
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Daisy, daisy, tell me your answer true...

pattern source piecemealquilts
The RSC2015 color is green for the month of May.

This is May's cow block... in greens!

I call her Daisy for the flowers on her head and her nose.

Sorry about the wrinkles but honestly I couldn't be around this block long enough to really iron it.
This is an Adolescent block... it refused to work with me,  would not do what I wanted it to do, did not want to do ANYTHING I asked of it. Rip. Rip. Rip again.

Let's just look at the pretty fabrics, shall we?
Check out the little dragonflies and butterflies swirling around her body!
The little flowers on her tongue.
Note the bluebells and bees on her ears! Bees are attracted to flowers, you know.
I am considering making the fence with the fabric along the bottom here, a field of daisys showing thru the white fence (imagine if you will)
This is a shot with a little dragonfly head ornament

It's not appliqued on yet... what do you think?

I know the bluebell fabric doesn't really match tone wise but I kept picking it up so finally used it.


  1. I think the dragonfly is a great touch. Some blocks just give you fits, but in the finished quilt, the angst will be forgotten. Hopefully....

  2. I just love your cows every month I can't wait until you make one. She turned out fabulous!

  3. I love your green Daisy, all I see is the beauty of her, I also like the bluebell fabric. (Prefer Daisy without the dragonfly).

  4. I thought only pigs wore that shade of lipstick? But I guess if your name is Daisy you can pretty much do whatever you like.

    1. maybe she kissed a pig... she's not above it. LeeAnna

  5. She is a beauty. Sorry she gave you some trouble....stubborn miss.

  6. I like the dragon fly blaze and the lipstick! it's not easy being green!!

  7. Oh go definitely with the dragonfly--I love it!! this is lovely...I take it making Daisy was a moooving experience lol hugs, Julierose

  8. She is so cute. I definitely like the dragonfly too. Great job!

  9. Isn't she beautiful!! Your quilt is going to be amazing at the end of the year.

  10. This is clearly a cow with character: she's already given you a hard time, she does what she wants: give her the dragonfly on her forehead! I think she has style, like all the others in the meadow. Fun!

  11. She is moo-licious!!! Love the fabrics.

  12. Daisy may have been cantankerous, but I LOVE her!!!

  13. Hi LeeAnna!
    I've known a cow or two with an attitude like that!
    Good thing there are resaurants with golden arches that can accomodate them!
    The drangonfly is a nice touch, maybe try placing her lanidng on top of Daisy's head like the clover on Miss purple cow?
    This is going to be quite a great quilt!
    Take care,

  14. Love daisy! Adolescent block lol!

  15. Sew cute. Love your fabric choices

  16. Oh yes the dragonfly is too cute, well so is the cow. I love cows, the real baby cow are fun to watch, they frolic and play like puppies!

  17. I love your cows so much!
    Especially feisty green ones.

  18. I'm moooooved by her beauty. And I like the field of daisies idea.

  19. Beyond clever. Love the dragonfly.

  20. I love Daisy. I think she should go "Bollywood" and you should add a crystal (or two) to her Dragonfly element!

    Maybe you could do fence sashing when your cowgirls are done!

  21. Very clever use of fabric! I rather like the combo.

  22. I agree with Shannon - your cows make me happy.

  23. Wow! She is gorgeous! Love this design.
    I've just found you and am going to have a nose around your blog...

  24. What a fun block! One of these days I will get around to trying paper piecing!

  25. What a great block! And I love the bluebell fabric. One of my grandmother's milk cows was called Bluebell.

    1. hmmmm maybe I should call her bluebell instead.... LA

  26. Fun block, and so full of all different fabrics--but everything works! I wouldn't change a thing. All the ripping was worth it for the finished block

  27. Dang! A green cow! With a dragonfly! Super, super adorable. I vote to keep the dragonfly. :) Thanks for linking up to Main Crush Monday. I've got a crush on your herd of cows!

  28. I enjoy watching your cow blocks each month. This is going to be a fun quilt!

  29. She is perfect! :) Beautifully done, even though she was adolescent about it ;) Love that, I've had more than my share of adolescent blocks!

  30. Perfect fabric choices, this cow is beautiful and I like the dragonfly!

  31. Love the pretty fabrics! Sorry to hear that this one was being difficult, that's so frustrating! :(

  32. Oh, definitely go with the dragonfly! It is so charming!

  33. Oh, the bluebell fabric looks wonderful with all the others! I also like your idea of the daisies behind a white fence. Adolescent block! Have to remember that one. She is a cutie--and I bet she knows it.

  34. Another beautiful Daisy and I like the dragonfly!

  35. Unbelievably cute! I can't wait to see the whole herd.

  36. Hi Leanne! My husband referenced your post and copied your watermarked image for his WIP blog going out tomorrow on Freshly Pieced and Let's be social. Is that OK? We are giving you full credit, but it inspired him in his first quilt. Obviously, if you don't like the post, we can redact the post, and edit your image out. Let me know!
