
Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Quilter's Quest

Jinny Beyer and LeeAnna
 Hi, Cole here for Mischief Monday!
Dad and I decided to take Mom to the Quilter's Quest shop hop on Saturday. I was all excited as I love to shop and imagine my surprise when the first stop was the VETS. Yikes!

But then I didn't have to leave the car and relaxed when I saw Dad bringing food out. Whew! Nobody had to get poked, or plucked or prodded. Let's get on the road to Virginia and Jinny Beyer's Studio.

 Mom spends a lot of time when we go here. Miss Jinny is so kind to me, letting me sniff where Mommy shops, as she loves dogs too. She has a one year old Lab!
Anyway, here's mom with the details.
Jinny is so gracious and her shop so chock full of fun, you really must visit if you are near Great Falls VA. I enjoyed digging thru the scrap bin (fill a bag for $5) and bought 5 yards of sale fabric. She designed the Quest batik I'll show at the end of the post.

The loot! 5 yards of lucious sale fabric, a free pattern, a bag of large scraps perfect for hexies and diamonds, and the packet of strips.
I even got a hand piecing lesson from her at the end as she made a terrific tumbling block from 9 diamonds. She has kits and patterns for it.
There were hand applique lessons as well. All in all, a fun stop.

 I didn't make it to all the shops this year, but we did go to Capital Quilts in Gaithersburg, MD...

Welcome to another fun and  friendly store! There were so many people Mommy didn't want me to go beyond the doorway, and besides

My friend Mazda who works here with her mom the owner, was worn out from greeting Questers. She was taking a pup nap while I was there so we didn't get to sniff noses this time.

You should see all the cool pet fabrics her store has, as well as every book, tool, pattern and machines as well.
Just click on images to see details of this section devoted to dogs and cat prints. 

Look at the loot from this store! Aside from the packet of strips you get a pattern, and I found all these too good to pass by fabrics, and that 60 deg diamond table runner pattern. I usually make original works but this will be a great gift and I need to relax with sewing for a bit. The pine cone fabric will go into mine.

Next shop was in Mt Airy MD called Patches. It wins for friendliest shop around. They also have everything a quilter could want and more, sale stuff!!  The owner is so jolly and fun, when she found out Cole was in the car, she said, oh bring him in! She has puggles at home.
 And here is where the Mischief really starts. He greeted the quilters, everyone got a good sniff and pet, and then he became really interested in one of their bags. The woman said, oh that's the ham.
 She had been carrying around ham from store to store since the Annapolis store, where she visited a specialty market!
She was traveling with her Aussie and J.R. and was afraid to leave the ham in the car because it was too tempting. So funny.

Just look into Patches and tell me you don't want to start shopping!

This is some of the Quest Batik fabric, and the camera washed out the vibrant turquoise and purple of it.

It has Washington DC motifs. Jinny will be carrying more of it in her shop after another batch is made. She just got back from India so we can expect fabric designs to keep on comin'
The packets on the left are from the stores and they all made a quilt from the collection of strips. I didn't get all the packets as I didn't make it to all stores, but I hope to make something from these soon.
Hope you enjoyed the tours! LeeAnna


  1. Lucky you! I would love to meet Jinny Beyer.

  2. Thank you so much for your Shop Hop tour and the doggie perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post and seeing all the pictures. What great fabric you purchased.

  3. Love the dog fabric you purchased!! Absolutely cracking up at the picture of Cole in the backseat of your car!!! Seriously...wish everyone was so excited to go on quilt trips with us! LOVE IT!!!

  4. Hi LeeAnna!
    Fun day for a quilt shop hop!
    Great to see you still enjoy quilt shop stores after Houston!
    Lovely stuff you picked up!
    take care,

  5. Oh, wow, I thought some pictures looked very familiar and then I realized that you were in my local quilt shop (Capital Quilts)... I recognized Mazda obviously ;) Thanks for sharing your fun quilt shop hop and congratulations on your great buys!!

  6. What a fun blog, I've gone to all the shops but Ginny's. Was going to go there a few weeks ago while babysitting my grand but she got sick and plans were canceled. I'll be up there again someday so will eventually get there. Love Cole and his happy quilt shopping perspective.

  7. I'd have to drive for days to get to that many quilt shops! You've picked up some great fabrics here, it will be fun looking out for them in your quilts. Cole is such a well-trained dog, I've known people who couldn't behave that well in a quilting shop :-)

  8. Looks like a good day at the quilt shop. Cole is great.

  9. Thank you so much LeeAnna for sharing your blog hop with us! Jinny Beyers has always, always been one of my favorite quilters and I wish I lived close enough to visit her shop! I think Cole had as much fun as all the quilters!

  10. What a great day you had LeeAnna! The first stop at the vet's was very funny. Love the Cole perspective - it makes you think about things differently. How neat that you can bring him with you!
