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
