
Friday, March 11, 2016

purple diamonds

The color of the month at so scrappy is purple.
These are my purple diamonds. Very randomly pieced with little bitty scraps...
The piecing is lots of fun for me... one piece next to another, building to a piece of fabric large enough to cut a diamond. Nine of those makes one big diamond.
I accidentally made two extra.blocks.. which will be used somewhere.

I kind of like the heart shape in the first photo with the three colors done so far, brown, blue and purple.

Crazy or frugal? You decide. My story is, I am having fun sewing and I'm sticking with it!


  1. I love piecing like that, too. It's like creating something out of nothing.

  2. Having fun is the most important part :)

  3. I've always loved random patchwork and then when putting them into such an interesting shape with so many huge star of those diamonds...may make a stunning wall piece. Thanks for the share! Sandi

  4. Looking absolutely gorgeous LeeAnna - I love these diamonds!

  5. Having fun......that's what I like hearing! Enjoy

  6. Crazy like a fox I would say ;-) those little orphan blocks look like little kites.
    Oh let's fly a kite - up to the highest heights!

  7. A high profile quilter in this area used to call this "poverty piecing" I used to think it was acute way to look at it.
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  8. not crazy: relaxing! and satisfying!

  9. Not crazy -- not even necessarily frugal (given the time involved) -- but definitely worth doing. Happy stitching!

  10. I love your diamonds but I am laughing at the dog in the previous post since when I am cooking mine takes up the same spot at the entrance to the kitchen.

  11. I love your diamonds but I am laughing at the dog in the previous post since when I am cooking mine takes up the same spot at the entrance to the kitchen.

  12. I think having fun is THE most important part! It's fun to see how your string diamonds are progressing as you add the new colors.

  13. Not frugal for sure. Extravagant describes them better.

  14. Oh my! They are wonderful! I am glad you are having fun...and using up ALL your scraps!

  15. How in the world do you find time to do all these amazing projects?? :)

  16. I love those diamonds! And the heart is really intriguing - a quilt of multi-faceted hearts, maybe?

  17. I love these diamonds - they look great individually and altogether fabulous all together. I want to try this.

  18. I love how you add the smallest pieces in these diamonds. Nothing, or very little, I'm sure, goes to waste! My kind of sewing! I love the 'heart' effect!

  19. They are beautiful. I look to them and find some flowers, just like looking the clouds in the sky. ♥

  20. It looks like so much fun finding all the gorgeous purple bits and turning them into something even more spectacular. The heart is a real eye catcher.

  21. Crazy and frugal! I like this idea for crumbs.

  22. I love all the bits. Sometimes I regret trimming down all my scraps to uniform sizes as it prevents fun like this (but then I come to my senses! ;)

  23. Of all the purple scrap projects I've seen, I think this is my favorite! I like the heart layout, too!

  24. This is all kinds of crazy loveliness! I like the heart effect you've got going too.
