
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Quilted mugs

Aren't these cute?? There were times yesterday while making them I thought, this is a hot mess! I cut everything incorrectly, I had to rip out stitching, my colors looked like a dog's dinner.

 I know you can relate! We can all relate to those days when the universe decides to teach us patience or perseverance. I mainly just kept going, hoping that it would come together.

The lesson for me here was
1. Don't worry too much about following the pattern.
2. A mix of pattern, color, tint, and shade is not only okay, but preferable to me
3. Things are always darkest just before the dawn, meaning it will look so much better sewn together than all
      stringy and uneven like it looks on the design wall before being neatened up in the seaming. 
4. Keep going even if a cookie break is necessary midway
Look at those little chefs!! And the salt and pepper shakers!!

I LOVE fabric!! 

The pattern came from quiltdoodledesigns  an ongoing free monthly pattern for the year. I am behind a bit, meaning I haven't done the skates yet. She is doing a mix of some rows, and some blocks but all scrappy with a winter theme.
My plan is to quilt the rows then sew them together to make it easier on my back.

That all being said, I changed up the pattern, not using all 2.5 inch squares. I like to use some larger pieces mixed in with the little squares. I use a mix of blues, turquoise, green, and purple as my backgrounds. I am using my scraps which overflow their containers.

Next I need to replace the bulbs in my spotlights with the full spectrum
bulbs DH bought, then my pictures will look normal again.
On to the three small challenge pieces due soon.



  1. Love your cups. They are quite cheery. You must have thrown some away cause I don't see any dark ones.
    Love your stuff.

  2. Hi LeeAnna!
    I love this pattern! Printed Toasty mugs out right away!
    Your creation looks great!
    Take care,

  3. Love these. Great idea to mix up the backgrounds. One or two of these would be great as a mug rug or coasters xxx

  4. I love those mugs and your colors. I have to take a look at the link tomorrow, and maybe try a block or two. Thanks.

  5. Those cups are wonderful. And so is the fabric. AND in the August rainbow scrappy challenge color of red!

  6. Dear LeeAnna,
    Thanks for adding yet another project to my list! I have downloaded the mugs pattern and signed up to get Quilt Doodle's blogposts. Not sure how I missed this one!
    Love your red mugs! They are simply adorable.
    Pugs and kisses,

  7. These are so cute and I love your choice of fabrics. Did you make these for a challenge of some kind?

    1. only a challenge to make this row by row quilt over the next year! It's a pattern from quilt doodles link is up there. I kind of changed it a little. LeeAnna

  8. They are wonderful! Looks like fun!

  9. Adorable mugs! "Things are always darkest just before the dawn": Excellent lesson! I always hit a spot in my projects where I become convinced that I have created the worst mess in sewing history and should probably put my machine away for good LOL...but everything always comes together in the end!

  10. Really amazing work! Love it!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  11. You must give your pooch a pretty good looking dinner cause this looks great to me:-) you always use the cutest fabrics!

  12. I like best that you've changed it up a bit and made it your own. It will be fun to see what the finished quilt looks like at the end of the year!

  13. It's a wonderful piece and I love the way you pieced the background...just great!

  14. Such adorable fabric! I love this and thank you so much for sharing it at TGIFF.

  15. Nice mugs! I like how you've miced up the backgrounds. It adds a lot to the quilt. And I'm always up for a cookie break! They're very necessary!

  16. Nice mugs, and great patched background. It's much more dynamic than using only one fabric. Your changes are such an inspiration.

  17. Your fabrics are great! I especially love the mug with the stripe on it.

    1. that mug is pieced with scraps and I thought it looked very Mary Englebreit which I love.

  18. Oh how stinking cute! I love the scrappiness of it all.

  19. Remember there is no quilt police so you can do whatever you want. The cups are adorable.

  20. Very cute cups -- sorry they stressed you a bit, but you made a good recovery I'd say!

  21. Some projects do get to a point when you wonder if it all "goes" together. Somehow once it is all sewn together though, it usually works out.

  22. I think they look great together. Love the steam coming out of the cups. Too cute.

  23. This is a great block. Love the steam!

  24. Just stick with it and it all comes together in the end. Even if you have to take it apart a time or two. Great little mugs. Love the fabrics.

  25. What CUTE little mugs blocks!

  26. I think your mugs are wonderful. But I understand what you're saying. I agonize endlessly over colors and placement.

  27. Tea, sewing, beautiful fabric. You have combined some of my favourite things. Beautiful work!
