
Friday, May 29, 2015

Sugar Bowl and Creamer

The tea set needed serving pieces... so here's a sugar bowl. That's some of my Alice in Wonderland fabric, fussy cut. Alice would have been on here but she was too tall...( hadn't sipped the shrinking-liquid yet)
And the cream pitcher. We like a lot of cream. The scrap was too small so I added in a little lime, and really, isn't lime almost always a good idea??
Maybe we'll want some dishes for a snack...
Here's a shot of the new dishes...
and one of the whole green set...
All patterns from SewPrecise software
Think about where your motivation comes from... what takes you from thinking "that might be fun" to actually making a block?
I credit SoScrappy link party with a new color each month for pushing me from the thinking about it to the actual making of it stage. Check out the other blocks being made with green at her link. I am also thankful for my other link party sites (see my links page) including the paper piecing going on today at


  1. So wonderful! I have a book that has all kinds of dishes to paperpiece. I need to dig that out again! Motivation and inspiration, i have lot of that. Oomph to get started is another thing!

    You are on a roll with your scotties and your dishes!

  2. So awesome! I love them all.

  3. Lovely set of dishes! Hugs, Julierose

  4. i am mad about those delicious dishes you made!

  5. Seriously love your fussy cut dishes.

  6. Your dishes are soooooooo cute!

  7. I love this post. Your colours are smaching.

  8. I can't wait to see this quilt when it is finished. It's going to be amazing!!

  9. What a totally charming tea set! And, you're right--a little lime is always a good thing!

  10. Such lovely dishes! Love that white rabbit!

  11. Hi LeeAnna,
    This is turning into a great tea party!
    One thing I'd love to have is a Mad Hatters Tea Party!
    All those cups and saucers, teapots and things piled up on one table!
    Take care,

  12. The sugar bowl is perfect! Love the teapot too. I enjoy the blocks that represent specific things but right now I'm not inspired to make that sort of thing. I would have been ten years ago or so. I think it's important to recognize that our tastes can change over time.

  13. The March Hare is too cute. Great set of green dishes.

  14. Beautiful collection of china pieces!!

  15. I love the Alice fabric! I wish you could buy china like this in real life.

  16. Those blocks are so fancy and cute! and I love Gatlinburg, too! We added Paula Deen's new restaurant to our "must do" activities this trip.

  17. Love the whole set! I dare say your idea for "collecting" dishes is more fun (and less expensive) than collecting the real thing!

  18. Oh, how cute! And I'm always stuck in thinking something might be fun rather than making it because I'm not creative enough to make a block w/o a pattern of some sort!

  19. The sugar bowl is the best one yet! (I want a real life sugar bowl like that...)
    I'm getting a lot of enjoyment watching your tea sets unfold each week.

  20. These are really lovely blocks! Well done!

  21. Very very cute! Love your fussy cutting & that touch of lime green!

  22. i think I've become more creative with the rainbow scraps, but certainly not to the awesome level like you!!

  23. The fun continues -- love to see your progress!

  24. I just LOVE your fussy cut sugar bowl!

  25. They're all great - but the fussy cut sugar bowl has me drooling! Beautiful work!

  26. Those dishes look great and the Alice fabric is really cool!

  27. I love paper piecing!
    My little girl gasped when she saw me reading this. Alice in Wonderland white rabbit on a tea set? She is already begging for one :D

  28. Gorgeous and so much fun! I am in love with the stack of very cool!!

  29. Hi! These are so cute! I love mugs and cups and your blocks are beautiful! Wish I could find now time to make these, too! x Teje
