
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Silks and Hexies in Fall colors

I saw  elongated hexie papers at Lisa's Clover Hill shop in CT and thought what shall I do with them??
the link is here

Before my latest trip I cut silks, and reflective fabrics from my stash, and actual yardage,  and made a little kit. No scraps this time, I wanted to use the silks I've amassed over the years.

 My hope is it turns into an abstract Fall piece.

 I basted the papers only through the fabric on the back corners, like I do with my plastic templates. It worked fine but the silks fray a lot, so I made sure to leave large seam allowances.

 I make lots of basted sections before I organize them onto a piece of felt, pinning the units into place so they could be taken in the car or to bee. It went together pretty quickly. This usually means there are some left over after deciding on placement. Like starter bread! Waiting for the next project.

This is it so far. The plan now is to quilt in the branches and leaves with metallic or rayon threads. .

Abstractions are hard for me, I usually like looking at representational art on the wall. I briefly considered appliqueing a trunk or some branches, and still might couch some thick brown threads for the smaller branches. This is if I can stop moving the pieces around and finish it. I'm trying to decide whether to square off the outside edges by  piecing in some half elongated hexies.
So what do you think?
Some people say those take too long, or I don't like hand work. Well, it takes all kinds, and I love to keep my hands busy while the tv is on at night or I'm riding in a car. I have to say, I get a teensy little thrill when I baste a shiny silk onto a shape. It's like playing with colorforms. 
(The above pics are taken on my portable design wall that opens up, is two sided and can be taken to classes. I teach it as a workshop)
For other hexie projects check out the labels on the side, my art or this is gonna take a while! ==>>


  1. Wow, that is stunning so far! What an incredible amount of intrigue work but well worth it!

  2. A lovely project! Hexies are exciting.

  3. Hi LeeAnna!
    Love the new label...."gonna take a while" !
    Working with small brave girl! Looks great so far!
    What an image of a tree, or part of one, it will be!
    Take care,

  4. I love the look of the elongated hexes. Your fabrics are beautiful for fall.

  5. I enjoyed reading about how you piece the silk; I've shied away from silk for precisely that fraying. You make it look so beautiful and tempting, and the fall colors with the possible addition of branches and/or a trunk are going to look spectacular!

  6. Well I'm a English paper piecing fool and love projects that are over 1000 pieces - so I don't think that they took too long. One thing with this kind of project is that you can play with value as well as color - its so much fun! Love the colors!

  7. Colors are great together and I know what you mean about hand work. I always have to have something for sitting quietly times. Love it

  8. Oh these colours are stunning!I like the elongated shape as well.

  9. Oh you know me...agree with ya...always having something as hand to stitch is a neccesity!! LOL!! Love your progess on this one...

  10. What a great take along project!
    Love the colours!

  11. Oh, I like the idea of using silk. Is it slippery to work with?
    I have a hard time with abstractions too.

  12. LeeAnna, The colours are beautiful! That's how it is with silk, it drives you nuts with all the fraying, but it's worth it for the end result.

  13. Cathy, it's slippery and doesn't crease as well, sometimes there are slubs that get in the way, but all that said, I love the look and will love the look after quilting too. Just a bit fiddley. LeeAnna

  14. You've captured the autumn colours perfectly. I made a little silk hexie pillow recently and really enjoyed it. If you use habotai it's got a nice firm feel about it and looks fantastic. Like you say, the shimmery effect will be wonderful :) Stephie

  15. The silks look beautiful and your abstract design is perfect for them!
