
Thursday, June 8, 2017

I Like thursdays #40

Welcome to this weeks list of likes! Glad to have you visiting and sharing!!
On to the list of everyday things that brought me joy...

*I liked sewing on  my yellow abstract this week and...

I printed out some simple NYBeauty blocks in 4" to paper piece for the improv Drunkard Path. I used Sew Precise software for the blocks. It is no longer available but I keep an old computer so it can run the program. I choose one of many blocks and size it to my whims.

*If you are new to my blog, I sure love to sew! I am working on an abstract series according to colors and forcing myself to only use the fabrics in my small pieces box. A whole post on this will drop tomorrow.

*Which brings me to my next like... having a tv/cd player in the studio
The studio is crowded because I have a lot in here, but it's my happy place with full spectrum bulbs. On days like this, dark and heavily overcast clouds, I find contentment in this room. I love TV so I need one in here although there have been times a whole show comes on and goes off and I haven't paid one lick of attention because I'm in the zone!

*I am thankful my studio is a mess because it means I am working! 

*I liked FaceTime with Mary when we shared our sewing projects, and discussed what was working or not. It was kind of magical, like a mix of being together and Harry Potter!
She did a post of random sunny things this week, find it HERE

I liked the look of these chocolates

yum. I want them all. They sound delish! If you like, I can send my addy if you want to gift them to me!!!

* I liked going to the First Sunday Street Fair in Annapolis last weekend!
We listened to music, looked at art, and bought a hand made collar for Milo (all the better to choke you with) , three organic dark chocolate bars, two pieces of fresh hot pizza to eat while we listened to this guy with his band...
Dan Haas with Bens Bones 
We enjoyed it so much we bought a CD. When someone asked how much they were, he said whatever you want to give me!
It was one of the few non rainy days and we enjoyed taking a break from being chewed on.

which brings me to...

Milo's Likes 
"I like my rocks. I like to hold them in my mouth, and chew them and feel them and I'd swallow them if my pawrents didn't grab my mouth and shake it open! 
I've lost more good pebbles that way! 
What's the deal with that? 
Milo's Treasures!
 They NEVER eat them themselves... they don't want them!
Milo's stick service
 So on a good walk I can pick up 20 or more rocks, and some sticks, some wrappers, some bunny poop, a few sticks, grass, (shhhh cigarette butts) paper, and well, anything that looks tasty which is everything! I like to pick up stuff on walks! 
(LeeAnna here.... we must pull stuff out every two steps! We really make a big deal about the rocks now. He has learned DROP! because of it! Tilt head down, open mouth, shake! Rocks fall out!) 

Milo: I also like meeting other dogs, and here's a picture of me meeting a dog at the hotel... she was cute! a cockapoo
She didn't much like me biting her back leg, and she let me know it with a growl and snap! OH! I thought only Mama and Daddy didn't like that! Hmmmm
LeeAnna: The woman was there with her family waiting to move to Germany! She was Korean, speaking to her mother by phone while the dogs played, and later she told me about the upcoming move and concern about languages. I told her most Germans spoke English, so since she learned English after marrying, maybe she could communicate!

We live in a global village. We are all connected, and we all have similar concerns, we all want to fit in and make ourselves understood. What an adventure she was facing with a husband and two boys and a dog. 
Milo: Anyway we visited a few minutes and I nibbled on her Mama's feet, just to show my love, and it was fun! I Like dogs!
LeeAnna: Me too Milo! Me too!

6, craftscaviescontras
9. http://daybyday
linking to some parties including
Thankful Thursdays pet parade's be social Wednesdays 
myquiltinfatuation Thursdays



  1. Good morning LeeAnna! I love your posts and can relate to the picking things up every few minutes. I love LOVE your yellow blocks! Emailed you a few minutes ago. Hugs and have a great day!

  2. I love your yellow NY Beauties, too! I'm going to have to try those myself. And, Milo, oh my! All that lovely stuff in your mouth... It's amazing how puppies and human babies are so similar - experiencing the world through their mouths! Happy Thursday, LeeAnna!

  3. What a sweet post! I felt good when I finished. So much stress yesterday and here I am today-happy. Thank you. Thanks for the reminder-I need to get some dvds and just chill some sewin. Thanks for including my post and have a great day. mary in Az

  4. Your Studio looks perfectly comfortable! I'm looking forward to seeing how the yellow blocks come together. Milo, your i likes are probably universal, but as you get older you need to learn to limit your rock intake. It's bad for the waistline!

  5. Hello, I like the pretty yellow blocks. Your Milo is cute, my old golden dog lock to collect rocks. I have heard of a Maryland birder named Dan Haas, I wonder if it is the same as the band member? Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead

    1. it is the same guy! Isn't it wonderful that people have such different interests?

    2. Hi, just stopping back to say thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday! Wishing you a happy weekend!

  6. Sticks and stones... goodness, what treasures! Those chocolates look delicious, and I love the little NYB blocks. So small!

  7. Great yellows, and going with Milo for a walk looks like a constant adventure.

  8. Thanks for the music! I enjoyed listening to it while making super! Love the yellow abstract!

  9. Nice projects! I'm so jealous of the lady moving to Germany. I'd move in a heartbeat! She'll be fine language wise. And immersion is the best way to learn a language. 😁 Have fun with the pup!

  10. Love, love, love those NY Beauty blocks! Wow!

    Milo cracks me up and reminds me of the past year of puppy antics my daughter just endured. The Golden ate lots of bunny poop from their raspberry patch and got quite sick. Then he repeated the act at our house and got sick again. But he's learning as he gets more mature.

  11. Wonderful creativity and lots to be grateful for ~ love your doggies ~ ^_^

  12. Milo sure was having a mighty fine time! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. My work area is always a mess, so I can relate to your studio! Messy desks are creative minds at work! Thanks for linking up today!

  14. I never have gotten the hang of watching TV while sewing...wish I could. Like you, I either miss the entire show, or I stop entirely what I'm supposed to be sewing and am glued to the TV! Milo is growing! Loving the yellow! I finished a post I started a few days ago, and linked it back to you. :-)

  15. Milo is bringing you so much pleasure, LeaAnna.
    You have a real way with your colour and fabric choices. Interesting and these yellows are so warm.
    I too get caught up in my sewing sometimes and miss whole sections of an audiobook and have to rewind.

  16. your studio looks like a studio should look -- busy and full of happiness! Fun adventures with Milo. The street fair sounds like a lot of fun.l

  17. milo's likes made me laugh, that is too funny! i like your workspace! thanks for linking to willy nilly and i hope you are having a wonderful week!
