
Thursday, November 10, 2016

"I Like " Thursdays scenes from a craft show

I wrote this post before the election results were in. I would not have been able to write it today but I let it stand. I hope the person elected is spending the day learning the constitution.
 There is a street festival in Annapolis the first Sunday of the month. We enjoy walking around, the artists, the pizza, the music, and oh my goodness, the dogs. I interviewed several artists this time. Among them was a man called Tim Dorland (his site is  He makes mosaics with glass not tile. I noticed the guitar first
He found a $10 beat up guitar, and couldn't leave it. He sanded it, painted it shades of green, then embellished it with stained glass. Note the beads holding the strings.

It no longer holds a tune, but it holds meaning with all the grapes and vines, the sparkle and whimsy.

I also like that surfboard! I asked if making art was a sideline or is he a working artist. He answered this IS his work life, and he supports himself and his son through his art. Bravo!! Visit him to see more.

A big part of the day is petting so many dogs. Fur therapy for me now that I lost Cole.
He used to love going down for this festival! This is merely one of a hundred scenes, but I like it for the mastiff (largest I had ever seen) and the chihuahua.

Note the baby. At one point the mastiff was looking right into the baby's face and the baby was silently peering intently right into the dog's face while the little chihuahua quietly watched. The people weren't watching but I was. I missed the money shot, but it's in my mind!
 Mental picture! Click!
We petted a few poodles and met a cute Bedlington Terrier (thye look like lambs) who took my heart.

I fell in love with the band playing in a courtyard, in the gentle Autumn breeze,
Caleb Stein and the Brakemen.
They won me over with their spirits. The band is tight, obviously played together many times. They play original music, that touched something deep inside. I like many forms of music, not always responding to country sounds, but these musicians are so good. So good, we bought a cd. So good we stood a long time listening to many songs, so good I felt I knew them.
 Take a listen here if you like... this song described my feelings on so many occasions.
If you can't see it here, this is the link on

 While walking around, this caught my artist's eye...
Something about the texture. The defined line, the edge and shape of the leaf against the neutral background. The background was neutral, but highly interesting with different sized pebbles in concrete. The subtle veins of the leaf.

I want to make a quilt with these colors. Subtle. gentle. quiet.

a visual respite from the worry of life.
Then the breeze caught the leaf and turned it over

 Brilliant colors of fushia and lime and purple! My heart lept for joy. Lovely little gift from mother nature!
Speaking of color... we had to stop by the local quilt store (cottonseed glory) where a shop hop is in progress. A woman asked me about hexies, and could she use this fabric??? I took one of her paper hexies, and folded the fabric around it so she could see how it would look.
Glee! She nearly clapped her hands! She is a fairly new quilter, never done hexies, and chose a very elaborate pattern. As you know I like a hexie (ahem) and I like color, so I had to get a piece of this too.
RJR makes it the line is "geekery"
Whee! I nearly clapped my hands when I left with it!
 (I am already sorry I didn't buy four yards instead of two)

That's it for this week... again let me know if you also did an I Like post this week.

Check out these fine bloggers:


  1. I love the guitar... and for this price I would buy it immediately :O)))

  2. Thank you for that music this morning. Beautiful. I have to bookmark him. The fabric will be perfect for all your colorful projects in the works. You won't waste an inch I'm sure.

  3. What an interesting post. M says she needs a dog fix every now and then too. Long before me, my peeps used to have a miniature schnauzer, that they loved very much.

  4. I agree, that guitar is very cool and I hope the festival was fun! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Fun! Love that glass mosaics. So pretty. And the leaf against the pebbles - nice contrast. And glee! for colorful hexies! I hope she has fun with her project.

    Thanks for the uplift. :-)

  6. love the fabric...and glass glad you had fun.

  7. That looks like such a fun day, and beautiful weather where you live, too! I loved the surprise of that leaf - amazing both back and front. Fun rainbow fabric, too! I would have bought some myself!

  8. It was a fabulous post on a miserable week. THANK YOU for sharing things you like. I liked them too, especially the contrast in size of the dogs. Nice music video, too. Some peacefulness in a sea of ugly.

  9. I am going to have to find a CD of Caleb Stein and the Brakemen. That was a great song, I liked it very much. That leaf! Oh my goodness, what a great sight! Years ago, I was downtown somewhere with my daughter just before Christmas, and looked down in this doorway where leaves had been blown into a corner. I got a picture of them, because the colors were so intense. I did match p some fabrics with the leaf colors, I just need to figure out how I will cut it up and sew it back together to make a pleasing wall hanging. Maybe confetti style...

  10. The leaf that flipped over took my breath away!
    Some things are just not containable in words.

  11. Nature can be full of surprises and inspiration!
    What a great way to spend a day!

  12. I love going to craft shows! It looked like a wonderful day to be outside enjoying yourself.

  13. Those leaf photos also took my breath away. What a happy post. I may have to commit to finding things that make me happy to post on Thursdays. Right now it feels like it would be a very short list.

  14. You couldn't have painted a more perfect leaf! I have a ton of those photos too! Kindred leaf spirits!
