
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A word of advice...poodle puppy ponderings

Hi, Cole here to give you a bit of advice.
Dogs know this but people seem to forget it. Dogs never forget it...

Have the best stuff first.

LeeAnna: I've been seeking a new word of the year for 2016.
I have learned something from my dogs and it may have importance for me this year. I may be choosing the phrase "use it". Back to Cole to explain the dog's perspective....

Cole: Dogs know... eat the best stuff first. If you are still hungry, that kibble will be there as the people aren't eating it. This is true even if you have other pets in the home. Eat the best stuff first.
Momma takes up what she calls trail mix for my bed time snack every night. It's a blend of my (allergy food) kibble which is boring to me, a glucosamine chew broken up, various cookies-du-jour, and some dried fruit like cranberries or blueberries. She puts a handful on my bed. I am careful to root out the glucosamine first, then the fruit, then the cookies and if I am desperate I have the kibble because it touched the other stuff.
I mean, WHY is this stuff still in a bag???
I could finish it off right now!! No reason to store it! This house is too small to store stuff!!

(LeeAnna: Cole likes to see trail mix every night, and doesn't realize it wouldn't be there if he ate it all now)

It's the same with my food bowl. First eat the people food, then if I'm still hungry, the kibble.

I am not a savage, I can still sniff out the good stuff.
Momma seems to take a bite of each item on her plate, and rotate.OMD it's almost painful to watch! Dad and I know to eat the best first. Neither of us dawdle while eating either.

Hmmmm,  I kind of get what Momma means about having treats every night. I do enjoy having a whimzee while the peeps watch the "talky-talk" But still...

Consider playing with the good toys first, til you chew up the squeaker at least. Consider eating the best stuff first. Pee in the best spots. Sleep on the softest place. Live a little! What are you saving it for???

LeeAnna: I see what you mean, and will think about it, and write a post on my word soon. Cole as always, thank you for being a good muse-poodle. I know it's not always easy to be a good poodle.

Cole: OH MY DOG!! I nearly forgot to tell you I got you something. The last time we went to Annapolis I got a magnetic bumper sticker for you...
Just to remind the peeps to take you along!

Who wants this?? Well, if you want it, entertain me... tell me a story, make a suggestion of how momma can entertain an aging poodle who can't play like he used to, tell me a walking story. I'll pick one of you and have my people send it out. Giveaway ends Saturday 10AM  EST. Good luck!


  1. Where do I begin? When our first poodle, Paddie, was a puppy, I tied toys to strings and yarn and made her chase them all over. I was recovering from surgery and my mobility was limited. Then there was her favorite toy. We would tell her to go into the kitchen, hide the toy in the rest of the house and tell her to "GO GET IT!" She loved hunting so this could occupy her for hours. For Teddy, I would take a teflon coated cookie sheet, put a treat under one of three upside down bowls, and mix the bowls around and ask him to find it. The slipperier the tray, the more he had to work for it. Seamus is different. He will bring his soft indoor ball to whoever is visiting and fetch the ball. Then he likes to hide it (usually behind the visiting lady's derriere) and he then stares at her as if to say, "Now you fetch it." He will gaze at her like this until she finds the ball and throws it for him. This can go on for an entire visit. All my dogs have enjoyed tv (although Teddy and Greta were not above jumping at the screen). Seamus likes to watch Cats 101 when it is on. Hope any of this helps. It's a shame we don't live closer so that our boys could visit. Let me know what you come up with! Hugs, Mickie

  2. Rarely do we have anything left over to go back to! Great message on that car magnet. Would make nice t-shirts too!

  3. There's lots of yumminess happening here, Cole! Haley agrees with your advice, she always picks the best stuff first.

  4. Love Cole's commentary! Pretty wise advice. My dog, Noah, occasionally will write a blog post. He used to love picking up "sticks" on our walks, but that has faded with age.

  5. Great advice. Many years ago I started using my "pretty" things instead of just storing them. My mother would be rolling in her grave, but I decided I wanted to enjoy those lovely embroidered table cloths and pretty dishes while I could instead of saving them just for special occasions.

  6. Your pup is wise. Why do I save my favorite fabric? There will be others. I should use what I like best first. Great mantra for 2016.

  7. Cole, you are a wise fella. I imagine it is comes from your advanced years; however, not every dog absorbs wisdom--some just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, like some people. My cats can eat the best colored bits from their Friskies dry food, leaving only brown ones. Apparently these are not as tasty. Keep up the good advice.

  8. OK.....The Bad Basset Boy McGee believes in following Cole's advice.....jut today he ate the survey that I filled out for the quilt guild, the CD of the last dumped dog at CAAWS, a not so ripe pear from the counter and my bra. I can't figure how he got the bra.......

  9. Great advice for quilt fabric, too. Smart Cole.

  10. You are brilliant Cole. I love your advice - very sound. Have an awesome day pal! XOXO - Bacon

  11. Cole, that advice could come from my cat too. Eat the best food first, sleep on the softest place... Yes, that's definitively what my cat does :)
    Happy New Year!

    Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential

  12. Oh Cole, you are 110% Standard Poodle! And totally rocking the 'stache' I might add.

  13. Cole, you are very wise poodle indeed... especially when it comes to eating the right stuffs.

  14. Hi LeeAnna,
    Yes! Use it!
    Love your description of what it's like at the dinner table!
    Sounds so familiar!
    Take care,

  15. Hi LeeAnna,
    Yes! Use it!
    Love your description of what it's like at the dinner table!
    Sounds so familiar!
    Take care,

  16. Hi Cole! It's nice to meet you. You are a wise doggy. Thank your mom for visiting our blog and her nice comment on Lexy's picture.

  17. Hi Cole! Thank you and your mom for stopping by our blog yesterday! I think you are very wise and I agree about eating the best things first - why save all the fun when you can enjoy the fun now! Happy 2016

  18. I'm on Cole's side on this one and eat veg first as it goes cold quicker then meat then potatoes! Creatures of habits we are!

  19. You are a very smart doggie. That's exactly how I live my life too. The kibble will always be there. Of course I'm an only child, so no one tries to eat my food. he he - there are advantages to being the "only." (Yes, I'm spoiled).

  20. Cole, you are one smart (and handsome) boy. Does that mean I can eat desert before the meal? I need to take your lesson and cut into the "good fabric" use it!
    Tell your mom that I'm not much of an entertainer but Patti Page want to sing you a song I'm not sure if a link will work on comments though. If not, ask your mom to sing to you. Tell her I hope her eye is better so she can get back to creating her beautiful quilts and sketches. And I showed Summer your picture and she says Va va voom! I think she has a crush on you :-)

  21. Cole, you're very wise. But still... I think I should eat my dinner BEFORE my dessert. Love the car magnet. I've seen that on t-shirts and been thinking of getting one.

  22. Cole you clever dog. "Best Stuff First" is a great motto. Love your car magnet too. Have a happy weekend!

  23. PepiSmartDog: love your portrait photos on the sofa. Beautiful! I totally agree - live a little - if not today, then when?
    Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
    We always look forward to reading your posts each week. Have a great week! *waves paw* :=o)
