
Thursday, March 23, 2017

I Like #28

Welcome to another list of things I enjoyed this week.
*I Like tulips. These pink ones especially as DH surprised me with them after a Trader Joe's trip.They are  little ballet dancers swaying and full of color in their little tutu's
I like this pitcher I painted long ago and use for a vase
 *I Like this small painted fabric sent by Sonja from Hawaii.Looks like a close-up of my tulips
Can't you just see it with hand embroidery and lots of beads? I can...

* I Liked this book on disc by Alice Hoffman and the reader was very good too.
Image result for the marriage of opposites on disc
It was a really good story, a character story of a woman who lived quite a life, sometimes doing what was expected, sometimes fighting the expectations of the day. It's the story of Camille Pissaro the artist as well. I listened to it on disc while sewing, and I believe reading (listening to books read) increases one's ability to write. In this case I had to stop mid-way, put down my sewing, find pen and paper to write a story of my own.

That's how a good book influences me. Especially lyrical ones, using words to paint a picture for me. Is there anything more magical than the pictures our mind's Eyes paint? So I took pen and paper and let my own story write itself. Lovely.

*I Like having a washing machine again.
Image result for whirlpool washer
Ours finally gave up the ghost, after tormenting us for years, not working well, getting itself off balance, actually traveling across the basement floor. We ordered one not so high priced, a top loader this time, and despite several problems with delivery, it's in place.

It's also very noisy. We don't know if it's a real problem with the engine so will use it a week then start the round of complaints. We were running out of clothes though, so it's a good thing to have a washer.

*I Like Dancing with the Stars on ABC!
Image result for dancing with the stars
A lot! And this season is shaping up to be a doozy! I like almost all of the stars from MrT to Simone Biles Olympian. I actually vote. Yep, I call in. Can you believe it?
I am a dancer. I love dance. I studied ballet, I can tap dance, I did Jazz, swing, waltz, tango, Cajun and Zydeco and Contra, I have tried almost any dance I have seen. I have performed in many a musical as a dancer/ bit part actor. (Once I was hired to sing, which I couldn't believe. I said, uh, I'm a dancer.

*I Like old sewing items... enjoy these in a store window, from a recent trip to Frederick

so many antique sewing items to see. Hope you get a gander at the details.

All these items were used by people long gone. All of them spent their lives sewing like we do.

I wonder if they loved it as much or if it was just a job?

I gave away a lot of quilting threads this week, acknowledging I will not likely hand quilt much any more. I hope my bee mates use them with joy.

*I Like sparkle water, and especially flavored sparkle water. What a great invention!
Image result for deer park sparkling flavored water
It saved me when I gave up diet drinks. I love orange, but also cherry.

*I Like this video of a boxer pup meeting cows. I was surprised to see how curious cows were, and how well they all got along.
If it doesn't play here, check this link

It's a short I like this week but I'm glad to say these fine folks did an I Like post too... go see!

7. https://craftscaviescontras 
.and new this week
linking to several parties including

Thankful Thursdays pet parade


  1. Good Morning! That vase is so perfect for the beautiful tulips! I have only recently listened to audio books but enjoy them. It's interesting how a reader can enhance the author's words. Thank you for the sewing items display in your travels. I don't take much time to shop so these were a treat. Have a wonderful day and thanks for linking my post to your site. I need to go find me some tulips. mary in Az

  2. I love your tulips, so thoughtful of your hubby to get them for you, and the vase is perfect! I was excited for DWS to come back on, too. Simone Biles is going to be good, I think. We just got a new washer, too, and it does make some very different noises from the old one, We'll have to compare notes!

  3. Can't beat a vase of tulips! I have a memory from childhood of walking through a field of my uncle's highland cattle. Every time we turned around they'd be a little closer. They were following us! Curious cows!

  4. Tulips are my favorite, any color is good. How nice to receive as a surprise.

    I had to laugh at your washing machine walking across the floor. oh, my! I hope your new one shapes up and works well.

    Living with cows in the neighborhood, I've discovered they can be very curious. I love how they all gather round once the boxer lays down.

  5. Your tulips are fantastic! I love the photos of the old and vintage sewing items! So gorgeous! The video is great :) Have a good day!

  6. Puppies are always making friends! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. I love tulips too. Those pink ones really are pretty! Seeing the old sewing items was sun. I have an antique hem marking stand and an antique adjustable dress pattern. They live in my sewing room where I can enjoy them.

  8. The tulips are gorgeous, and what a neat vignette of the sewing items. I think I see a featherweight in there even. I agree a good book paints a picture in your mind. I love to listen to books while I sew.

  9. I love pink tulips, so beautiful! Congrats on your new washing machine , always fun to play with a new appliance;-)

  10. tulips sure brighten things up, our washer love to dance across the floor too, nice collection of vintage stuff, I drink way too much diet soda!!!

  11. like the tulips and love book and that you got anew washing machine in am tickled pink! ours warbles and leaks and refused to sling out all the rinse water and it also walks away from its spot. did i mention it ripped up an armhole of perfectly good sleeveless shirt??? other arm hole is fine.Fine, it is my new paint shirt I am pinkly tickled you like the painted fabric wrapper and ties. that was part of my last secession of prayer flags remains. have a great weekend!!

  12. I love tulips and old things. I would love all of those sewing items! Thank yo for sharing this post on the Pet Parade!

  13. I always enjoy your I Like posts...I would love to have some of those antique sewing items.

  14. Forgot I had questions about your washer....what kind did you get...hope it has settled down and nothing wrong with it. But did you get one with or without the agitator. I need to research niece got one without agitator and says it takes twice as long to do a load of clothes. So, as my washer is getting old, I wonder if they all have a longer cycle.

  15. What a wonderful list of likes. Alice Hoffman, pink tulips, vintage items, flavoured sparkling water which I enjoy too and a puppy!

  16. Those pink tulips are just sheer joy in a vase! Gold star for Drew.⭐️
