
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Scrap-ilocks and the ugly blocks, part deux plus beaded bracelet finish

Remember my trouble with the Stratavarious blocks? I was doing them for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
Then I started to not enjoy doing them for the challenge so I finished them up with a couple more colors, green and Rust, to go with purple, blue and brown.

 This is the page of the pattern I sort of followed in the book.

At least it is the look I was going for while using scraps instead of blended fabrics, and making them much larger than the pattern said.

That resulted in having less blocks come out of each strata.

And I constructed them differently as well, placing the blocks right sides together sewing diagonally then cutting apart into the mirror image HST blocks.

Anyway.. they weren't looking like I thought, so I just finished them into a lap quilt size 45 X 62 ish.

The quilt is in two halves now: blocks sewn together into two halves of a quilt ready for quilting in sections.
I might add a border, not sure... kind of want it finished.

I didn't like the green fabric so I got out a stamp that says I love you, and textile ink and stamped that over both blocks.

I think I might donate this quilt but want it to go to just the right person who needs it...

I also finished my beaded bracelet...
It was a bit of a challenge as I don't have a lot of experience with following a bead pattern.

It is very interesting and wearable and I've actually worn it twice... so that's a good thing.

And believe it or not, I have beads left over.

Bead Scraps.

linking to, among others on my links page:
oh Scrap Sundays


  1. Save all your bead scraps in a jar for bead soup. When you feel the need to bling an art quilt, just pour them out in a bowl and enjoy with buttered toast and jam. Well, you sew on the beads and eat the toast and jam. Not sure if I needed to explain that but ... you never know.

    1. ha, don't you know I have bead soup already? LA

  2. I kinda like your "ugly" quilt! Definitely love the bracelet.

  3. I like your ugly quilt, too. The bracelet is nice. Bead scraps - lol.

    1. I kind of like it too. But the color is a bit dull. Still from scraps I don't love, this is pretty graphic and useful. I considered tieing it but will likely quilt it sparingly. LeeAnna

  4. Using your stash for quilts is always more of a challenge. But I think you did wonderfully well in putting together this quilt.To me it looks 3 dimensional and very interesting. Well Done. Oh and I too love the bracelet.

  5. Love your bracelet! I think the quilt turned out NOT ugly! Very nice :) Hey at least you are using up your fabric, I'm on that same wave here too! Hugs, Mickie

  6. Replies
    1. why thank you. I think each block might be ugly but together they work better. LA

  7. Loving that bracelet--is it from a book? It uses a lot of the same colors that my pearl necklaces are in...I've never made a beaded bracelet--just a small project for my Mom ...hugs, Julierose

    1. it was a kit called Sarafina by Amy Loh Kupser
      she says it's beginner... well, I'd say confident beginner.

  8. I like what you did with your quilt and your bracelet is gorgeous!!

  9. I like the quilt! I find that if I have a quilt with no owner, an owner in need usually presents itself in short order.

  10. It's always hard to adapt a pattern that calls for a specific type of fabric for the effect but you did an admirable job of it. Cute little bracelet.

  11. I like your quilt; it's not ugly, but now it's finished it looks more unified than the parts did last week. That's a triumph!

  12. I wanted to try making string blocks last year, so made them out of my ugly scraps, and never really liked the results either. The quilting helped a lot, interestingly, and I went ahead and donated it. I hope there is some lovely person at the nursing home who is cuddled up in it right now. The same will be true for yours! I like the interesting "overlapping" effect those blocks made!

  13. Your rainbow blocks worked out nicely in that pattern. It will make a great donation quilt. Very pretty bracelet, the bronze and blue is such a gorgeous color combo.

  14. Adding the green and rust really gives it more life, a good finish. Glad you posted this one also. The bracelet is really a knockout. Out my window there is a blizzard, maybe left over from April Fools day.

  15. Well, I don’t care if you think your quilt is ugly, I think it’s lovely!! :-)

  16. Kudos to you for finding a way to finish up a quilt that you weren't enjoying so much. Your reference to the "bead scraps" left overs from your beautiful bracelet has me thinking about when we consider a group of something "scraps," when is it a "stash" and when is it a "collection?" I think I have a beads stash, a thread stash, and certainly a stash of fabrics ... But a collection of hat blocks and another of vintage sewing machines. The only thing besides small fabrics that I think of as scraps are torn magazine pages that I hang onto as inspiration for home decor, fashion and ... Yes, quilts :-)

  17. Hi again, lol! I really like what you did with your blocks! It has come out very beautiful, so congrats on pushing through to finish it, I'm sure it'll find a loving home. Also loved the hint of beadwork - I love beads too, but don't have much time right now to play with mine. :)

  18. I think every quilt will find a good home. I am sure one will present itself soon. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  19. I think that it looks very warm and pleasing to my eyes! They are not colors that resonate well with me (I prefer brighter ones) but I think you put them together beautifully and it makes a nice quilt! Thanks for sharing!!

  20. Sorry, I just don't see anything wrong with your ugly quilt????? I love it!!!
    And the bracelet OMG just 2 beads to make a beautiful item...wish I could get into that??? Honestly very nice work on both....Have a great week...

  21. You made it work!! Brava. Perseverance pays off.

    1. thank you!! I was in too deep to let it go without making it work!

  22. Your Strativarious totally works! You may be sick of it do you don't love it but I like it better than the original. Nicely done, my friend :-)

  23. In the end the quilt works out well even though you may not love it may be you will again when you get some distance from the process. I'm working on a scrap quilt right now in browns and gold that seemed like a good idea at the time and now just looks like mud. Lots of cutting time so far so I'll keep going just like you hoping I can make it work in the end!

  24. Bead scraps! Love it! The bracelet is awesome ... I would totally wear that!

  25. I love this quilt! Well done on the old "silk purse from a sow's ear" fable line. I am going to give this a try...thanks for the inspiration.
