
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Quilting in unusual places....

Do you know what this is?
The obvious answer to a quilter is, Mariner's Compass.
It's made from fabric of course.
The location is the amazing thing...
It's on the prow of this boat. Here's the rest of the story...
While in Lake Placid we went for a "swim" each day with Cole along with every other dog, kayak, iron-man trainee, child, SUP, and boater in town that day. It was a party. On this day people were setting up for a mini-triathalon.
A very fit middle aged woman stood next to a hand crafted wooden boat. Kind of like a crew style, long and thin.
Inlaid wood, shiny, fit like her.
It had inlaid wooden ducks on the prow, see??  And... what is THAT??
A mariner's compass on the prow? I explained to the woman that I am a quilter and have a blog on living the creative life, asking if I could take a picture. "I quilted too, but now I knit" she said.
Turns out she and her husband built the boat, she designed and made the mariner's compass from fabric then coated it in shellac.
As I do, I began to chat with her, to learn some of her story. I want to hear everyone's story...
She is a guardian ad litem in Juvenile court in MA. I used to go to court weekly with my social work cases, hoping I could obtain a guardian ad litem for the children under my watch. We shared stories! A nice little surprise connection in the sun, dripping from lake water, with a husband and poodle standing by.
So as it turned out, this tanned-brown, fit, slip-of-an-athletic-woman with her hand made wooden boat and I had a lot in common.


  1. What a great day! I love th serendipity of finding a quilting block in unusual places. There is a whole ton of quilt patterns inthe mosaic floors of the Terrace Houses in Turkey!

    1. I can only imagine! That's where we got a lot of ideas I am sure. I'd love to see them. LeeAnna

  2. I love that! Such a pretty Mariner's Compass and I love seeing it on the boat. Very pretty!

  3. Beautiful! How neat to find a kindred spirit.

  4. What quilter could resist putting a mariner's compass on a boat?
    So nice that you found that connection!

  5. Who'd have thunk it?? I never who have suspected it to be fabric and I guess that shellac really works. A great story from you, as usual.

  6. Proof read, proof read! Of course I meant "would have suspected", but you probably knew that. Anyway....I always enjoy reading about you and Cole's adventures.

  7. Good eye to notice the compass and how interesting to find connections with the maker.

  8. Lovely story and it pays off to talk to people because you learn the most interesting things.

  9. Hi LeeAnna!
    Hobbies certainly bring people together!

  10. Hi LeeAnna!
    Hobbies certainly bring people together!

  11. it looks great and it makes this boat special :o) and it must be a special boat because it brought you together :o)

  12. How neat to find a Mariner's Compass, and made of fabric, too, in such an unusual place. But it's not so unusual when we think about it as a navigational tool. Don't you love to find connections and commonalities all around us??!!

  13. That is a gorgeous boat. Hope you had a good time in Lake Placid! Your description of the beach made me laugh. I've been there quite a bit on my quest for mountains, and I think there's been Iron Man trainees in the water every time. ;P

  14. That's brilliant - amazing how quilting connects all aspects of life!

  15. That is SO cool, LeeAnna! Both the chance meeting with a kindred spirit, and the "inlaid" fabric Mariner's Compass on the boat. I had no idea you could do that -- now my mind is spinning with the possibilities!

  16. Very cool boat! So neat with that fabric Mariner's Compass!!

  17. What adorable craft purchases! And handsome Cole. Good he's keeping you in line. ;)
